study this more, yet we do know Sweden & other Nordic Sandinavian nations courtesy of Merkel, became the rape capitals of the world where islamist males raped & are raping their way across Europe
you know what may even be worse...the castrated men in these countries whom let all of this happen... there was a time where this would happen once or twice and then the retribution would be so immense that these heathens would never think of doing this again... think about it... where are the MEN???
We stood up - check out the English Defence League and see what the police and the authorities did to us - remember government in an act of treason removed weapons from the people so they couldn't stop this from happening
Its sick twisted callous and calculated and it's the police that made conditions right for it to happen - that's why am calling for all of their heads to expire
you need much larger numbers and you may have to risk it all sadly... your next generations will thank you. if i was in western europe i would be is no place for a family.
The people have been brainwashed to accept diversity for over 50years - anyone that sees through it and stands against the narrative gets automatically jailed - so it's catch 22 - were tukd either way
it really does seem that some areas and some countries may be is too late. why are western europeans not moving then to countries like slovenia, poland, and hungary who are at least trying to stop all of this? i realize that europe is not like the USA, however, if i felt that all was lost, i would not be staying in uk, germany, sweden, etc. mass exodus out of these lost lands would truly send a message...without violence.
There's a civil war coming - we are indigenous to these lands so don't even think about telling us to move elsewhere
Everyone that has and continues to do wrong by us will feel the wrath in the end
In England history shows that we have a civil war every 300 or so years and all forms of governance etc get put in the trash along with the invaders - were 35 years overdue - it's coming
my ancestors are from your lands as well...i hear this kind of language here too and honestly i don't think modern man has this in his being any longer... i don't think it will happen in the next 100 years and things are going to get markedly worse.
they are not men... i am not remotely saying that one group of people should be labeled as one entity... i am saying that people who harm women and children should be stacked high for the world to see... there is no better deterrent than this form of retribution...
There's not a day that goes by that Muslims somewhere aren't killing innocent people. A look at the history of Islam shows that violence is their way of life. The Koran actually encourages them to commit violence and rape. In all reality, the peaceful Muslims are not following their own religion.
Try looking at England the police / local authorities and government covered up the multitude of crimes in the name of diversity and race
Am gunna say it here cos av done jail time for exposing the rape jihadi of white girls and white women - the Muslims say white women and girls are whores to be sexually used and abused
One 14yr old girl had her tongue nailed to a table while while a group of muslim men repeatedly raped her - every town that has Muslims in it you'll find grooming (rape) gangs - it's well known what goes on but everyone that speaks out gets jailed and the offenders set free to do it again and again
As the Koran says - girls are for children and boys are for pleasure
British police should be burned at the stake for what they've done and what they continue to turn a blind eye to
Islam is presented to the world as being reasonable and peaceful in order to disarm the Infidels so that they will be completely blindsided and not know "what hit them" until the Muslim population of an area reaches at least ten percent. At that point they will "uncloak" and show their "true colors" and simply take over by whatever violent means is necessary. THAT is what Islam is all about! It has always been that way, from its beginning. It is a true "wolf in sheep's clothing". Just study its history! Mohammed was a mega-criminal who slaughtered his way through every country he conquered! He lied to his followers about everything, claiming to be directed by the Angel Gabriel to do what he did. Nothing but lies! Divine Beings do NOT tell people to do things like that!
Mohammed was a mass murderer, liar, rapist, thief, pedophile, and torturer. His claims of getting "divine messages" means he was either outright lying or, more likely, a delusional schizophrenic. And yet Muslims also have been lied to from the inception of Islam. They are told that Mohammed was "the Perfect Man" as well as God's "Final Prophet". What a load of hooey!
People need to understand that according to the Islamic worldview, there are only two possible states of existence on this planet: to be in The House of Islam (means "submission") or The House of War. Until all of humanity is subjugated into The House of Islam, we Infidels will be subjected to endless warfare being waged against us, by ALL means possible, including every kind of deception! Muslims are not supposed to lie to each other, but lying to us Infidels is not only okay, it is a preferred strategy.
I don't speak Arabic, but knowledgeable scholars state that all of the English and other translations of the Quran are heavily "watered down" to minimize the true intention and goal of world conquest by Islam, a conquest from its beginning that has been "By the Sword"!
The sharia based "Cairo Declaration of Human Rights" (from 2006 I think) abrogates, with regard to Muslims, the full human rights concept of the UN Charta of Human Rights for all humans. This is because sharia does allow for physical punishment including severance of body parts and death. Think of stoning for instance. This is all covered by this Cairo Declaration which I think was initiated by the OIC, Organization of Islamic Countries, based I think in Jeddah Saudi Arabia.
In the new amendments of IHR rules however, human dignity, human rights and bodily autonomy have been cancelled outright, and replaced by inclusion (= nobody escapes) and equity (= all are mistreated alike, nobody escapes). This means that human rights under sharia are compatible with the new amended human rights of the UN. UN human rights have been adapted to match or fit Islamic human rights. This in turn gives some new plausibility to a very old speculation that the governing religion assigned to the masses under the New World Order, was going to be Islam. The One World approach of the UN, WHO, EU and WEF, can be seen as principally compatible and potentially congruent with the Umma concept of Islam and the Islamic concept of Dar Al Islam which is the House of Submission or Peace (Dar as Salam), where Islam reigns supreme, whereas the Dar Al Harb is the House of War, where Islamic law is not in force. There also is the intermediate stage of Dar Al Ahd, which is the House of the Contract. This is where Islam is in minority Status, in diaspora, and where provisionally, note provisionally, Muslims are held to respect the majority laws: for exactly and only as long as those whose laws are in force, also remain in majority. It is however an explicit goal of Islam to conquer the entire world to bring about the Dark Al Islam or Dar Al Salam, House of Peace, including by what Muslim leaders have termed births jihad. In certain European countries, there are already now certain regions and city conglomerates that have a clear majority of children of non indigenous descent and of Muslim faith. When, as will of course happen, these cohorts grow up, and simultaneously older generations "die off", there will be quite a number of regions with Muslim majorities at the ballot box. Democratic constitutions can be modified democratically by majority vote, and it is not far fetched that, in a transparent Democratic process, constitutions may be amended to become sharia based. This may happen in a decade or so, and would make confluence yet easier and stronger between the human rights related values of WHO, UN and WEF on one hand with Islamic human rights on the other hand. I would like to know with more precision but I am under the impression that Muslim populations have, with good cause, been appropriately hesitant in taking up the injections. If that should be true, that would result in their procreative potential remaining fully intact whereas less tribally oriented, more individualist Western European white = non Semitic populations whose societies work und the submission of individuals under the State instead of under the clan head, have tended to take the injections rather assiduously which now is already affecting live birth rates and female (anf also male it seems) fertility. We will see only with the coming generation what sterilizing effect the injections have on the next generation of women and men when they try to procreate. (And whether we are confronted with these injections having been an adaptation of, or transfer onto, the human model, of the -I believe Gates-supported- GeneDrive concept that had already been studied and tested in mosquitoes.) Also we will see if potentially, the populations most affected by the injections will be less inclined to even bother to mate thus procreate, like one observes in the recently publicized study on sterility-sniffles-treated stray cats. In any case already the notable effects up to now show that the birthing jihad by Islam as demanded e.g. by Erdogan, will have an advantageous boost. And then the Muslim population, which worldwide is already very extensive, would become an ever more dominant part of the peoples governed under the WHO, and it would make ever more sense for the governing group, to accommodate UN human rights' scope to the expectations of the Islamic world, to in turn get better endorsement from this important group for accepting being governed under WHO rule. This adaptation might take away the risk of the currently observed phenomenon of parallel communities in Western non-sharia-governed countries, think also that in Islam, women are seldom expected to leave the house, so, religious endorsement AND subsequent enforcement! of WHO curfews through Muslim "collaborators", and preaching of the duty to obey WHO rules in mosques, is a very plausible scenario. Without such compatibility and resulting possibility of endorsement, Islam would be predestined to be a large factor of resistance. This way on the contrary, its conservatism can even be harnessed by WHO for discipline purposes.
There's a "brand" of this religion that's very extreme. Seems it was intentionally created and fostered for a purpose. When you offer a young man (who's already poll-vaulting through life at that age) the directive to rape as many non-Muslim women (and children) as possible, they are pretty enthusiastic about it.
Can you even believe that feminists, LGBTQ, BLM, ANTIFA, and the tree-huggers were promoting the hijab (made from an American flag) for American women just a couple of years ago? Seems that astro-turf campaign (which was about as popular as Bud Light's new spokes "woman") got quietly dropped at some point, but I remember seeing the posters and it infuriated me.
Weird that both the trans movement AND the Muslim movement are all about mutilating kid's genitals and sexually exploiting children. The Muslims are confined to doing this to females, but the sickness/evil is of the same spirit- PERVERSION.
UNITE WE “The people – the people – are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.”....THIS WILL HAPPEN TO THIS EVIL WORLD BY GODS WORDS UNITE WITH GOD FOR A BEAUTIFUL RIGHTEOUS EVERLASTING LIFE HE CREATETED ALL AND GAVE US FREEDOM OF CHOICE
Muslim members of Congress (and their supporters) must be voted out of office. If not, it is only a matter of time before Shia will be the law of the land, not the Constitution.
For a history of the Jihad, the Muslim holy war against the Christians, please read JIHAD, Paul Fregosi, 1998. Historically, both the followers of Christ, and Mohammed have excelled at wanton bloodshed. The difference between the two, is that the former were disobeying the commands of their founder, and the latter were obeying their founders commands, and following his example. "Mohammed unlike Christ was a man of violence, he bore arms, was wounded in battle, and preached holy war Jihad...In his ten years at Medina he organized no fewer than 65 militias campaigns, and personally led 27..." JIHAD pg. 58 & 61. Compare this with the command of Christ: "Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." Matthew 26:52 KJV.
you know what may even be worse...the castrated men in these countries whom let all of this happen... there was a time where this would happen once or twice and then the retribution would be so immense that these heathens would never think of doing this again... think about it... where are the MEN???
We stood up - check out the English Defence League and see what the police and the authorities did to us - remember government in an act of treason removed weapons from the people so they couldn't stop this from happening
Its sick twisted callous and calculated and it's the police that made conditions right for it to happen - that's why am calling for all of their heads to expire
you need much larger numbers and you may have to risk it all sadly... your next generations will thank you. if i was in western europe i would be is no place for a family.
The people have been brainwashed to accept diversity for over 50years - anyone that sees through it and stands against the narrative gets automatically jailed - so it's catch 22 - were tukd either way
it really does seem that some areas and some countries may be is too late. why are western europeans not moving then to countries like slovenia, poland, and hungary who are at least trying to stop all of this? i realize that europe is not like the USA, however, if i felt that all was lost, i would not be staying in uk, germany, sweden, etc. mass exodus out of these lost lands would truly send a message...without violence.
There's a civil war coming - we are indigenous to these lands so don't even think about telling us to move elsewhere
Everyone that has and continues to do wrong by us will feel the wrath in the end
In England history shows that we have a civil war every 300 or so years and all forms of governance etc get put in the trash along with the invaders - were 35 years overdue - it's coming
my ancestors are from your lands as well...i hear this kind of language here too and honestly i don't think modern man has this in his being any longer... i don't think it will happen in the next 100 years and things are going to get markedly worse.
Those so called men are terrified of being called Islamophobic
they are not men... i am not remotely saying that one group of people should be labeled as one entity... i am saying that people who harm women and children should be stacked high for the world to see... there is no better deterrent than this form of retribution...
There's not a day that goes by that Muslims somewhere aren't killing innocent people. A look at the history of Islam shows that violence is their way of life. The Koran actually encourages them to commit violence and rape. In all reality, the peaceful Muslims are not following their own religion.
Concealed carry- it’s time to teach our daughters to shoot
Never ever give up 2A and 4A in the way that the people of ENGLAND did in the 1800s cos you'll regret it
"Religion of Peace," my ass.
Never was and never will...
Try looking at England the police / local authorities and government covered up the multitude of crimes in the name of diversity and race
Am gunna say it here cos av done jail time for exposing the rape jihadi of white girls and white women - the Muslims say white women and girls are whores to be sexually used and abused
One 14yr old girl had her tongue nailed to a table while while a group of muslim men repeatedly raped her - every town that has Muslims in it you'll find grooming (rape) gangs - it's well known what goes on but everyone that speaks out gets jailed and the offenders set free to do it again and again
As the Koran says - girls are for children and boys are for pleasure
British police should be burned at the stake for what they've done and what they continue to turn a blind eye to
Tommy Robinson “enemy of the state”
Tommy isn't an enemy of the State, the State has made itself an enemy of him AND The People!
That is the name of a book he wrote about this problem in England quite a while ago
Embrace the right of gun ownership; these other countries do not.
Islam is presented to the world as being reasonable and peaceful in order to disarm the Infidels so that they will be completely blindsided and not know "what hit them" until the Muslim population of an area reaches at least ten percent. At that point they will "uncloak" and show their "true colors" and simply take over by whatever violent means is necessary. THAT is what Islam is all about! It has always been that way, from its beginning. It is a true "wolf in sheep's clothing". Just study its history! Mohammed was a mega-criminal who slaughtered his way through every country he conquered! He lied to his followers about everything, claiming to be directed by the Angel Gabriel to do what he did. Nothing but lies! Divine Beings do NOT tell people to do things like that!
Mohammed was a mass murderer, liar, rapist, thief, pedophile, and torturer. His claims of getting "divine messages" means he was either outright lying or, more likely, a delusional schizophrenic. And yet Muslims also have been lied to from the inception of Islam. They are told that Mohammed was "the Perfect Man" as well as God's "Final Prophet". What a load of hooey!
People need to understand that according to the Islamic worldview, there are only two possible states of existence on this planet: to be in The House of Islam (means "submission") or The House of War. Until all of humanity is subjugated into The House of Islam, we Infidels will be subjected to endless warfare being waged against us, by ALL means possible, including every kind of deception! Muslims are not supposed to lie to each other, but lying to us Infidels is not only okay, it is a preferred strategy.
I don't speak Arabic, but knowledgeable scholars state that all of the English and other translations of the Quran are heavily "watered down" to minimize the true intention and goal of world conquest by Islam, a conquest from its beginning that has been "By the Sword"!
The sharia based "Cairo Declaration of Human Rights" (from 2006 I think) abrogates, with regard to Muslims, the full human rights concept of the UN Charta of Human Rights for all humans. This is because sharia does allow for physical punishment including severance of body parts and death. Think of stoning for instance. This is all covered by this Cairo Declaration which I think was initiated by the OIC, Organization of Islamic Countries, based I think in Jeddah Saudi Arabia.
In the new amendments of IHR rules however, human dignity, human rights and bodily autonomy have been cancelled outright, and replaced by inclusion (= nobody escapes) and equity (= all are mistreated alike, nobody escapes). This means that human rights under sharia are compatible with the new amended human rights of the UN. UN human rights have been adapted to match or fit Islamic human rights. This in turn gives some new plausibility to a very old speculation that the governing religion assigned to the masses under the New World Order, was going to be Islam. The One World approach of the UN, WHO, EU and WEF, can be seen as principally compatible and potentially congruent with the Umma concept of Islam and the Islamic concept of Dar Al Islam which is the House of Submission or Peace (Dar as Salam), where Islam reigns supreme, whereas the Dar Al Harb is the House of War, where Islamic law is not in force. There also is the intermediate stage of Dar Al Ahd, which is the House of the Contract. This is where Islam is in minority Status, in diaspora, and where provisionally, note provisionally, Muslims are held to respect the majority laws: for exactly and only as long as those whose laws are in force, also remain in majority. It is however an explicit goal of Islam to conquer the entire world to bring about the Dark Al Islam or Dar Al Salam, House of Peace, including by what Muslim leaders have termed births jihad. In certain European countries, there are already now certain regions and city conglomerates that have a clear majority of children of non indigenous descent and of Muslim faith. When, as will of course happen, these cohorts grow up, and simultaneously older generations "die off", there will be quite a number of regions with Muslim majorities at the ballot box. Democratic constitutions can be modified democratically by majority vote, and it is not far fetched that, in a transparent Democratic process, constitutions may be amended to become sharia based. This may happen in a decade or so, and would make confluence yet easier and stronger between the human rights related values of WHO, UN and WEF on one hand with Islamic human rights on the other hand. I would like to know with more precision but I am under the impression that Muslim populations have, with good cause, been appropriately hesitant in taking up the injections. If that should be true, that would result in their procreative potential remaining fully intact whereas less tribally oriented, more individualist Western European white = non Semitic populations whose societies work und the submission of individuals under the State instead of under the clan head, have tended to take the injections rather assiduously which now is already affecting live birth rates and female (anf also male it seems) fertility. We will see only with the coming generation what sterilizing effect the injections have on the next generation of women and men when they try to procreate. (And whether we are confronted with these injections having been an adaptation of, or transfer onto, the human model, of the -I believe Gates-supported- GeneDrive concept that had already been studied and tested in mosquitoes.) Also we will see if potentially, the populations most affected by the injections will be less inclined to even bother to mate thus procreate, like one observes in the recently publicized study on sterility-sniffles-treated stray cats. In any case already the notable effects up to now show that the birthing jihad by Islam as demanded e.g. by Erdogan, will have an advantageous boost. And then the Muslim population, which worldwide is already very extensive, would become an ever more dominant part of the peoples governed under the WHO, and it would make ever more sense for the governing group, to accommodate UN human rights' scope to the expectations of the Islamic world, to in turn get better endorsement from this important group for accepting being governed under WHO rule. This adaptation might take away the risk of the currently observed phenomenon of parallel communities in Western non-sharia-governed countries, think also that in Islam, women are seldom expected to leave the house, so, religious endorsement AND subsequent enforcement! of WHO curfews through Muslim "collaborators", and preaching of the duty to obey WHO rules in mosques, is a very plausible scenario. Without such compatibility and resulting possibility of endorsement, Islam would be predestined to be a large factor of resistance. This way on the contrary, its conservatism can even be harnessed by WHO for discipline purposes.
There's a "brand" of this religion that's very extreme. Seems it was intentionally created and fostered for a purpose. When you offer a young man (who's already poll-vaulting through life at that age) the directive to rape as many non-Muslim women (and children) as possible, they are pretty enthusiastic about it.
Can you even believe that feminists, LGBTQ, BLM, ANTIFA, and the tree-huggers were promoting the hijab (made from an American flag) for American women just a couple of years ago? Seems that astro-turf campaign (which was about as popular as Bud Light's new spokes "woman") got quietly dropped at some point, but I remember seeing the posters and it infuriated me.
Weird that both the trans movement AND the Muslim movement are all about mutilating kid's genitals and sexually exploiting children. The Muslims are confined to doing this to females, but the sickness/evil is of the same spirit- PERVERSION.
Girls are for children and boys are for pleasure - that's what Muslims are taught
UNITE WE “The people – the people – are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.”....THIS WILL HAPPEN TO THIS EVIL WORLD BY GODS WORDS UNITE WITH GOD FOR A BEAUTIFUL RIGHTEOUS EVERLASTING LIFE HE CREATETED ALL AND GAVE US FREEDOM OF CHOICE
Taqqiya is their deceit to infiltrate. Look up the meaning
Scum. What about the custom of taking a wife to mislead so they can have their way with young boys?
Sick cunts they are the one who need beheading...
I can't click the heart button. If an informative article but it's disgusting and heart breaking.
Muslim members of Congress (and their supporters) must be voted out of office. If not, it is only a matter of time before Shia will be the law of the land, not the Constitution.
For a history of the Jihad, the Muslim holy war against the Christians, please read JIHAD, Paul Fregosi, 1998. Historically, both the followers of Christ, and Mohammed have excelled at wanton bloodshed. The difference between the two, is that the former were disobeying the commands of their founder, and the latter were obeying their founders commands, and following his example. "Mohammed unlike Christ was a man of violence, he bore arms, was wounded in battle, and preached holy war Jihad...In his ten years at Medina he organized no fewer than 65 militias campaigns, and personally led 27..." JIHAD pg. 58 & 61. Compare this with the command of Christ: "Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." Matthew 26:52 KJV.