& rapists, MEN (not 'HER'), males with penises who play & pretend being women to get near real women to rape them & get near little boys to sodomize them! These TRANNYs in US are CRIMINALS
Stella, agreed this is clearly a mental illness and I don't mean "gender disphoria". It doesn't matter that he still has a pecker. He would still be a he without his pecker. A human is no less a human minus an arm or a leg are they? All of this bullshit is part of a cultural revolution mixed with a socialist/Marxist agenda and it's being facilitated by forces within our own government. It's just one prong of a multi-pronged attack. The government facilitating illegals pouring into the country is yet another prong and the three letter agencies weaponized against citizens standing against this shit is another prong.
Maybe they will be required to wear lipstick. high heels and skirts. The enemy will laugh themselves to death. I had family, including the immigrant new arrivals, who arrived in the US, promptly signed up for WWII. My great uncle was in the Civil War. Milley is a puzzy who probably has to run home to mama if it starts to rain. And THAT is what is protecting us God help us all.
The rapists need immediate medical assistance . They are acting out as in their previous /original gender. So they must be offered either a lobotomy (to prevent further confusion) or a sexual affirmation (castration) to be congruent with their “persona “
I don't care what a person is. I care who they are and , please don't try to cram it down my throat. Being brought up in a WASP town with an immigrant mother, got plenty of stuff. When we can choose our parents before conception, I will look at people differently. In the meantime, we're genetically stuck with the parents we have, and what they are is what we are.
For the love of God and all that is holy can we please stop using the language of the left? Please? Continuing to use terms that make up legitimizes their insanity.
There is no such thing as "transgender". One cannot transform themselves from a male to a female or vice versa.
You may wear the other teams uniform but that doesn't make you a teammate. You may even alter your physical appearance but that just makes you a cheap copy of the real thing.
So can we please stop entertaining these lunatics before it's to late? Please?
Perhaps the confusing / con-fused pronoun-pumping Trangenderites could give everyone a preemptive reading clue by using “Msr” before their really-wanna-be name.
That's been the agenda for decades. My husband worked down the street from NAMBLA HQ where he saw the agenda set 30 years ago; he then refused to continue in the mental health field because of the (then) push to normalize sexual deviancy.
Yup-- they're trying to make all of the perverted behavior okay in the name of being inclusive of transgenderism. Sexualize kids? Gross--no, wait a minute-- they're standing up for transgender rights so that's different. Put our children (our nation's future) in harm's way by excluding and gaslighting their parents who would literally step in front of a moving train to protect their child? Evil and wrong. No--wait a minute-- you're offending the LGBTQ..XYZ..whatever community, so we're going to take your child away from you if you stand up to these people in the name of protecting your child. Don't you know pedophiles have feelings, too? Just let them view your kids as a sexual object so they can have a few minutes of excitement in their day. They work all day educating your kids. It's the least you can do for them. Idiots....
My observation of my stepdaughter who is a truly lovely good person is that she, as a parent, has been brainwashed about supporting “gender affirming care” for young kids - in just the same way she was brainwashed to allow her own two daughters (11 & 15) to be given the poisonous COVID shots.
She even said to me when we touched on the subject of “gender affirming care” for kids, “Would you rather have a trans kid or a dead kid?” Implying the child would commit suicide if not allowed to pursue sex change “therapy”. This is pure propaganda that’s been put out there and even “smart” parents believe it!!
Of course we know that statistically, those who go through the horrific chemical gender therapies or, worse, the actual bodily mutilation, are much more likely to end up committing suicide when, in despair, they realize they’ve destroyed themselves and there’s no turning back.😭😭😭
So sad. I do think brainwashing is the correct term for it. I think the best thing parents can do is learn to think for themselves, stop being on the internet 24/7, and have healthy social support. If a person is seeking out any approval from any of these wacko transgender activists, or thinking their wellbeing, or especially their child's wellbeing, hinges on anything these crazy people say, they need to get help so they can be the strong parent their child needs. Also, people need to wake up and stop viewing doctors as some kind of superior beings. Just because someone went to school for a long time does not mean they should automatically be entitled to your trust. Anyone who tells a parent that their child will kill themselves if they don't cater to the transgender ideology is emotionally manipulative and should not be allowed to practice medicine.
Problem is rape is the reward for jihad and who in the US today is going to believe the word of a Christian over that of a non-Christian or of a hetero over that of a gay or a trans?
What’s with applying the perp’s preferred pronouns? The dude is still packing. We need to collectively stop accommodating psychopathy.
Stella, agreed this is clearly a mental illness and I don't mean "gender disphoria". It doesn't matter that he still has a pecker. He would still be a he without his pecker. A human is no less a human minus an arm or a leg are they? All of this bullshit is part of a cultural revolution mixed with a socialist/Marxist agenda and it's being facilitated by forces within our own government. It's just one prong of a multi-pronged attack. The government facilitating illegals pouring into the country is yet another prong and the three letter agencies weaponized against citizens standing against this shit is another prong.
Imagine my horror with today's military actively promoting, and acquiescing, to transgenders in the military.
Maybe they will be required to wear lipstick. high heels and skirts. The enemy will laugh themselves to death. I had family, including the immigrant new arrivals, who arrived in the US, promptly signed up for WWII. My great uncle was in the Civil War. Milley is a puzzy who probably has to run home to mama if it starts to rain. And THAT is what is protecting us God help us all.
You see the truth of it. And you have every right to be angry about it.
The rapists need immediate medical assistance . They are acting out as in their previous /original gender. So they must be offered either a lobotomy (to prevent further confusion) or a sexual affirmation (castration) to be congruent with their “persona “
Give them a couple of covid shots and that will take care of the lobotomy part.
How about both.
Yes! I was just trying to give them what they deny to us.
I don't care what a person is. I care who they are and , please don't try to cram it down my throat. Being brought up in a WASP town with an immigrant mother, got plenty of stuff. When we can choose our parents before conception, I will look at people differently. In the meantime, we're genetically stuck with the parents we have, and what they are is what we are.
But ...Sage Hana ...
Put the ones who break the law in prison.
The other prisoners know how to solve this problem.
Maybe the “new pronouns” phenomena is just from orchestrated “BRAINS’ Nutritional Deficiencies and/or toxic food additives” ... like :
-Waaaay too many processed ‘FooL.d additives’
-too much ADDICTIVE sugar$ and fructo$e consumption
-toxic seed-oils from high-heat-and-pressure refineries
-‘purified’ refined salt causing mineral deficiency
-LOW-fat everything
-cholesterol myths
-neurotoxins (fluoride/chlorides) added to drinking water
-food colorings > juveniles’ allergies
- ..... and MANY OTHER BRAIN-zapperZzzzz
For the love of God and all that is holy can we please stop using the language of the left? Please? Continuing to use terms that make up legitimizes their insanity.
There is no such thing as "transgender". One cannot transform themselves from a male to a female or vice versa.
You may wear the other teams uniform but that doesn't make you a teammate. You may even alter your physical appearance but that just makes you a cheap copy of the real thing.
So can we please stop entertaining these lunatics before it's to late? Please?
Start with chopping off the 'he'nis. Videotape it for the next clowns that think it's cool.
Select the prison population who will not take kindly to anyone hurting kids.
Sexual assaults have always been a problem in the military.
The Pentagon won't release the stats of sexual assaults where trans people commit those assaults.
Perhaps the confusing / con-fused pronoun-pumping Trangenderites could give everyone a preemptive reading clue by using “Msr” before their really-wanna-be name.
That's been the agenda for decades. My husband worked down the street from NAMBLA HQ where he saw the agenda set 30 years ago; he then refused to continue in the mental health field because of the (then) push to normalize sexual deviancy.
Kendall Stephens wants to be a woman, so oblige him while in custody by castrating him and reducing his penis to a stump.
Surprise! Someone who is obsessed with sex is, well, obsessed with sex and behaves in a deviant manner.
The sex-obsessed are self-identifying these days. Steer clear.
Yup-- they're trying to make all of the perverted behavior okay in the name of being inclusive of transgenderism. Sexualize kids? Gross--no, wait a minute-- they're standing up for transgender rights so that's different. Put our children (our nation's future) in harm's way by excluding and gaslighting their parents who would literally step in front of a moving train to protect their child? Evil and wrong. No--wait a minute-- you're offending the LGBTQ..XYZ..whatever community, so we're going to take your child away from you if you stand up to these people in the name of protecting your child. Don't you know pedophiles have feelings, too? Just let them view your kids as a sexual object so they can have a few minutes of excitement in their day. They work all day educating your kids. It's the least you can do for them. Idiots....
My observation of my stepdaughter who is a truly lovely good person is that she, as a parent, has been brainwashed about supporting “gender affirming care” for young kids - in just the same way she was brainwashed to allow her own two daughters (11 & 15) to be given the poisonous COVID shots.
She even said to me when we touched on the subject of “gender affirming care” for kids, “Would you rather have a trans kid or a dead kid?” Implying the child would commit suicide if not allowed to pursue sex change “therapy”. This is pure propaganda that’s been put out there and even “smart” parents believe it!!
Of course we know that statistically, those who go through the horrific chemical gender therapies or, worse, the actual bodily mutilation, are much more likely to end up committing suicide when, in despair, they realize they’ve destroyed themselves and there’s no turning back.😭😭😭
So sad. I do think brainwashing is the correct term for it. I think the best thing parents can do is learn to think for themselves, stop being on the internet 24/7, and have healthy social support. If a person is seeking out any approval from any of these wacko transgender activists, or thinking their wellbeing, or especially their child's wellbeing, hinges on anything these crazy people say, they need to get help so they can be the strong parent their child needs. Also, people need to wake up and stop viewing doctors as some kind of superior beings. Just because someone went to school for a long time does not mean they should automatically be entitled to your trust. Anyone who tells a parent that their child will kill themselves if they don't cater to the transgender ideology is emotionally manipulative and should not be allowed to practice medicine.
Cut off her balls. Make her balless
Absolutely. Assist the predator with his disguise as a woman. He should be grateful!
Problem is rape is the reward for jihad and who in the US today is going to believe the word of a Christian over that of a non-Christian or of a hetero over that of a gay or a trans?