Holy sit - look at the population drops in the vaxxed - 900,000 or so gone missing

This is genocide

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I think it's just the numbers getting tested for whatever reason each week. Total population of Scotland is only around 5m.

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Yes ... when the evidence started to stack up that these vaccines were it fit for purpose ... the English Scottish and Welsh data stopped recording... a Huge red flag that shows they knew what they were doing... hiding real facts.. to keep injecting even though they knew it was harming the very people they were supposed to protect...boiling in oil is too good for them,

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IT IS Either you UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED OR Succumb to communist atheist left globallist evil death

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The question now is was why everything failed at once..govt..health services..bureaus that were responsible for safety signals...kinda like there is a big conspiracy of some kind..against every western democracy....

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Sadly, The Georgia Guidestone Eugenicists think it’s all been a brilliant success.

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If their goal is to kill large numbers of people while keeping most people in the dark about their murders, yes, a brilliant success.

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Don't believe your lying eyes when you look at the data. Fall back on the orthodox expert opinions of the public health authorities and the politicians. You know they are never wrong.

Don't be misinformed by reality.

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