(b) foreign influenced activities within or relating to Canada that are detrimental to the interests of Canada and are clandestine or deceptive or involve a threat to any person,
Justine Trudeau and Christa Freeland are BOTH long-time graduates of Klaus Schwab's
school of up-and-c…
(b) foreign influenced activities within or relating to Canada that are detrimental to the interests of Canada and are clandestine or deceptive or involve a threat to any person,
Justine Trudeau and Christa Freeland are BOTH long-time graduates of Klaus Schwab's
school of up-and-coming YOUNG GLOBAL leaders. They, and "over 50% of Trudeau's Liberals
( Schwab's own claim and "bragging rights" ), are committed Globalists. This means they've
chucked Canada's Sovereignty and Constitution and Bill of Rights and Freedoms! What can be
MORE "detrimental to the interests of Canada . . " because involving threats to Canadian
Citizens ?? They're both Schwab's "Clones", which is also the reason that BOTH speak without
ANY PERSONAL conviction or CARE for Canada and its people. They're TRAITORS to our
Sovereign Nation, it's Laws, it's Constitution. Your face, Justine, has been (and REMAINS)
blackened yet once again, this time it's no dramatic trick of your making, but reality. As for
Christa, you are the White Witch of C.S.Lewis's Narnia Chronicles, come fully alive. Always
2019, c. 13, s. 92
threats to the security of Canada means
(b) foreign influenced activities within or relating to Canada that are detrimental to the interests of Canada and are clandestine or deceptive or involve a threat to any person,
Justine Trudeau and Christa Freeland are BOTH long-time graduates of Klaus Schwab's
school of up-and-coming YOUNG GLOBAL leaders. They, and "over 50% of Trudeau's Liberals
( Schwab's own claim and "bragging rights" ), are committed Globalists. This means they've
chucked Canada's Sovereignty and Constitution and Bill of Rights and Freedoms! What can be
MORE "detrimental to the interests of Canada . . " because involving threats to Canadian
Citizens ?? They're both Schwab's "Clones", which is also the reason that BOTH speak without
ANY PERSONAL conviction or CARE for Canada and its people. They're TRAITORS to our
Sovereign Nation, it's Laws, it's Constitution. Your face, Justine, has been (and REMAINS)
blackened yet once again, this time it's no dramatic trick of your making, but reality. As for
Christa, you are the White Witch of C.S.Lewis's Narnia Chronicles, come fully alive. Always
winter. Never CHRISTmas ! !