I'll be surprised if he gets the momentum, Dr Paul.

I am reading lots a nay sayers that are upset that he keeps hyping the jabs and that he did not drain much of the swamp.

He needs to blow the whistle loudly on Fauci and friends and maybe people will take notice again.

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Yes, unfortunately his advisors should have known the whole story on Fauci and Friends going way back. He talked about Deep State -- well that is Deep State personified. His people seemed more up on things in the areas of environmental and climate -- stands to reason, because those are the impediments to his industry, construction. I got a red flag early on when I heard he was on statins. He was so credulous in the medical field. But his staff should have researched. I mean, putting Redfield at CDC! But look, he put Chris Wray at FBI, and most of us got played by Bill Barr at DOJ...Almost impossible to find staff who are not compromised. I don't think there really is an answer. The behemoth has gotten out of control and taken on a life of its own.

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Dr. Alexander, I enjoy reading your articles . I agree with what tou

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