Very interesting timing. I guess we are supposed to forget that there was an assassination attempt on Trump’s life? When the media tries to distract us is when we should be paying closer attention.

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great point....but good this beasts is arrested...

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Agree... can't believe they just now got it all together...big press conference now...distraction.

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I understand the drug anderocrome

(The stuff they get from killing babies)

Is extremely addictive.

Maybe they should put him in a cell,until he caughs up his client list.

This is a link to Forebidden News

it talks about the drug.


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good share

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Dr Paul, yes do crime do the time. Let's focus and take care of 45.

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yes...we are...this is a key story for it shows that there is 'some' accountability...

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He was called the black Esptein by Mel Gibson.

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Ditty thought he was a teflon don that non stick coating has worn off and held accountable for actions committed any smuck who hurts women thinking to pay his way off hope he get's on the chain gang orange jump suit good he got arrested hope hyena doesn't bail him out

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I read in several places he killed her, Kim Porter… In the black music video blog, podcast, YouTube and fan comments he’s greatly believed to be guilty of such. I’ve been following a few famous black interviewers with followings discuss this within their community.

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Dr Paul, why are you harder on violence against law enforcement/service members than women or children, by men especially? I say death penalty for pedophiles and rapists, at the least. Evil Men must be afraid of Righteous Men who cover women and children in God’s Strength God gave men, tough Love and Justice. I’m convinced demons, in human form, walk the Earth with us. They speak a different “language” value wise. These violent acts destroy souls and psyches, destroys what’s special as God made us. If we don’t protect women and children, we’re not a civil society.

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It's a Republican concept,Ronda.

All WASPs think that way.

As a Catholic , I agree with you.

A soul is a soul.

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I'll vote for that! Oh, I did, in 2016 when the job was started, and 2020 when it was too late to finish. Elections have consequences. Especially when they're rigged! Maybe in 2024 we'll get another opportunity...

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Let's hope so Marline, 🙏

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Based on a comment found here, I spent hours reading this stuff...I knew it but am sickened....thoughts?

What is this?

Is it all connected???

Combs arrest???


"When the COVID PSYOP was deployed against the peoples of the world, few understood that we were witnessing the opening salvos of a long-planned "Final Solution" for the human species."

"The Nazi WEF has now gained total control of the United Nations – to say nothing of all the major corporations of the world. The WEF and the UN's World Health Organization are now dictating to the world in a Nazi-like fashion, in complete contradiction to the Western, Classical Liberal ideals, for which they claim to stand."

"This is what's known as Satanic inversion – and indeed, that is what we're dealing with, here: Satanists. The name of their game is projection: Every accusation they make is a confession."

"We are rushing, because of the Trump sentencing and the unpredictability of what could happen afterwards.

I’m about to close on the venue in Asheville today for an October 19th screening and I’ll have more info up about that and other locations soon, both here and on the https://splinteringbabylon.com/ website."

This, about adrenochrome labs, is very disturbing.


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