Queen Elizabeth was such a stickler for setting the right example for her subjects, I don’t believe she’d not take shots if her countrymen were mandated to. Remember the mask & social distance mandates? We learn lately that the PM Boris & friends ignore those & partied on. While we saw the widowed Queen sitting alone with her dutiful black mask at her husband’s funeral. She was a stickler for doing the “right thing.”

I was always hoping she wouldn’t succumb bc I felt those death shots would be her demise.

My first thought when I heard was “the d@mn shots.” She went in hours not days; sudden collapse? So fast her children couldn’t get there in time? Blood clots?

An honest autopsy would let us know.

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I agree with you 100% that she would have taken them to set a good example to her subjects. Her husband likely did as well. Bet Charles did not.

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Did Charles urge her to get jabbed?

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a stroke?

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We will NEVER get an honest autopsy!! Lol. So unfortunate!

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You really think they let her touch it, I doubt it. I heard that Dr. Simone Gold is sitting on evidence that over 100 politicians have been treated for Covid with ivermectin… I wouldn’t be surprised if these globalists (which her son is for sure) all avoided it. I always doubted the Biden story and definitely the Bourla story. He’s not stupid enough to get the Pfizer vaccine 😏

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could be, could be true what you wrote and Simone is a hero of mines and a friend. Yet we put all on the table.

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By the way, just to clarify, by “her son” I meant the queen’s son, not Simone Gold’s. I just reread it, and it felt confusing. Thanks Dr. Alexander, for what you do, and for your response.

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Thank God she is free. Louie Gohmert is one of the true Patriots and it was heart warming To see him honoring her when she was released.

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They’re stupid enough to believe their own repeated lies, however, the batch numbers do vary in content in varying locations. I am inclined to think Queen Elizabeth was different to the rest, maybe outnumbered. I think she was also broken hearted.

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I save many, many videos and articles & I know for a fact I saw I clip of Bourla speaking to someone about taking the shots himself. When asked, he basically said he didn't feel like he needed them-that he is healthy... Now I cannot find that video. It may have been on someone's Twitter acct that got banned. I don't believe for one second that Fauchi did. I'd bet on it..

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Could it have been on the Lex Fridman interview?

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Darn, I was counting on those folks being double jabbed and quadruple boosted. If not I think they should have an IV infusion of mRNA vaccine. Run it in wide open with a bolus IVP when its done. Now they are planning to round everyone up and make every injectable vaccine mRNA. No more for us ever.

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Well, the soon to be King Charles is a WEF sycophant, as too are his sons. Probably more 'useful idiots', than orchestrators.

The Commonwealth's King is a eugenicist who firmly believes humans are causing catastrophic global warming. Hardly a King for the people.

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In my opinion, Charle’s track record with the WEF runs contrary to the objectives of the Constitutional Monarchy.

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Actually, I was "thinking" the same thing! I do wonder if the covid shots killed Queen Elizabeth.

The Queen looked pretty good in June 2022 during the Jubilee.

The photo I saw of the Queen two days before her death, while meeting the new Prime Minister Truss, she looked shockingly frail and aged.

Whatever killed her, took her down fast and hard.

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That’s not unusual for 96.

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I also doubt she died on that day. She was needed to recognise the new Prime Minister. Now there's an excuse to change us over to digital currency rather than print new with Charles on the notes and coins. Now Charles can go full promotion of WEF agenda when it's clear they're speeding things up. We have an energy cost crisis in the UK and this is meant to distract us from it.

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Loathsome though he may be -- and he is indescribably loathsome -- I'd far rather have a dollar bill or a pound note with his face on it to exchange for value, than any CBDC.

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You may be right about currency.

It is my understanding that King Charles, as his mother did, must remain apolitical, as well as give up his involvement in all his previous global causes. Regarding the latter, he said as much in his first speech, though we all know one can be "involved" without being involved. It will be interesting watching this unfold in the next months.

What a pity that PM Liz Truss will not benefit from the wisdom of queen who met weekly (twice a month?) with 14 prime ministers. She surely had a formidability about her that would give these leaders cause to pause.

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I can't help but agree with your suspicions. I questioned Prince Phillips sudden demise last year. And now the Queen. Will we ever geta cause of death in this situation.. I rather doubt it. It will be chalked up to old age. Funny enough before Covid she was a pretty spry individual who appeared to be functioning well. And then she suddenly went downhill. Age or medicine. We will probably never know why she died.

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A family member, now 86, was walking briskly five miles a day a year ago. He was 85 going on 65, the picture of good health. After his third shot, all kinds of health woes suddenly attacked him, commencing with weeping, itching blisters all over his legs. Then diagnosed with CHF. He is now a shadow of himself, saddened bewildered by his sudden health woes.

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Elizabeth and Prince Philip, were jabbed January 2021. Either Pfizer or AstraZeneca.

Prince Philip hospitalized Feb . Dies April .

Queen overnight stay in hospital October 2021.

She tested positive for covid- Feb 2022. Was fully jabbed + booster shot by the time of her diagnosis.

William & Charles get Covid April 2020 (and said nothing until Nov in order to "not alarm the nation.”).

William gets jabbed May 2021

Charles gets covid again Feb 2022.

Both Charles and Camilla are triple vaccinated.

Princess Michael of Kent, got two doses of Oxford/AstraZeneca shot and was reportedly ill for a month and suffering from blood clots.

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Thank you for publishing this. I had not known that Peter McCullough was, as you, raising these questions to an on-line audience. John Campbell's video the day of the Queen's death was what first brought this horrible spectre to my mind in her specific case. Where would the world be without you seekers of truth? Lost, indeed.

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Just look up all the photos of Charles with Schwab. They go back many decades. Perhaps they needed to bring forward the so-called great reset? Had to have Charles as head of state? Oh, look there is a photo of a Rothschild poking a future king in the chest? How many people get to prod a finger into Charles?

The UK began boosting the over-70s last Monday. What is that? Their 5th or 6th shot. Did she have a booster? We will never know the truth one way or another. There will always be doubt and suspicion whether they tell us she did get boostered or whether they say that she did not. I suspect they will say nothing.

The Queen was 96 years old. Frail little old ladies do die suddenly. Most of us will be luckly to get to our 70s. Enjoy every moment you get folks.

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I would have thought that they were given a placebo but now I’m not so sure. I said to my husband she looked so different and old compared to how she looked at the dukes funeral. A customer of my husband mid 60s with diabetes and had part of his foot removed a while back is now looking closer to death. The foot problem is getting worse and not healing. I’d be surprised if he lives another 6 months yet he told my husband that anyone who didn’t take the vaccine deserved to have medical treatment refused. Didn’t Gavin newsom have a side effect.

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I do wonder myself whether the vaccines killed the Queen. I heard several months ago that she had received the vaccines.......but who can tell in this current evil environment.

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Dr. Alexander - You're not thinking straight! Or, you don't understand.

THE CROWN - so, the Queen, the King Consort, Philip, as well as the soon-to-be-crowned King, Charles, and even the heir apparent, William - IS ALL IN ON THE NWO... They knew/know the jabs are dangerous - there's no way in hell they'd take them!!! No, they want to be exactly where they are, exactly what they are - and the NWO folks will let them, as long as they "go along to get along", play their game, and don't try to derail the NWO's efforts at a One World Corporatist (fascist) Government.

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With the Queen gone, Charles, the WEF sycophant, becomes King. I wouldn't be so sure the Queen wasn't persuaded to take the shots.

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I understand you want to believe she was one of the "good ones". I did, too. However, she wasn't. But, I did my own research, and came to that conclusion myself. Perhaps you should check into her background yourself, if for nothing else but to be comfortable with your assumption.

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Grrlrocks, I agree with you. I don't believe for one minute that she or any other of the royals took a jab. If any of them had to be shown in public taking a "jab", it is a surety that whatever was in that vial was not anything but something harmless.

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I make no assumptions with her character. Nor do I have any desire to believe she was 'good'. I merely point out that Charles is likely a more effective weapon of the WEF, and being King enhances his potency.

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You're not understanding how far this all goes back into history, and how many decisions have been made and by whom over time to bring us to this point. I'm NOT saying I understand it all myself, but I am seeing the pattern. QE played her part, and now Charles will take over. Look across the "Western" world, and the entire world... How many "leaders" have changed in the last couple of years, and how the "replacements" are "worse" than those they "replace"? This is a big inflection point - and, those with the real power no longer care to keep as much of this under wraps as before. They're embolded by their success in getting us to this point, and believe they will be successful in pushing/pulling/forcing us the final steps into utter enslavement via digital "currency(ies)" and ESG scores (a type of CCP-style social credit score). So, yes, Charles will likely be a "more effective weapon of the WEF... [as] King", but only because they believe they are unstoppable at this point, and he will do whatever is required of him because he wants to keep his status and lifestyle, and life.

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It's not clear how you are able to ascertain my depth of 'understanding' from a short comment implying a passing of the reins to Charles (a more able bodied, and outspoken WEF acolyte) from the 96 year old Queen will add to the Royal's contribution to the WEF agenda? The Queen's dedication to the 'cause' is largely irrelevant given her fragile state. King Charles can ply the global elites dastardly plan with vigour - more so as King, rather than Prince, and moreover than an infirm Queen.

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What exactly are you bitching about??? In essence, I AGREED with you...!!! I thought you didn't understand fully what's happening, that's all.

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Agree I feel None them took this planned jab any stars or political that did it were the Your not Part of the Club! NWO WEF etc. depopulation Queen was aware what was going on!

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I’m not entirely convinced any of the elite are taking the clot shots but at the same time it wouldn’t surprise me if she was ‘sacrificed’ for “Greater Good” to deflect or enable to bury some bad news or dodgy legislation. UK should be extra vigilant for the next two weeks on all other matters!

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That was my very first thought after seeing the announcement. She made it all the way to 96- why now? Those of us that are awake know why. Each day that goes by, I think about how diabolical the inventors of the spike protein are and how much they loathe humanity.

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Yes Canada’s PM invested $$$ in 2 BC universities to come up with this New technology Lipid Nano technology... particles put into jab to help push mRNA through your body! Along with what ever else... to depopulation! All planned they All know exactly what’s going on! It was planned for many years! I’m sure they al sat around thinking if all the good and bad that will come of this plan...

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I thought the same thing. Will we ever find out her autopsy results for amyloid, D-dimer or troponin levels? Or Philip's? Charles and his sons also did their 'duty' re: shots and masks and are all die-hard WEFerWHOfers. Watch what happens to Megan and spare-heir Harry's kids, jabbed to the hilt in mandate-crazy California where there are NO vaccine exemptions of any kind for children including for Covid, anywhere in the state including Montecito. If amyloid doesn't do them in, there's always a chance of wildfire. Brit gov cautioned against Covid jabs for kids and can't force childbearing-age aristos to take jabs, so Will and Kate's healthy brood will ensure there is a future monarchy, and Liz and Phil's line will endure while the rest of us own nothing, eat nothing, and die of joy.

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I live in Northern California. I can assure you there are LOTS of people and kids who were not forced to take the jabs, nor did they do so voluntarily. The California mania seems to be largely in the big blue cities like L.A., SF, San Diego etc. My daughter is a nurse and she effortlessly got a vaccine exemption, as did many other nurses she knows. I've met endless numbers of people who are now willing to confess they didn't get the shots. Early on, unknown numbers got fake fax cards that were sufficient for a great many public events. When they flashed the cards going into places, they were barely looked at. My husband and I had cards ourselves, although we never went anywhere that we needed to use them. In CA people were putting photos of the "cards" on their iPhones. It was such a big crock, but there are always certain numbers of predictable, fearful people (can you say Dems) who rushed to get the shots.

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This is ALL A SHOW! The Queen and Monarchy are part of the Globalist Elite. They would not touch the poison jabs they make their subjects and sheeple take. The White Hats are saying that the death of the Queen is a Comm (some say she has been dead for a while now), and is a sign that evil will be exposed and taken down.

The Royal family is involved in drug, sex, human trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse. They are not nice people as they are part of the Satanic Cult that has controlled humanity for so long and will now be exposed so that humanity will finally be freed and their Karma returned unto them!

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I tend to believe that QE has been gone for a while now.

The biggest signal came in 2017 when Trump broke all formal protocols and stepped him front of the Queen at the reviewing of the guard, the same thing happened with Prince Charles and nothing was ever said!

Strange things happened a couple of years back like Buckingham Palace being closed for a very long period of time for renovations.

The Queen moving out for the reno permanently when the Palace was large enough to live in parts of it while other parts were renovated.

Then the deepfake Christmas speeches and her weird carriage ride as a hologram?

Too much strangeness to be coincidental as well as hints being dropped that something big was coming a few weeks back.

Link to this with the Pope ordering the Vatican Bank to divest itself of all foreign investment and repatriate all the money back to the VB. Combined with the leadership of the Knights of Malta being dissolved.

As for ‘King’ Charles III, he’s 73 so don’t expect a long happy reign from him.

My intuition tells me that “the game’s afoot” to quote Sherlock Holmes and Shakespeare.

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Thank You for your excellent input. I can't pay attention to details, but it is all there for those who do. I think a lot of this is a Show and a Movie to wake up the Normies. When enough of the sheeple wake up - it will be Game Over for the Elite and they know it. As much as I don't look forward to all the suffering and chaos that we will have to go through. I am looking forward to living in a New World where we will be freed of these Satanic Psychopaths, and we will finally be able to live in peace, freedom and prosperity on this planet for generations to come!

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