LEAVE America, get to fuck out & take the rest of your quartet with you, America hating freaks!! You suck off the teats of the tax-payer, flying safe tucked under the eagle's wings but stand by that?
I had not realized that all the letters of her last name are IN Taliban. No wonder.
She, and Omar, and those like them have broken their OATH OF OFFICE, and should be immediately ejected from Congress. They are anti-American, and have NO business in Congress.
Broken their oath of office? Wait, what? You wanna use that as the device to condemn that particular subgroup of freaks...
when the oath of office has been ignored, eliminated, bypassed or simply 'fingers behind back-ed' by two generations of 'civil serpents' now? Yes, of course I'm talking about those OTHER DUALLY-CITIZEN VIPERS who's allegiance is not to their adopted, naturalized or born 'homeland'... but instead, to that lil terror state beacon of demonocracy in the muddled east - aka = the hole where all the taxpayer munknee goes!?Q>?!
Spare me. Either condemn ALL the misfit traitors equally... or go home to Trimpistan where ya came from!
"This is why we need someone like Trump". The "I created three beautiful vaccines" Trump? That Trump?
The "I pretended to get the US out of the WHO but delegated the necessary letter to Mike Pompeo so that it had no impact, Pompeo not being the Head of State, and then gave twice the annual US payment to WHO to GAVI, one of the major funders of the WHO" Trump? That Trump?
The Tump who gave Toni Fauci a Medal of Honor for his service to humanity before he left office? That Trump? The Trump who was a major supporter of Planned Parenthood before Steve Bannon told him that the base he needed to win over for election was anti abortion so his politics whipped around 180 degrees for political gain Trump? That Trump?
The Trump who refuses to commit to getting us out of the UN Death Machine? That Trump? The Trump who promised to initiate an investigative commission into vaccine dangers until he was visited by a deputation from Big Pharma in his eponymous NY Tower and suddenly dropped the whole idea? That Trump?
Or maybe the one who was going to drain the swamp and somehow forgot all about that but certainly did know Epstein pretty well. That Trump?
What, exactly, do we need him for?
You are, in my opinion, Paul, too smart to be this bamboozled by a political functionary.
Biden and Trump are both part of the uniparty dance. So is Kennedy.
Installing either one, or a surrogate for either one, in the Oval Office leaves the power system unchanged and unchallenged. The answer is to get us not out of the WHO (a subsidiary organization, not the core beast) but out of the UN itself.
And right now there is before the US Congress the bill that can do it: the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR 6645/ S 3428). If enough people demand that Congress pass it with the necessary supermajority to override the inevitable Oval Office veto, it will be passed. People can do that at https://PreventGenocide2030.org in just a couple of minutes and then share it with their friends.
There is also a Canadian action for the same purpose.
Paul, you are talking about symptoms. Why are you not talking about how to fix the problem, not just railing at the excrescences of the illness? The WHO and the vaccines and the SQUAD are all symptoms of the illness. The illness is the globalist coup and the infective organism is the UN, a private club of Unelected Nobodies.
I share info on this at DrRimaTruthReports.substack.com. I cross post your pieces, which are often outstanding. You never correspond with or make reference to any of the material I present there or elsewhere.
It is as if you have not noticed that the UN exists, let alone that it is the source of the propagandemic, the destruction of everything that holds a society together, of health, or rights, of agriculture, of humanity.
How about taking a deep breath, doing a workup for the illness that we are living inside and creating a diagnostic and treatment plan, Paul.
You and I are both doctors and we are both trained to do this sort of comprehensive, rational analysis and planning.
Your rage is well placed. Your treatment plan is not.
We have to leave the UN and right now we have the chance to do so. How about putting your shoulder to the most important wheel on the planet at this point? And vote for Trump if it makes you happy.
yes, he has to reconcile that and will...but remember, if what we know to be true is true and I believe it to be, he did what he did on guidance...he was betrayed to damage his Presidency...so now lets discuss safety...who would you put to protect the homeland, or who would at least have a chance? who??? for these medieval beasts crossing the border.
So a guy who hands his presidential mandate over to his son in law, a confirmed Chabad cultist, whose allegiances are to a foreign power, the interests of which are inimical to those of the country you purport to defend ... and indeed refutes your own advice to avoid compromising himself even further by turning down PRESIDENT KUSHNERS PLAN to 'warp speed' the mass destruction of the economy and induce death/injury/disablement in the citizens of the country you claim to represent...
is the 'go to guy.' for a twofer that will undoubtedly 'finsih the job?'
Is it adderall, or a concoction of barbituates driving this madness?
it's no longer enough to say ...is/isn't perfect... best nag in the glue factory, etc., etc., because at this point either ye's storm the temple and kick over the moneypower's tables FO'EVER...
or die willingly as extras in a snuff flim that substantiate your own suspicions about what the vaxxassination plot was all about.
Let's stop kiddin around with these clown show diversions.
Ok, so... please inform us of your position re:Chabad.
The daughter and son in law are defiinitely members... word on the street is that they bludgeoned the orangemen into joining too, but he's keeping in the closet to avoid alienating his 'core'
What is your position re: Chabad? But the question is larger (and a lot more important) than that:
Have you noticed how acceptable tribal hatred has become? One of the most obvious, and most disgusting, expressions of this carefully engineered tribal hatred is antisemitism. But the new, more polite version uses code words: Zionist, not Jew, Chabad, not Jew, Palestinian Oppressor, not Jew, Kazarian, not Jew, fake Jew, not real Jew.
When challenged, people hiding their antisemitism behind these words say, "Oh, not you. You are a real/good/acceptable Jew. It's that other group. They are the indescribably bad ones. After all, some of my best friends....."
It is the same old tribal hatred, just brushed up a bit with new covers on the same hateful book.
We are at a more destructive racial divide in the US than we have been in my lifetime, even before the Civil Rights movement. And this is all part of it.
Wake up. Dislike what you dislike, but be smarter than to be manipulated by tribalism and group hate-think.
I'm not using Chabad as any kind of 'code' Rima. And I'm certain you are aware that in the judaic community itself the very same critiques I might make of their motives & methods are being made by those much closer to the situation than myself.
Personally, when I choose to talk about any 'bad actors' within that cultural continuum I use terms suited to the task. A Frankist or Sabbatean for example, as a heretical 'antinomian' sect that speaks through the guise of whatever religious discourse that they deem suitable to sway the gullible, A Chasidim of the Schneersohn kind will adopt the very same dissumulative devices, have seen how effective they are when employed by their Frankist 'competitors.'
Some voices within the judaic community have been brave enough to speak out against these dissemblers... but often at great cost, because of the vindictive and manipulative manner in which those vipers treate all who question their abusive techniques.
No, let's talk about the survival of humanity, first. Any president who is that easily bamboozled is a danger to his country, but that is a subsidiary point although you continue to make excuses for his on-going bamboozlement now that he touts his "three beautiful vaccines". One would think that he could find a competent statistician or public health MPH (or 6th grader) to look at excess deaths and the on-going jab holocaust that his "three beautiful vaccines" have precipitated and not be bamboozled, but, I digress.
The thing we need to deal with is what will kill the patient: the UN. It was created to be a death machine and it is doing its job well.
The US Supreme Court declared that Abbot could not protect his state because the migration measures of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN says that it is a human right to go anywhere and be supported by the government in a way that the people who live there are not. So that issue, like every other problem we are facing, including the most successful holocaust in human history, already in progress, is sourced directly from the UN.
As long as we are members of that deadly organization and its subcomponents, obligations and organizations, we are participating in our own extinction as a species.
You are batting at the tips of the tentacles, not striking at the true beast, Paul.
I agree with your outrage, but you are practicing allopathic activism, suppressing symptoms. It does not work for patients and it sure as hell does not work when the patient is the body politic.
It is not that Trump has to reconcile the fact that humanity is being destroyed, and he has had a major part in it. If he is whom and what you believe him to be, it is incumbent on him to stand for truth, speak the reality and pledge with his words, his heart and his soul to stand as humanity's champion and kill the monster. He can do that, if elected, with a single letter.
If he makes the letter public now and declares that will be his first act as the elected and inaugurated President, then I will put my entire weight behind him.
He won't because he, too, is, despite your admirable loyalty, a sock puppet.
Let's hope his actions prove me wrong.
I like and respect you, Paul, even though we have not met.
I invite you to connect in a conversation because I think we have a great deal in common and can strengthen each other's impact collaboratively.
Your information is not accurate…..you should listen to Dr. Adler who was advisor…..and also infowars. On this topic…it was a soft coupe…..yes there is a lot of information out there about Trump but it is not accurate…and of course you can find what you need to support your own fantasy.
100% agree. Trump is one of them! We now have a uniparty and it does not matter who gets elected. They will put whoever they want in that position. Elections are done. We knew in 2020 that they steal elections and the proof is over the top but nothing has changed. Even Trump knew the mail in ballots were a scam but he allowed it all to happen on his watch. No ID required to vote??? During Covid I had to show an ID along with a vaccine card just to get into a concert!! People in this country have gone soft. Our government has already been taken over and the final act is in place. Put your trust in God not men!!
Trump is not one of them….do more research….way more research…..you read what you like in order to support your opinions…..but i will not argue or discuss with those who present themselves so hatefully….one thing to have a perspective ….another thing to hate within that perspective which means clear thinking is impossible and that is a rule of God.
Regardless of your opinion and Trump’s failures, I will never vote for the demon in chief. His failures are massive, no question. But the most revealing thing he’s done is to shake his fist into the face of almighty God by declaring the holiest day in the Christian calendar as trans visibility day!
There is NO political solution to our country’s problems because they are spiritual problems requiring a spiritual solution.
And the demon in chief has challenged God and no doubt that challenge will be, if it hasn’t been already, accepted.
Let he who is without sin (for example, failing to pray for those in authority over us) , cast the first stone.
A good discourse here but the UN is vile, evil and many know it will be the vehicle by which the NWO will run the global sh*tshow that will be and is antithetical to Freedom and Justice, the two attributes among many of the God in the song and slogan of "God Bless America" but should also be "God save America for as it is truthfully written, the problem is spiritual wickedness in high places. These high places now hold snakes opposing all that is Good and prey on those little ones that God loves. The Wrath of God exists in His righteous Anger and will be applied to His enemies and none will be able to stand before Him as the Glorified Christ of the first three chapters of Revelation, unto whom all power is given.
We watch fantasaical movies but deny the existence of God, blaspheme the Son and the Holy Spirit and embrace false religions, the worst being dialectical secular humanism the real satanic McCoy which has captured the minds, souls and spirits of billions and set up monsters to rule nations, abominations and the damned who have/are leading the way to hell. Their names? Trudeau, biDumb, Macron, Merkel, Erdogan, ovomit, etc etc etc and their corrupt administrations who already have one foot in hell and are setting the stage for the end times. Hell hath enlarged itself and while time is short, the gears move slowly but they do move, while God the Father waits yet in His Mercy for stragglers to enter the Fold. None know and as it is written, only the Father knows the time and day of the new and last beginning when the curtain will close and Jesus the Glorified Son will come as Judge, Jury and Executioner not to save but to damn, defeat and cast into the flames of Hell His enemies.
The die is cast, but Only He is worthy. I know where I will be at that moment, on my face before the Son of the living God who many make a mock of but who is the Only means of salvation, while churches embrace evil and apostasy and push false doctrines on the world, pointing the people towards the yellow brick road leading to eternal damnation.
The only Well that runs with pure water still runs clear, while fools pass It and drink of the sewers of a lost world contaminated with the blood of martyrs, the excremental excesses of abominable religions, and prattle in their pride to exalt their false god of this world who hates us all.
"Who will stand for Me? Who will stand in the gap? Who will damn evil and defend Good? Who can? For there are none righteous no not one, none are worthy. But there is One who can and does and will and a few who opposed/oppose the wicked machinations of man.
Back to the "Great Satan" (not yet come)and his NWO with the UN as the evil entity to reveal the Whore world religion, the Antichrist, and the servants of these already damned agencies to be destroyed.
"Even so Lord, come quickly." But in His Mercy we need only consider it to know His coming will be planned at the last moment that the last soul can and will be saved but then will He come, having closed the Age of Mercy and as exactly depicted in the Book of Revelation will come and the beginning of sorrows in earnest will touch once again this wretched planet. For God looked and saw that the thoughts of man were on evil continually and it grieved God that He had made man......"
Then came the flood, and another chance, but we were as a race, consistent in our embrace of apostasy but the finality of it all approaches at His discretion already determined and known only to Him.
What religion am I? None!!! Religion is man made, and erroneous. But I favor a "Bible" church where Truth is preached and the Word is honored and the minister convinced me years ago of his sincerity, wisdom and focus, by saying to me six words, "Broken people in a broken world."
That is exactly as it is now and always has been, aided and abetted by the blind leaders of the blind. As it is written, the shortest verse in the Holy Bible portrays the state of affairs.
"Jesus wept." And it is true, broken people in a broken world. Look around you. I see it everywhere.
All honor, glory, thanksgiving and praise be to Jesus the Son of the living God. Consider me as lesser than those I see defending the Truth, in any application, and some I have mentioned and applauded and will continue to do so. The Truth can pass through the lips of rough men and still be the Truth. Better a rough man declaring the Truth than being silent. "There are none perfect..." But we can try to reach the unreachable for the Truth though concealed and hidden will always OUT of its own accord but we need to defend it one and all wherever it is.
Do not look at me or anyone as perfect. No such person exists save One. I would not want to be perfect. Look what they did to Him, the only perfect Person to ever live.
Regardless of your religion, and beliefs, do not think me arrogant. I only defend Truth of any magnitude and embrace the reality I know there exist many better than I.
But I do believe the USA to be the defender of Truth and always thought if it goes down, the whole world will also. It is the greatest nation in the whole world. Just look at its money, imprinted with the "Word." No other currency has that message but God is the Only One we can trust.
It has lost its way but not its place. God bless America, and its enemies both within and without can go to bloody hell.
The US is not mentioned in prophecy so it either no longer exists or is no longer a power player. Regardless, God is sovereign and His will cannot be thwarted.
Yes but it has always been the defender of freedom until recently when the ovomit was elected based on the desire of the people to demonstrate to the world they were not "racissss."
What was elected was the enemy of Freedom and Justice with a scourge of administration people chosen because of their corrupt tendencies and leftist loony views.
The will of God is solid and His purpose is unchangeable. He gives each a spirit at birth and it goes back to Him when we decease. The body dies, the spirit is immortal. That is of course scriptural.
He has throughout scripture, disciplined and judged His people by their enemies in an effort to turn their hearts towards repentance and back to Him. Whether or not God's people will respond will largely determine what happens next and what God will do.
What the enemies of all that is good do not accept or realize is that He is in control whether they like it or not. This is not a game, it is a real life occurence with penalties for those who oppose Him and His perfect will.
God rarely intervenes in the affairs of man but every once in awhile He comes along and does impose justice.
I list the actual death of a liar, and CYSTem delusional fool according to the dictates of scriptures. In Proverbs Chapter 6 verses 16 to 19 we read that these 6 things the Lord hates and seven are an abomination to Him...a proud look...a lying tongue...hands that shed innocent blood...a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations...feet that are swift in running to mischief...a false witness that speaketh lies...he that soweth discord among brethren. Such a poor excuse for a man deceased suddenly. And as it is written, God hates those who make a love a lie and he was guilty of that as well.
The corrupt CYSTem dwellers think they are safe but this fool who hid behind his office door like a coward and also behind the skirts of an accomplice was eventually exposed and paid the price.
For his trouble in defaming and criminally harassing an innocent man for decades in his leftist hate and delusional state, he suffered death and left a real mess behind him that the publication of would destroy any good memory of this malicious liar and disgrace his memory.
He started it but it was finished by divine intervention. God hates those who make and love a lie and there are a few shirt ends I will personally deal with and a few others who need to be exposed.
All these traitors are put in place to destroy America from within. We’re infiltrated. By at least 3 different factions. The cartels, the CCP, & the Jihad extremists. They know Americans are out of shape, sickened, apathetic, overworked, stressed out by high cost of living, divided within families & communities. People better start getting fit to fight for their lives. It’s not looking good.
No you meant and if you honestly didn’t mean to call her what she is, “TALIBAN”, then I will! Because that’s exactly what she is! No if ands or buts, about it!
She’s another disgusting person, a dangerous individual and needs to be sent back to the rock she crawled out from! There’s no room for people like her and sadly America has far too many! Thank you BHO! Thanks for your out and out lies! How you HATE AMERICA! I say BHO, grow a set of BALLS! Speak the truth and come out from the darkness you hide behind!
Oh Doctor Alexander don’t get me started!
People are waking up to the “evil force” destroying America!
“Fundamentally Transform America”? I think NOT! Not if I can help it. America is NOT PERFECT, but nobody can deny the facts.
It tiresome to continuously swim against the tide. This is exactly why these people throw so much poop at the wall. They don’t have an “honest bone” in their body, so they must lie, cheat, steal and then call us NAZIS!
Good God how can we continue to let these people shit all over our front yard and then tell us to come outside and stand here?
Isn’t that what they’re doing to us?
Isn’t this why they laugh at us?
Isn’t this the reason so many people are losing their homes and jobs?
While they tell us to stand here! Yes stand right here, right there where they just shitt, once again in our front yard!
BOOM BOOM, I meant it...we need to get firm and Iam afraid folk of her ilk will push America too far...they would be crazy...America is a loving people, nation but they have shown they will war internally if they have to...be careful those of you who think America will not take up its arms and defend itself against you who aggress against it...if you attack America inside, it will not be 911...Americans have woken up
America is the greatest nation...and being harmed now...people like Rashid Taliban should have been grateful she has the chance to live there and experience the fruits, earn money, free, and can say the things she does...I am, many are...so it is shocking these people can say what they wish...she and her SQUAD have no place in government for they hate America...it is clear by their words and maybe its the district they live in...and that is a concern that there are people in US this way...I hope people come around and understand that their allegiance has to be to nation, nation that has been good to them. if they do not like America, then leave, no one is holding you...but truth is they love America, just they wish to make it the hell hole they or ancestors came from...and America made mistakes and not perfect, but look around, which nation is? but we have a better chance working with USA to fix it...she should apologize and come on the side of flag loving, nation loving...she may find it way better than the hateful minds many have when they suck off USA daily. she is poisoning the minds of young people looking on in her community...she should consider that and work to be a good mentor for them to look up to...
Without any doubt Dr Alexander America has woken up, certainly more than I’ve been witnessing, and mostly within this past year.
At one point 2 years ago, people I met throughout my daily routine were “timid” or worse, downright telling me to “talk quietly”. Suddenly and virtually overnight within the past year something happened.
Slowly a “Sleeping Giant” has emerged which I call very proudly, “America”!
I’m not being told anymore to “speak quietly” and more people than ever now are joining in the conversation / discussion. This is a favorable sign IMO. This is what I’ve been saying for 4 years now and finally, slowly but surely, it is happening.
Your reply was perfect Dr Alexander. You’ve explained why I’m seeing more people speak out. People know when they need to carry an umbrella and certainly Americans know when they’re being pissed on! Americans are and have been pissed on, in a gigantic way! And we all know by who!
Which is exactly why so many people I cross paths with are no longer afraid to speak their minds in public and at times much louder than me, because they are very angry at what’s happening to our great nation!
Slowly but surely this is finally happening and is why I pushed a little harder. Why I do believe we shouldn’t ever give up! I may at times, as many people have, feel defeated, that’s human nature.
But I’m far from defeated and more importantly, Americans are far from defeat! Which is why I continue to push! Which leads me to this most incredible and despicable event which happened while I was at work.
While repairing one of my customers networks, out of no where came a screaming maniacally madman! This is 100% truth. He began screaming at the top of his lungs for me to pick up my bag and get the FUZK OUT IF HERE! Literally!
I was “shouted down” by an HR-VP while working on their computer network and inside the HR dept of a large mortgage company.
When I say “shouted down”, I mean this man was far more intense and screaming at me, louder and in front of other HR employees. Everything went silent. People scurried back to their cubicles.
This HR VP made “Karen”, look like a sleeping new born, that’s how intense and threatening this man was to me! I am not exaggerating one iota!
We all know whom I speak of, (Karen She’s Called), the airplane deranged woman, who screamed maniacally at the gentleman to put his mask on. Yes her!
Needless to say, I was threatened with arrest, this total loser must have said to me 50 times to “GET THE FUZK OUT OF HERE”! No explanation, no reason whatsoever, he kept screaming at the top of his lungs like a madman! No reason was given, professionally I asked, “what did I say, sir”? to no avail. I packed up my tools and as I was walking out I said to him, “thank you for your time sir, I will pray you find your way in life” and at that point he, charged me and nearly threw me out physically!
When I say this man needs to and should be arrested and locked up, that’s an understatement! My phone blew up before I made it to my car, first from the President of my company asking me what happened. And then from serval employees whom I’ve known for more than 5 years. I answered with the same question and my Presidents response was, “WE DON’T NEED CUSTOMERS LIKE HIM”!
In all honesty I replied, Dave, don’t lose the business because of one idiot, customers are far and few between these days, we’ll work through this together. And we did, “Mr. Karen” as I call him, is no longer employed and peace has taken over in this mortgage company’s HR dept once again.
This is the first time I have written about this event since it happened 2.5 years ago. What’s most disturbing to me is this company was founded more than 40 years ago and at that time its roots were “Christian” based and touted.
Why is this important? IMO, the “evilness” people are witnessing have infiltrated all companies large and small. As more people feel less threatened and now have the attitude, “what have I got to lose”? They’re now, today more than ever, speaking out! Yes, I am seeing this “Sleeping Giant” awakening.
IMO, I’ll say we need millions of people to start voicing their concerns. Regardless of the issue, whether it’s “Taliban Talib” or a “Purple Haired” ugly looking man, dressed as an uglier looking woman, hanging out in the “GIRLS” elementary school locker rooms! Or “PLANET FITNESS”!
This kind of behavior / BS MUST BE NIPPED IN THE BUD! STOPPED! NOW! This is the “culture war” some people can’t understand and go along so they don’t hurt anyone’s feelings! I say BS to that! If we confirm these nut-bags, WE LOSE! Plain and simple! I’m not saying there aren’t people with illnesses and we shouldn’t respect them.
What I’m talking about is that Canadian Teacher with the 100DDDD size fake breast with 6 inch nipples protruding towards the stop sign! That kind of moronic behavior!
These are sick and demented people who 1. Get off doing this sick stuff and 2. They are destroying society! They have been given the “green light” starting first with the President of the UNITED STATES all they way down the line. It’s OK for these sick and demented individuals to go out and “FUZK AMERICA” up! Which is exactly why it’s happening culturally and exactly what they’re doing culturally! This is being done “TO US” and “NOT FOR US”!
Thank you Dr Alexander once again for your continued, unadulterated, 100% spot on facts as to why, America is under attack! From every angle possible, which I’ve added in too. Your work is amazing and commendable beyond words! God Bless You Dr and Your Family!
Remove every one of these people by military force if needed. You can speak out against America but not say Death to America on our soil. Send them to hell. I'll be happy to help them go there
Take a stroll on a small sandy strip of beach you can never swim at or fish from or sail your boat from and see only what lucre sees from the blood of beach flee’ers then the chant comes clearer and you just want it to stop but you know not what to Stop !
and the ones that dont follow the US constitution and bill of rights... lets have a new internet sighning and swearing in of all those people who want to live and abide to that constitution ... including all governments and gov bodies military . ,police doctors lawers EVERYONE... if they dont want to live by the US constitution ... are they ?do they? are they to be considered as traitors , foreign combatents ? what category do they belong ,,, should they find a place that fits their life style , criteria ... A NEW SIGHNING ... good God please enlighten our darkness and guide us on how to deal with evil and help us ALL return / turn to goodness thruth and love
The Brennan Center for Justice? You’re the guy Cicero was talking about. Funny thing is how in your hubris you’ve exposed who you really are. Well played comrade. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I had not realized that all the letters of her last name are IN Taliban. No wonder.
She, and Omar, and those like them have broken their OATH OF OFFICE, and should be immediately ejected from Congress. They are anti-American, and have NO business in Congress.
correct, they went after the GAY guy, Santos??? but leave these 4 there who are America hating freaks, dangerous people IMO...
Broken their oath of office? Wait, what? You wanna use that as the device to condemn that particular subgroup of freaks...
when the oath of office has been ignored, eliminated, bypassed or simply 'fingers behind back-ed' by two generations of 'civil serpents' now? Yes, of course I'm talking about those OTHER DUALLY-CITIZEN VIPERS who's allegiance is not to their adopted, naturalized or born 'homeland'... but instead, to that lil terror state beacon of demonocracy in the muddled east - aka = the hole where all the taxpayer munknee goes!?Q>?!
Spare me. Either condemn ALL the misfit traitors equally... or go home to Trimpistan where ya came from!
if yp play a couple of chords, soos I know what key your in...
I'll hmmm along with ya!
That’s probably true but do you know why what is is (why) ?
"This is why we need someone like Trump". The "I created three beautiful vaccines" Trump? That Trump?
The "I pretended to get the US out of the WHO but delegated the necessary letter to Mike Pompeo so that it had no impact, Pompeo not being the Head of State, and then gave twice the annual US payment to WHO to GAVI, one of the major funders of the WHO" Trump? That Trump?
The Tump who gave Toni Fauci a Medal of Honor for his service to humanity before he left office? That Trump? The Trump who was a major supporter of Planned Parenthood before Steve Bannon told him that the base he needed to win over for election was anti abortion so his politics whipped around 180 degrees for political gain Trump? That Trump?
The Trump who refuses to commit to getting us out of the UN Death Machine? That Trump? The Trump who promised to initiate an investigative commission into vaccine dangers until he was visited by a deputation from Big Pharma in his eponymous NY Tower and suddenly dropped the whole idea? That Trump?
Or maybe the one who was going to drain the swamp and somehow forgot all about that but certainly did know Epstein pretty well. That Trump?
What, exactly, do we need him for?
You are, in my opinion, Paul, too smart to be this bamboozled by a political functionary.
Biden and Trump are both part of the uniparty dance. So is Kennedy.
Installing either one, or a surrogate for either one, in the Oval Office leaves the power system unchanged and unchallenged. The answer is to get us not out of the WHO (a subsidiary organization, not the core beast) but out of the UN itself.
And right now there is before the US Congress the bill that can do it: the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR 6645/ S 3428). If enough people demand that Congress pass it with the necessary supermajority to override the inevitable Oval Office veto, it will be passed. People can do that at https://PreventGenocide2030.org in just a couple of minutes and then share it with their friends.
There is also a Canadian action for the same purpose.
Paul, you are talking about symptoms. Why are you not talking about how to fix the problem, not just railing at the excrescences of the illness? The WHO and the vaccines and the SQUAD are all symptoms of the illness. The illness is the globalist coup and the infective organism is the UN, a private club of Unelected Nobodies.
I share info on this at DrRimaTruthReports.substack.com. I cross post your pieces, which are often outstanding. You never correspond with or make reference to any of the material I present there or elsewhere.
It is as if you have not noticed that the UN exists, let alone that it is the source of the propagandemic, the destruction of everything that holds a society together, of health, or rights, of agriculture, of humanity.
How about taking a deep breath, doing a workup for the illness that we are living inside and creating a diagnostic and treatment plan, Paul.
You and I are both doctors and we are both trained to do this sort of comprehensive, rational analysis and planning.
Your rage is well placed. Your treatment plan is not.
We have to leave the UN and right now we have the chance to do so. How about putting your shoulder to the most important wheel on the planet at this point? And vote for Trump if it makes you happy.
yes, he has to reconcile that and will...but remember, if what we know to be true is true and I believe it to be, he did what he did on guidance...he was betrayed to damage his Presidency...so now lets discuss safety...who would you put to protect the homeland, or who would at least have a chance? who??? for these medieval beasts crossing the border.
So a guy who hands his presidential mandate over to his son in law, a confirmed Chabad cultist, whose allegiances are to a foreign power, the interests of which are inimical to those of the country you purport to defend ... and indeed refutes your own advice to avoid compromising himself even further by turning down PRESIDENT KUSHNERS PLAN to 'warp speed' the mass destruction of the economy and induce death/injury/disablement in the citizens of the country you claim to represent...
is the 'go to guy.' for a twofer that will undoubtedly 'finsih the job?'
Is it adderall, or a concoction of barbituates driving this madness?
ok, so who do you have in mind? do you or did I or other say DJT is perfect? but who would you put up? 8 months will fly...who?
To skip to the chase scene here squire...
it's no longer enough to say ...is/isn't perfect... best nag in the glue factory, etc., etc., because at this point either ye's storm the temple and kick over the moneypower's tables FO'EVER...
or die willingly as extras in a snuff flim that substantiate your own suspicions about what the vaxxassination plot was all about.
Let's stop kiddin around with these clown show diversions.
Aside from the Chabad reference, I agree with you.
Ok, so... please inform us of your position re:Chabad.
The daughter and son in law are defiinitely members... word on the street is that they bludgeoned the orangemen into joining too, but he's keeping in the closet to avoid alienating his 'core'
What is your position re: Chabad? But the question is larger (and a lot more important) than that:
Have you noticed how acceptable tribal hatred has become? One of the most obvious, and most disgusting, expressions of this carefully engineered tribal hatred is antisemitism. But the new, more polite version uses code words: Zionist, not Jew, Chabad, not Jew, Palestinian Oppressor, not Jew, Kazarian, not Jew, fake Jew, not real Jew.
When challenged, people hiding their antisemitism behind these words say, "Oh, not you. You are a real/good/acceptable Jew. It's that other group. They are the indescribably bad ones. After all, some of my best friends....."
It is the same old tribal hatred, just brushed up a bit with new covers on the same hateful book.
We are at a more destructive racial divide in the US than we have been in my lifetime, even before the Civil Rights movement. And this is all part of it.
Wake up. Dislike what you dislike, but be smarter than to be manipulated by tribalism and group hate-think.
I'm not using Chabad as any kind of 'code' Rima. And I'm certain you are aware that in the judaic community itself the very same critiques I might make of their motives & methods are being made by those much closer to the situation than myself.
Personally, when I choose to talk about any 'bad actors' within that cultural continuum I use terms suited to the task. A Frankist or Sabbatean for example, as a heretical 'antinomian' sect that speaks through the guise of whatever religious discourse that they deem suitable to sway the gullible, A Chasidim of the Schneersohn kind will adopt the very same dissumulative devices, have seen how effective they are when employed by their Frankist 'competitors.'
Some voices within the judaic community have been brave enough to speak out against these dissemblers... but often at great cost, because of the vindictive and manipulative manner in which those vipers treate all who question their abusive techniques.
No, let's talk about the survival of humanity, first. Any president who is that easily bamboozled is a danger to his country, but that is a subsidiary point although you continue to make excuses for his on-going bamboozlement now that he touts his "three beautiful vaccines". One would think that he could find a competent statistician or public health MPH (or 6th grader) to look at excess deaths and the on-going jab holocaust that his "three beautiful vaccines" have precipitated and not be bamboozled, but, I digress.
The thing we need to deal with is what will kill the patient: the UN. It was created to be a death machine and it is doing its job well.
The US Supreme Court declared that Abbot could not protect his state because the migration measures of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN says that it is a human right to go anywhere and be supported by the government in a way that the people who live there are not. So that issue, like every other problem we are facing, including the most successful holocaust in human history, already in progress, is sourced directly from the UN.
As long as we are members of that deadly organization and its subcomponents, obligations and organizations, we are participating in our own extinction as a species.
You are batting at the tips of the tentacles, not striking at the true beast, Paul.
I agree with your outrage, but you are practicing allopathic activism, suppressing symptoms. It does not work for patients and it sure as hell does not work when the patient is the body politic.
It is not that Trump has to reconcile the fact that humanity is being destroyed, and he has had a major part in it. If he is whom and what you believe him to be, it is incumbent on him to stand for truth, speak the reality and pledge with his words, his heart and his soul to stand as humanity's champion and kill the monster. He can do that, if elected, with a single letter.
If he makes the letter public now and declares that will be his first act as the elected and inaugurated President, then I will put my entire weight behind him.
He won't because he, too, is, despite your admirable loyalty, a sock puppet.
Let's hope his actions prove me wrong.
I like and respect you, Paul, even though we have not met.
I invite you to connect in a conversation because I think we have a great deal in common and can strengthen each other's impact collaboratively.
Your information is not accurate…..you should listen to Dr. Adler who was advisor…..and also infowars. On this topic…it was a soft coupe…..yes there is a lot of information out there about Trump but it is not accurate…and of course you can find what you need to support your own fantasy.
100% agree. Trump is one of them! We now have a uniparty and it does not matter who gets elected. They will put whoever they want in that position. Elections are done. We knew in 2020 that they steal elections and the proof is over the top but nothing has changed. Even Trump knew the mail in ballots were a scam but he allowed it all to happen on his watch. No ID required to vote??? During Covid I had to show an ID along with a vaccine card just to get into a concert!! People in this country have gone soft. Our government has already been taken over and the final act is in place. Put your trust in God not men!!
Trump is not one of them….do more research….way more research…..you read what you like in order to support your opinions…..but i will not argue or discuss with those who present themselves so hatefully….one thing to have a perspective ….another thing to hate within that perspective which means clear thinking is impossible and that is a rule of God.
Regardless of your opinion and Trump’s failures, I will never vote for the demon in chief. His failures are massive, no question. But the most revealing thing he’s done is to shake his fist into the face of almighty God by declaring the holiest day in the Christian calendar as trans visibility day!
There is NO political solution to our country’s problems because they are spiritual problems requiring a spiritual solution.
And the demon in chief has challenged God and no doubt that challenge will be, if it hasn’t been already, accepted.
Let he who is without sin (for example, failing to pray for those in authority over us) , cast the first stone.
A good discourse here but the UN is vile, evil and many know it will be the vehicle by which the NWO will run the global sh*tshow that will be and is antithetical to Freedom and Justice, the two attributes among many of the God in the song and slogan of "God Bless America" but should also be "God save America for as it is truthfully written, the problem is spiritual wickedness in high places. These high places now hold snakes opposing all that is Good and prey on those little ones that God loves. The Wrath of God exists in His righteous Anger and will be applied to His enemies and none will be able to stand before Him as the Glorified Christ of the first three chapters of Revelation, unto whom all power is given.
We watch fantasaical movies but deny the existence of God, blaspheme the Son and the Holy Spirit and embrace false religions, the worst being dialectical secular humanism the real satanic McCoy which has captured the minds, souls and spirits of billions and set up monsters to rule nations, abominations and the damned who have/are leading the way to hell. Their names? Trudeau, biDumb, Macron, Merkel, Erdogan, ovomit, etc etc etc and their corrupt administrations who already have one foot in hell and are setting the stage for the end times. Hell hath enlarged itself and while time is short, the gears move slowly but they do move, while God the Father waits yet in His Mercy for stragglers to enter the Fold. None know and as it is written, only the Father knows the time and day of the new and last beginning when the curtain will close and Jesus the Glorified Son will come as Judge, Jury and Executioner not to save but to damn, defeat and cast into the flames of Hell His enemies.
The die is cast, but Only He is worthy. I know where I will be at that moment, on my face before the Son of the living God who many make a mock of but who is the Only means of salvation, while churches embrace evil and apostasy and push false doctrines on the world, pointing the people towards the yellow brick road leading to eternal damnation.
The only Well that runs with pure water still runs clear, while fools pass It and drink of the sewers of a lost world contaminated with the blood of martyrs, the excremental excesses of abominable religions, and prattle in their pride to exalt their false god of this world who hates us all.
"Who will stand for Me? Who will stand in the gap? Who will damn evil and defend Good? Who can? For there are none righteous no not one, none are worthy. But there is One who can and does and will and a few who opposed/oppose the wicked machinations of man.
Back to the "Great Satan" (not yet come)and his NWO with the UN as the evil entity to reveal the Whore world religion, the Antichrist, and the servants of these already damned agencies to be destroyed.
"Even so Lord, come quickly." But in His Mercy we need only consider it to know His coming will be planned at the last moment that the last soul can and will be saved but then will He come, having closed the Age of Mercy and as exactly depicted in the Book of Revelation will come and the beginning of sorrows in earnest will touch once again this wretched planet. For God looked and saw that the thoughts of man were on evil continually and it grieved God that He had made man......"
Then came the flood, and another chance, but we were as a race, consistent in our embrace of apostasy but the finality of it all approaches at His discretion already determined and known only to Him.
What religion am I? None!!! Religion is man made, and erroneous. But I favor a "Bible" church where Truth is preached and the Word is honored and the minister convinced me years ago of his sincerity, wisdom and focus, by saying to me six words, "Broken people in a broken world."
That is exactly as it is now and always has been, aided and abetted by the blind leaders of the blind. As it is written, the shortest verse in the Holy Bible portrays the state of affairs.
"Jesus wept." And it is true, broken people in a broken world. Look around you. I see it everywhere.
All honor, glory, thanksgiving and praise be to Jesus the Son of the living God. Consider me as lesser than those I see defending the Truth, in any application, and some I have mentioned and applauded and will continue to do so. The Truth can pass through the lips of rough men and still be the Truth. Better a rough man declaring the Truth than being silent. "There are none perfect..." But we can try to reach the unreachable for the Truth though concealed and hidden will always OUT of its own accord but we need to defend it one and all wherever it is.
Do not look at me or anyone as perfect. No such person exists save One. I would not want to be perfect. Look what they did to Him, the only perfect Person to ever live.
Regardless of your religion, and beliefs, do not think me arrogant. I only defend Truth of any magnitude and embrace the reality I know there exist many better than I.
But I do believe the USA to be the defender of Truth and always thought if it goes down, the whole world will also. It is the greatest nation in the whole world. Just look at its money, imprinted with the "Word." No other currency has that message but God is the Only One we can trust.
It has lost its way but not its place. God bless America, and its enemies both within and without can go to bloody hell.
The US is not mentioned in prophecy so it either no longer exists or is no longer a power player. Regardless, God is sovereign and His will cannot be thwarted.
Yes but it has always been the defender of freedom until recently when the ovomit was elected based on the desire of the people to demonstrate to the world they were not "racissss."
What was elected was the enemy of Freedom and Justice with a scourge of administration people chosen because of their corrupt tendencies and leftist loony views.
The will of God is solid and His purpose is unchangeable. He gives each a spirit at birth and it goes back to Him when we decease. The body dies, the spirit is immortal. That is of course scriptural.
He has throughout scripture, disciplined and judged His people by their enemies in an effort to turn their hearts towards repentance and back to Him. Whether or not God's people will respond will largely determine what happens next and what God will do.
What the enemies of all that is good do not accept or realize is that He is in control whether they like it or not. This is not a game, it is a real life occurence with penalties for those who oppose Him and His perfect will.
God rarely intervenes in the affairs of man but every once in awhile He comes along and does impose justice.
I list the actual death of a liar, and CYSTem delusional fool according to the dictates of scriptures. In Proverbs Chapter 6 verses 16 to 19 we read that these 6 things the Lord hates and seven are an abomination to Him...a proud look...a lying tongue...hands that shed innocent blood...a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations...feet that are swift in running to mischief...a false witness that speaketh lies...he that soweth discord among brethren. Such a poor excuse for a man deceased suddenly. And as it is written, God hates those who make a love a lie and he was guilty of that as well.
The corrupt CYSTem dwellers think they are safe but this fool who hid behind his office door like a coward and also behind the skirts of an accomplice was eventually exposed and paid the price.
For his trouble in defaming and criminally harassing an innocent man for decades in his leftist hate and delusional state, he suffered death and left a real mess behind him that the publication of would destroy any good memory of this malicious liar and disgrace his memory.
He started it but it was finished by divine intervention. God hates those who make and love a lie and there are a few shirt ends I will personally deal with and a few others who need to be exposed.
All these traitors are put in place to destroy America from within. We’re infiltrated. By at least 3 different factions. The cartels, the CCP, & the Jihad extremists. They know Americans are out of shape, sickened, apathetic, overworked, stressed out by high cost of living, divided within families & communities. People better start getting fit to fight for their lives. It’s not looking good.
you are so correct
And all under the sovereign hand of God. He is allowing it.
No you meant and if you honestly didn’t mean to call her what she is, “TALIBAN”, then I will! Because that’s exactly what she is! No if ands or buts, about it!
She’s another disgusting person, a dangerous individual and needs to be sent back to the rock she crawled out from! There’s no room for people like her and sadly America has far too many! Thank you BHO! Thanks for your out and out lies! How you HATE AMERICA! I say BHO, grow a set of BALLS! Speak the truth and come out from the darkness you hide behind!
Oh Doctor Alexander don’t get me started!
People are waking up to the “evil force” destroying America!
“Fundamentally Transform America”? I think NOT! Not if I can help it. America is NOT PERFECT, but nobody can deny the facts.
It tiresome to continuously swim against the tide. This is exactly why these people throw so much poop at the wall. They don’t have an “honest bone” in their body, so they must lie, cheat, steal and then call us NAZIS!
Good God how can we continue to let these people shit all over our front yard and then tell us to come outside and stand here?
Isn’t that what they’re doing to us?
Isn’t this why they laugh at us?
Isn’t this the reason so many people are losing their homes and jobs?
While they tell us to stand here! Yes stand right here, right there where they just shitt, once again in our front yard!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
BOOM BOOM, I meant it...we need to get firm and Iam afraid folk of her ilk will push America too far...they would be crazy...America is a loving people, nation but they have shown they will war internally if they have to...be careful those of you who think America will not take up its arms and defend itself against you who aggress against it...if you attack America inside, it will not be 911...Americans have woken up
America is the greatest nation...and being harmed now...people like Rashid Taliban should have been grateful she has the chance to live there and experience the fruits, earn money, free, and can say the things she does...I am, many are...so it is shocking these people can say what they wish...she and her SQUAD have no place in government for they hate America...it is clear by their words and maybe its the district they live in...and that is a concern that there are people in US this way...I hope people come around and understand that their allegiance has to be to nation, nation that has been good to them. if they do not like America, then leave, no one is holding you...but truth is they love America, just they wish to make it the hell hole they or ancestors came from...and America made mistakes and not perfect, but look around, which nation is? but we have a better chance working with USA to fix it...she should apologize and come on the side of flag loving, nation loving...she may find it way better than the hateful minds many have when they suck off USA daily. she is poisoning the minds of young people looking on in her community...she should consider that and work to be a good mentor for them to look up to...
Without any doubt Dr Alexander America has woken up, certainly more than I’ve been witnessing, and mostly within this past year.
At one point 2 years ago, people I met throughout my daily routine were “timid” or worse, downright telling me to “talk quietly”. Suddenly and virtually overnight within the past year something happened.
Slowly a “Sleeping Giant” has emerged which I call very proudly, “America”!
I’m not being told anymore to “speak quietly” and more people than ever now are joining in the conversation / discussion. This is a favorable sign IMO. This is what I’ve been saying for 4 years now and finally, slowly but surely, it is happening.
Your reply was perfect Dr Alexander. You’ve explained why I’m seeing more people speak out. People know when they need to carry an umbrella and certainly Americans know when they’re being pissed on! Americans are and have been pissed on, in a gigantic way! And we all know by who!
Which is exactly why so many people I cross paths with are no longer afraid to speak their minds in public and at times much louder than me, because they are very angry at what’s happening to our great nation!
Slowly but surely this is finally happening and is why I pushed a little harder. Why I do believe we shouldn’t ever give up! I may at times, as many people have, feel defeated, that’s human nature.
But I’m far from defeated and more importantly, Americans are far from defeat! Which is why I continue to push! Which leads me to this most incredible and despicable event which happened while I was at work.
While repairing one of my customers networks, out of no where came a screaming maniacally madman! This is 100% truth. He began screaming at the top of his lungs for me to pick up my bag and get the FUZK OUT IF HERE! Literally!
I was “shouted down” by an HR-VP while working on their computer network and inside the HR dept of a large mortgage company.
When I say “shouted down”, I mean this man was far more intense and screaming at me, louder and in front of other HR employees. Everything went silent. People scurried back to their cubicles.
This HR VP made “Karen”, look like a sleeping new born, that’s how intense and threatening this man was to me! I am not exaggerating one iota!
We all know whom I speak of, (Karen She’s Called), the airplane deranged woman, who screamed maniacally at the gentleman to put his mask on. Yes her!
Needless to say, I was threatened with arrest, this total loser must have said to me 50 times to “GET THE FUZK OUT OF HERE”! No explanation, no reason whatsoever, he kept screaming at the top of his lungs like a madman! No reason was given, professionally I asked, “what did I say, sir”? to no avail. I packed up my tools and as I was walking out I said to him, “thank you for your time sir, I will pray you find your way in life” and at that point he, charged me and nearly threw me out physically!
When I say this man needs to and should be arrested and locked up, that’s an understatement! My phone blew up before I made it to my car, first from the President of my company asking me what happened. And then from serval employees whom I’ve known for more than 5 years. I answered with the same question and my Presidents response was, “WE DON’T NEED CUSTOMERS LIKE HIM”!
In all honesty I replied, Dave, don’t lose the business because of one idiot, customers are far and few between these days, we’ll work through this together. And we did, “Mr. Karen” as I call him, is no longer employed and peace has taken over in this mortgage company’s HR dept once again.
This is the first time I have written about this event since it happened 2.5 years ago. What’s most disturbing to me is this company was founded more than 40 years ago and at that time its roots were “Christian” based and touted.
Why is this important? IMO, the “evilness” people are witnessing have infiltrated all companies large and small. As more people feel less threatened and now have the attitude, “what have I got to lose”? They’re now, today more than ever, speaking out! Yes, I am seeing this “Sleeping Giant” awakening.
IMO, I’ll say we need millions of people to start voicing their concerns. Regardless of the issue, whether it’s “Taliban Talib” or a “Purple Haired” ugly looking man, dressed as an uglier looking woman, hanging out in the “GIRLS” elementary school locker rooms! Or “PLANET FITNESS”!
This kind of behavior / BS MUST BE NIPPED IN THE BUD! STOPPED! NOW! This is the “culture war” some people can’t understand and go along so they don’t hurt anyone’s feelings! I say BS to that! If we confirm these nut-bags, WE LOSE! Plain and simple! I’m not saying there aren’t people with illnesses and we shouldn’t respect them.
What I’m talking about is that Canadian Teacher with the 100DDDD size fake breast with 6 inch nipples protruding towards the stop sign! That kind of moronic behavior!
These are sick and demented people who 1. Get off doing this sick stuff and 2. They are destroying society! They have been given the “green light” starting first with the President of the UNITED STATES all they way down the line. It’s OK for these sick and demented individuals to go out and “FUZK AMERICA” up! Which is exactly why it’s happening culturally and exactly what they’re doing culturally! This is being done “TO US” and “NOT FOR US”!
Thank you Dr Alexander once again for your continued, unadulterated, 100% spot on facts as to why, America is under attack! From every angle possible, which I’ve added in too. Your work is amazing and commendable beyond words! God Bless You Dr and Your Family!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
the "squad" deserves a firing squad
Remove every one of these people by military force if needed. You can speak out against America but not say Death to America on our soil. Send them to hell. I'll be happy to help them go there
Exile all Squad members to Gaza, level gaza. In that order.
All one has to do is read Cicero. He talks at length about the enemy from within. Amazing how there is nothing new under the sun 🌞 Pax
Take a stroll on a small sandy strip of beach you can never swim at or fish from or sail your boat from and see only what lucre sees from the blood of beach flee’ers then the chant comes clearer and you just want it to stop but you know not what to Stop !
and the ones that dont follow the US constitution and bill of rights... lets have a new internet sighning and swearing in of all those people who want to live and abide to that constitution ... including all governments and gov bodies military . ,police doctors lawers EVERYONE... if they dont want to live by the US constitution ... are they ?do they? are they to be considered as traitors , foreign combatents ? what category do they belong ,,, should they find a place that fits their life style , criteria ... A NEW SIGHNING ... good God please enlighten our darkness and guide us on how to deal with evil and help us ALL return / turn to goodness thruth and love
Your fingers were right - espesh the middle one to this treasonous beatch
The Brennan Center for Justice? You’re the guy Cicero was talking about. Funny thing is how in your hubris you’ve exposed who you really are. Well played comrade. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣