If anyone actually thinks that black people can’t be racist, I will be happy to pick them up in a van on a hot summer night, put $50 in their pocket, take away their cell phone, and drop them off deep in the ‘hood on the south side of Chicago, between Illinois Institute of Technology and The University of Chicago and south of 63rd street. I’ll wish them good luck getting back to civilization alive.

If they survive, I absolutely guarantee you their virtuous illusions about the poor, noble, misunderstood and pure hearted minorities will be permanently replaced with a massive bite of stinky reality sandwich.

I once had to drive a handful of liberal academics through said neighborhood one warm night to get them to a conference. I took a shortcut because it was late, everybody wanted to get to the destination ASAP, and I thought it would be fun to tease them with some truths to which they absolutely did not want to admit. It didn’t take long before they became terrified and started urging me to run the red lights at intersections just to hurry us through because they saw that the people in this neighborhood did not go home and to bed late at night, and they feared that we, as Caucasian people, would be attacked. They weren’t wrong. It wasn’t a good place for us to be for sure, but it was rather humorous to see and hear their reactions as they were forced to confront their ideological illusions for the first time. I don’t know if their little adventure shut them up permanently, but it sure did keep their self-righteousness under wraps for the next couple of days.

The reality is that all humans are individuals, and individuals of every race can be racist. And the welfare trap into which the government lured once-rising black society, promotes racism big time. The Marxist globalists have fanned racial hatred amongst their black cattle for many decades, now, because that serves their agenda of first preventing black society from becoming socially, politically and economically successful, then using black decay to erode white society. When Caucasian society has been torn down and destroyed, and the plebes of all colors are too busy fighting each other to pose any threats to the elites, that’s when the elites come in and dispose of their useful black idiots along with everybody else.

As long as the elites can keep black people convinced that Caucasian people are their enemy, they eventually get us all. So, yes, black racism is very much a “thing”, and it serves to kill a two birds with one stone for the globalists. The other half of the equation is that Caucasian people have to lie about it and deny it exists or be called racists themselves and excommunicated from society by their fellow co-dependents. Well, it’s time to stop being cowed and tell it like it is. Busting the globalists’ narratives means breaking the chains that drag people of ALL races down together. Admitting to reality is the first step towards changing it, and change it we must for ALL people’s sakes.

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'Marxist globalists have fanned racial hatred amongst their black cattle for many decades, now, because that serves their agenda of first preventing black society from becoming socially, politically and economically successful, then using black decay to erode white society.' well said.

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boom, the Great Society (and New Deal) broke the backs but it is the Great Society that did much damage. what you wrote here is superb. informative

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Thank you.

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Mouth Waters should have been expelled many years ago! She doesn’t even live in her district, she just has a house there! Hypocrite, she calls everyone racist when she is the worst racist I have ever encountered. Why her district keeps here in power is stupid, SHE DOES NOT SUPPORT THEM, SHE NEVER HAS. SHE TELLS THEM TO GO HOME! And as for family working and earning millions that should be a huge NO-NO. SHE PAYS HER DAUGHTER BIG BUCKS FOR WHAT?

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For some time, more than a day and less than a light year, I’ve been, how you say, grappling with the “Maxine Waters” of life!

No, not the vital, “Mother Nature’s” naturally occurring substance, critical for life to survive. I’m talking about the grifting,unhinged, hatred filled racist, that parasitical congresswoman, Maxine Waters.

She is unlike anything else in human existence. This kind of

life-form I call the

“Maxine Waters” delirium!

An experiment in “not for me only for thee” bombardment which includes anything “racially motivated” form of scolding!

This “life form” exists in plain sight, was entirely created and accepted, within a select few of the Al Sharpton’s, who spew it and used as like a “Darth Vader Shield” they’ve weaponized! Examples like this one below from Obama saying,

“If I had a son, I would want him to be like Trayvon Martin” or Biden saying “if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”! Only one of hundreds of racially proven hatred Biden uses to attack African Americans!

I could write a list stretching to the moon and back, several times over. Yet, “We the People” have been forced to “accept” this constant and over the top, never ending, racially fueled, media protected ignorance! Why?

Why should we accept anything so blatantly racist, so obviously wrong? Who died and left them king? As a matter of fact, kings and queens alike shutter when someone of royalty speaks this way! Minimum of 50 lashes!

So what’s happened? Why have we allowed them to use infamous “N-Word” attacks amongst themselves and or directly against someone else, yet “We The People” could be charged with hate speech? Or today even worse, jailed! Why?

Why? Because “We The People” have allowed this to be accepted! My point is simple. We’ve allowed them, not only to promote themselves, but to show us they’re more important than you or me! They’re protected from the “Wrath of Khan” with no end in sight!

Whether it’s George Constanza saying “a divided George against himself cannot stand” or “We the People”, somewhere along the lines of hate, hate speech to be exact, “We The People” have allowed and accepted this.

The question is why? Was it fear of retaliation? Or was it simply saying something to the effect “Did you hear what Maxine said”today?

Unfortunately, “We the People” have allowed this to become normalized! We’ve accepted this, only from the “Chosen Ones”! This isn’t new at all, what’s happened is we’ve been “desensitized” allowing racist rants to become as American as,“Baseball, Hot dogs and apple pie”!

I’ve said before, I will not comply. “Johnny is Johnny” and “Sally is Sally” PERIOD!. Nobody will tell me what to say about or what I should believe to be reality. I can figure things out myself.

Overtime, people have been lied to repeatedly, so often, they begin to believe whatever they’re told. This has the “Sensodyne Effect. Yes that well known toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. When we start to believe “murder is ok” yes “America We Have A Problem”!

There isn’t any logic, other than a select few people, trying to distort reality. Ultimately this leads to the crafting of new laws, which will only punish “me not thee”!

It’s as though some kind of unknown, unseen deity or “force field” protects Maxine, Obama and Biden among others. Protection against their own filth, while being allowed to spew their hatefulness on “We the People”!

These criminals are allowed to commit crimes, verbally and physically against everyone else, and get away with it!

Then they craft news laws, once again, protecting themselves, while prosecuting the rest of us.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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thank you for this stirring piece. Maxine is special for she represents most of what is wrong with DC...pure corruption, self serving...this lady enriched herself as blacks for decades while she ate at the trough of tax payer money...suffered. she is a pure racist and in your face racist.

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As you often say Dr, BOOM!

Thank you,


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This statement:

'These criminals are allowed to commit crimes, verbally and physically against everyone else, and get away with it!

Then they craft news laws, once again, protecting themselves, while prosecuting the rest of us.'...this IMO is the mother load...this is our problem today.

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Exactly Dr. Everywhere I travel,

every client I speak, with knows this. Most simply say, “Oh well what can you do”? That’s why!

We’re all afraid to speak out against them. Over time, they’ve made this acceptable and we’ve accepted it.

We all know it, including those responsible. We know it isn’t, they know it isn’t (maybe some know) but most know it isn’t ok.

Thank you Dr for you allow me to express myself in hopes, more people will do the same. There’s “power in numbers” and Americans harness this numerical powers, though I don’t think they know it.

Which is why I thank you ever so gracefully.


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boy oh boy, your writing is exceptional.

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Thank you again Dr,

I write how and what I’m feeling.

I also, at times, say how I feel.

Which was the point I was trying to make.

We wouldn’t allow our children to speak at us, with such disrespect. Why have we allowed these people to get away with it?

Why is it ok, for it isn’t ok, I’ll be kind and say, these people, to get away with saying anything they want, including their racist ranting?’

Maybe in my next life, I’ll be privileged to sit in on one or two,

Maxine Waters or Al Sharpton type, podium diatribes and believe me you, I would call them out at the time, every time, all the time!

Which is why I said, “We the People” have allowed this, “one way, it’s their way or the highway” mentality. We’ve allowed them too! They’re allowed and no body slams them for it!

Thanks Dr.


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Racism is pure self centered, narcissistic evil. The word itself is used to destroy innocence.

Racism is all about greed, jealousy, and hatred.

The moral fiber of a racist would have the above characteristics. The heart and will of a racist would not have the capability of even knowing empathy.

Through my lifetime, the people I have chosen to be around, do not have those characteristics. It would be demoralizing and totally exhausting to share space with such narrow minded beings.

It’s gut wrenching to watch the elected government leadership have such views as does M. Waters. Racist people, themselves elected her, non racist would have no purpose to elect someone who spews such hatred and envy.

The real racist are easy to spot. Their hands are open wide, waiting for the next hand out. They are obnoxiously making loud noise, spewing words of accusations, in an attempt to acquire more influence, power, and things that are going to rot in hell.

If they only knew, there is real peace along the way, when from inside the soul and being, of a non racist heart, joy of life brings contentment.

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thank you for this impactful post this morning...its in the readers of stack that I have realized most of the education and critical thinking comes from.

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That whatsit cross between a bag of tar and a rabid cow has the sense of a constipated flea and the IQ of a watermelon. Just WTF is this alien species? Who are the stunned dunts who voted for this pimp's daughter? STFU already you diseased mentally moronic mutha.

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When this fine specimen of culture came out in the 2020 campaign and says” if you see them at a grocery store, department store,or a gasoline station or anywhere, tell them they are not wanted! You create a crowd and push back on them and tell them they are not welcome!”

Her words, not mine. She has proven time and time again through her actions and voting history to be completely rascist , fascist, and self righteous!

Follow her money, she be corrupt as hell too

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Except don’t join the military. It is not a good place to be right now.

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Serving is maybe the most important thing, most respectful and special role yet you are right...the US military is being hollowed out and Obama did massive damage...when the shia fired McChrystal I knew his goal for our military...

'Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates described McChrystal as "perhaps the finest warrior and leader of men in combat I ever met."[8] However, following unflattering remarks about Vice President Joe Biden and other administration officials[9] attributed to McChrystal and his aides in a Rolling Stone article,[10] McChrystal was recalled to Washington, D.C., where President Barack Obama accepted his resignation as commander in Afghanistan.[11][12][13]'

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I would have agreed with you in times past that it was the best thing most young men could do, but it is currently not a place where service is honored. The current military is not being led by honorable people and members are abused at every turn. I went to Annapolis for a time in a previous life, but I would recommend it to no one today. Conservatives are filtered out in so many ways today and the culture no longer focuses on winning wars, but on checking all the left’s favorite social justice boxes.

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I would like Kamel-ass to live in a country with 100% negro judges, lawyers and DA's.

In Africa.

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