Re-electing Trump? Based on COVID response? Why I think he deserves a second shot...and only how he could get it...
Does Trump deserve a second shot? absolutely...there is no one like him or capable...I think was destined to be the greatest...lots of mouth and bravado but a fine human being to me and a true American success story...beautiful human being and we all have faults and are fallen and imperfect...I am…we are broken by life and twisted in ways but we try to live decent law abiding lives and decent lives and good and we do it...we help those in need…we add to the world how we could…law abiding and we love our police and military and he is exceptional...I will support and vote for one else based on the folk on tap now except Ron Johnson…he will get my vote…...but...he Trump made 2 catastrophic mistakes...blunders that would go down in history as the greatest public health disaster ever….if he does not clean them up...he was misled by one of the greatest threats to safety in the US and I say world in Fauci...dangerously inept and incompetent but he does not know it and the ass suckers around him, the money grant leaches in terms of universities, doctors, scientists who have no skills other than writing grants...miserable incapable of working in the real they create this little club and Tony abused his role and he gave loads of coin to all...he bought their compliance and silence and now we needed their strength they went AWOL for Tony was cashing in his chips...for all that grant and university Trump has to explain how come he did not fire Tony and Birx out of the gate and how come he let these incompetent people run his pandemic response that ended up killing thousands not from the was Fauci and Birx lockdowns but Trump was the capo...he must explain how come he did not ensure early treatment was carte blanch in every hospital and nursing home….so he needs to give us some 'splaining'....and he needs to also splain how come he let these vaccines come to fruition and now, why the silence???...I deeply admire this man and all he did and he can do great things better than most...AGAIN….but he failed in these 2 massive issues and he has to explain how come...and what he will do different next time...for we can forgive and understand but you cant be silent now Mr. President especially on these dangerous vaccines for our children who do not need it...
I'll be surprised if he gets the momentum, Dr Paul.
I am reading lots a nay sayers that are upset that he keeps hyping the jabs and that he did not drain much of the swamp.
He needs to blow the whistle loudly on Fauci and friends and maybe people will take notice again.
Yes, unfortunately his advisors should have known the whole story on Fauci and Friends going way back. He talked about Deep State -- well that is Deep State personified. His people seemed more up on things in the areas of environmental and climate -- stands to reason, because those are the impediments to his industry, construction. I got a red flag early on when I heard he was on statins. He was so credulous in the medical field. But his staff should have researched. I mean, putting Redfield at CDC! But look, he put Chris Wray at FBI, and most of us got played by Bill Barr at DOJ...Almost impossible to find staff who are not compromised. I don't think there really is an answer. The behemoth has gotten out of control and taken on a life of its own.