Savage might be correct, but Life>>>politics.

Anyone who votes Democratic in order to preserve the "right" to destroy the life in her womb is in need of recalibrating her moral compass.

I am glad things are coming to a head in this country, as resistance to leftist excesses is growing more vocal. There is going to be a Great Reset, maybe one that the WEF and its Democratic Party orcs did not plan on.

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Divide and Conquer is the goal, makes the job easier. From what I can see, the destruction of America is intentional. We just have to see the bigger picture here, the planned pandemics, the food shortages, the several food plants and fertilizer plants destroyed in the last year, Gates buying up Farmland. The killing off... oops I mean all the dying livestock, the climate change BS for everyone to cut back on CO2, there is way more I could go off on. I've been learning to connect the dots over the last 2 years and realize we've been lied to about most everything. So I am realizing what's a distraction and fuel to their fire for their cause. Not saying this isn't an important issue, it is. They are using it to their advantage and it should have never been a partisan issue, it's a distraction! Keep your eye on the WEF and the WHO. I do want to add that Abortion used as birth control is murder. I feel that it should only have to be used in an emergency. Women have rights too but so does the unborn baby, that's a life!


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It was the right time. We know much more about the unborn than we did 40 years ago. It’s not their body—it’s a human being.

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It is a trigger issue for many on the left. But how will they get to their friendly Planned Parenthood clinic with gas prices above $7 a gallon in San Franfreako?

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We have lost sight of the point-it is a human being that is being killed. NO ONE has the right to kill another human being. Everything else is irrelevant.

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Wrong time. This is a provocation that is entirely contrary to the interests of the country right now. Both parties love this issue as it divides and distracts us, preventing us from addressing very serious issues we face. Abortion is a serious issue and should be limited. Same time, far too many “conservatives” are happy to have government intervention on medical decision making; just pass a law and it’s solved; and it’s just lazy and wrong. If you oppose abortion, then do the hard work of supporting adoption, support birth control so people can choose extending Christianity to the lost Americans, and supporting strong families with local, private charity. Don’t rely on government to solve this problem. As for the useless RINO justices (Roberts, ACB, Kavanaugh) that brought us this decision, they proved entirely unreliable in defending our basic liberties these past two years; and it’s not beyond them to undermine the populist movement this way.

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terrible timing. mid-terms were set to be a landslide for Republicans. not that doing what's right should be constrained by timing. but we really need investigation and prosecution of the covid cartel; and a complete rework, or destruction and rebuilding of the FDA, CDC and others. now the Dems have one issue to drive voters to them.

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I’ll take the other side of this bet. The Democrats are going to be crushed on the economy alone. Plus the majority of the country oppose unrestricted abortion. Abortion will not be a mid term factor.

Massive, humiliating defeat coming. Brace for heavy rolls.

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So... the thesis is: increase polarization by bringing the Roe v. Wade issue as a midterm election topic, an issue to which women from both sides can relate, and somehow this has been done deliberately. If this is the case, “the greatest trick the devil could ever pull is convincing the world he didn’t exist”. We’re in for a rough ride.

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It is not judgment on the woman. It is defending the most vulnerable.

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Savage's premise is wrong; republicans and evangelicals are not legislating anything about women's bodies; this was an independent Supreme Court decision based on the correct interpretation of the constitution and it was the right time because it was long overdue; political correctness and fallout be damned!

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"It's the economy stupid" Voters care about gas prices over abortion.

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True. What's also true is it's strange how the Court just decided to make this ruling -- with no case to decide.

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Uhhh the instigators for violence against judges and proliferation are democratic leaders. But they are busy with J6 investigation. If women vote because of one issue to abort babies then we are all in trouble. Here is hoping some awakening happens to all of us. The passion to destroy as in Janes revenge is insane. There is a mass derangement to destroy. The political affiliation matters not.

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The Republicans snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?

It isn't like they don't have decades of practice at this.

Hell, they have supported everything Biden has done, including Merrick Garland, possibly the only person they could have gotten less competent than Robert Mueller.

“There are no sides.”

“There’s no Sunnis and Shiites.”

“There’s no Democrats and Republicans.”

“Just haves and have nots.”

—Six Term Senator Charles Meachum

It is all a “Big Show” and there is no 'Deep State' but just “THE STATE.“


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There's a viral YouTube video being shared by a young woman who basically says it's the left's fault for Roe v. Wade being overturned because they pushed too much and now want abortion up until birth.


It kind of sums up my feeling. I think abortion is wrong, but I'm not in favor of banning it in part because I favor bodily autonomy and medical freedom (I'm against vaccine mandates). But abortion activists have been going too far.

I used to march in pro-choice rallies when I was young, changed my heart, and now this "abortion on demand with no apology" mantra sickens me.

No-one has a right to murder a viable child, even if it's inside a woman's belly. Birth the child and adopt it out once it's feasible! This embracing of full-term abortion is what's really gotten me turned off by the pro-choice movement...and I'm thus not going to be favoring Democrats on this issue, even though I really don't like the Republican party either.

The short version of my answer is, I'm actually thinking the midterms are not a given for the Democrats whatsoever, despite Roe's demise.

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