Unfortunately, the indoctrination in the liberal arts school soiled my daughter's brain, and she is afraid of guns. I'm working on it with her, but it's slow going.

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God bless you and keep trying. She'll understand sooner or later.

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I was going to say something here, if it were just you and I chewing the fat, but it's an open forum, so I deleted it.

Censored myself, which is rare.

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and yet in britain, they still pour in from the channel, orchestrated by the agenda whores, paid for by so called charities, and or civilisation is deteriorating rapidly...

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As they said in the Whole Nine Yards. Ain't nothing finer than a naked woman holding a gun.

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Thank you Dr Alexander for your Courage, Truth, Intelligence and your Stamina in fighting for Humanity! God Bless you, HERO!

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“Thank you for your courage” Does the abbreviation “ITM” mean anything to you? If so, I’m happy to find another (potential?) Dame.

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Pics or your statement is a lie.

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They will get no argument from me, depending on the woman.

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“Well you don’t think we’re just going to let you walk out of here?”

“Who’s we sucka?”

“Me, Smith, and Wesson.” - Inspector Harry Callahan, SFPD

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Thank you Dr. Alexander. In Canada, as of September no hand guns can be shipped into , bought or sold.

So, don’t give up your laws in the US to carry guns.

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The great equalizer. A 90 year old great Grandma can stop a large male thug. That's not a theory. She did after her home was invaded.

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It was always going to end up here. This is what all these drag queen story hours mean, and these "family-friendly drag shows". It's all about sexualizing children and grooming them to become prey for pedophiles -- sorry, "Minor-Attracted Persons." https://www.sott.net/article/472444-Child-rape-is-the-gender-ideology-end-game-Spanish-governments-Minister-of-Equality-says-children-have-the-right-to-have-sex-with-whoever-they-want

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I like an M92 Zastava, but nothing wrong with a less capable weapon it it is at least 380 and you can hit what you shoot at (practice practice practice).

M92 Zastava


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Always have one on me. Never leave home without it and 2 extra mags just in case. :-)

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MMA, jiu-jitsu, Krav Maga, people need to know how to defend themselves. In some instances, they might not have the time to draw their firearm; In close contact situations.

*The knee is not a typical joint (ball and socket), it is one bone on top of two bones. When someone is coming at you THAT LEAD LEG has all the weight. THAT is the one to place an INSIDE THE KNEE, or OUTSIDE the knee KICK ONTO. That will give you the time to escape. 🙏🛐🙏

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The great equalizer

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Say hello to my little friend.

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Do I get booted off the internet if I say that she’s an attractive girl?

Also, what’s the difference between ”rape” and “rape rape”? (Asking for Whoopi Goldberg)

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Had an interesting conversation about Harvey Weinstein. Group included a guy as well as women. Weinstein was well known as a sexual predator. We pondered why he was in jail but not the well known celebrity females who vouched for him. And how about the assistant who opened the door to his office knowing what the wolf had in mind? Real equality would have these women prosecuted as well. https://theblacksphere.net/2019/12/oprah-exposed-what-she-knew-about-weinstein-shocking/

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I never have understood women who, in order to get out of being abused, will introduce a new victim to the abuser.’

Additionally, I have never understood why women get sexual pleasure when punishing their daughters.

Seems to me that the female “lizard brain” is quite narcissistic and can justify any action as appropriate so long as their ego is fed and then claim they did no wrong and even if they did wrong, their wrongdoing should be excused because they are helpless.

Scum of the earth.

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I can't disagree. But the media paints us as victims. I find it quite insulting. To deny that I have the ability to do evil (and must exercise restraint to not do so) denies my full human experience.

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Not only that, but it perpetuates the doing of even more evil.

“Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” Ecclesiastes 8:11

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I was born to one of those females. Scum of the species.

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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022

The observant shooter will immediately notice that the gal pictured is right handed. As such having a very high percentage of likely having a dominant right eye. The dominant eye is used in aiming a single projectile firearm. That said there is the 'both eyes open' method of aiming a handgun but either way this gals hair is partially covering her right eye. This said if anyone is going to arm themselves with a lethal capable weapon they had better learn to use that weapon as expertly as they can. Otherwise they will be a danger to themselves and the public in general when they venture out. Along with becoming proficient will come a realization that will see dangerous situations and their avoidance. Like the avoidance of a bad medicine death or maiming injection.

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The problem is that most rapes are done by people that are close to us already. Like an Uncle or someone from work. Sociopaths know how to avoid physical conflicts. And even try to convince you to give you the gun. They also use all tricks of emotional/mental programming and hypnosis.

That is why these government psychopaths are using our own families and friends against us. To inject us with the toxic clotshots. It is part of the psychopathic trait to use other people. Why do you think they are attacking Rittenhouse so much? He clearly shot a few psychopaths that tried to kill him.

We have to see the government what it really is: A group of psychopaths that should not be in office, but in prison. Together with their friends that are pretending to do justice.

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Take her to a shooting range for target practice and let her get good at it. She will grow in her skill development and take pride in her accuracy!

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