This is what Geert Van der Bossche has been saying.

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

Read et al "has demonstrated that leaky vaccines can make the situation for unvaccinated individuals worse."

"Our data show that anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts.’

This is the opposite of what you and Geert Vanden Bossche have been arguing - leaky vaccines make matters worse for the vaccinated, with the unvaccinated faring better.

Dr Alexander, can you please explain?

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

Let me see if I understand. The multi-boosted will become chronically ill with the Covid variant du jour and immune compromised with all that entails. On the other hand, the unvaccinated theoretically will face a hot variant (series of hot variants?) for which they have no or imperfect immunity, but for which there already are a ton of therapeutics (the list grows weekly) that seem to be effective when administered by a competent, red pilled physician early in the infection.

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The case for Reverse Marek's

You see, the problem is not merely that the vaccines immuno suppress you, or turning you into a super-spreader, or even helping the landscape of highly adapted viral mutation. The real issue is that now we have a Reverse Marek’s scenario, where the vaccinated create supercharged, high transmissible viral swarms, which their compromised immune system can’t deal with, in turn infecting and creating a cascade in vaccinated individuals.


How's this for a Perfect Storm...

The CovIDIOTS are currently brewing up a Bosschian Nightmare Mutation --- it's a numbers game - th more they inject the sooner we hit the Jack Pot of Death.

Unlike with Marek's if you keep vaccinating your chickens they survive the disease - with the Covid vaccines you are spiking the bodies of the victims and destroying their immune system (VAIDS)...

When the Bosschian Nightmare arrives it is lethal to both the vaxxed and unvaxxed. Nobody survives.

I know this is not an outcome that the unvaxxed will be happy with --- but keep in mind -- we were always going to follow the vaxxed to the grave ... killing billions or even hundreds of millions of them ... will collapse the supply chain..

And the survivors would starve.

I understand that all unvaxxed chickens that encounter Marek's are dead within a few days... probably a better way to go than starvation.

Extinction is imminent https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Can this happen with the monkeypox vaccines - is it a disaster waiting to happen that can have ramifications for people outside the original risk group??? I implore the other readers to chime in and ask these questions to other critical doctors and scientists to help understand this issue so it can be dismissed as a possibility or not.

The monkeypox vaccines themselves don't have the same inherent issue as the covid vaccines, I think, as far as being inherently leaky vaccines.

HOWEVER, what is unique, and what I think is really being overlooked and is not factored in from pre-covid vaccine era studies, **is that these vaccines will all be given to a very immune suppressed population of gay men continuously engaging in risky activities and exposed to the monkeypox virus.** They are immune suppressed because they are taking the covid vaccines, plus the other drugs associated with their lifestyle.

For example, see Seneff and McCullough's "Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs"

Also, regarding their own drug use, poppers are also immune suppressant. - 'In studies suggesting a negative impact on immunity, there appears to be a modest suppression of Cd4 cells (in mice) or natural killer cells (in humans) for 4-7 days following poppers use.)

Even party drugs like MDMA (doubtlessly used in the orgies that were mentioned here before), also are immune suppressant:

"MDMA has immunosuppressive actions. Specifically, MDMA suppresses neutrophil phagocytosis, suppresses production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin (IL)-1β, and increases production of the endogenous immunosuppressive cytokine (IL-10), thereby promoting an immunosuppressive cytokine phenotype. MDMA also suppresses circulating lymphocyte numbers, with CD4+ T cells being particularly affected, and alters T-cell function as indicated by reduced mitogen-stimulated T-cell proliferation, and a skewing of T-cell cytokine production in a T helper 2 (Th2) direction" (from the 2004 article: Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ‘Ecstasy’): a stressor on the immune system PMCID: PMC1782451 )

I also saw this comment - I can't verify it right now, but it may also be a further sign of the immune suppressed risky activities gay population:

"It has also been discovered that drugs targeting retroviruses, such as anti-HIV drugs, also affect the expression of APOBEC3A and G in different cells in immune systems. That is, the immune status of people who take antiviral drugs for a long time may prevent the monkeypox virus from being completely eliminated."

So they have a weak immune system. And then they are continuously exposed to the monkeypox virus because of their lifestyle activities. That is, I don't think they are going to stop attending risky group sex activities. If anything, because of the psychology of feeling protected from the monkeypox vaccine, they will engage more frequently in risky activities.

Now I see there is a type of monkeypox vaccine, called ACAM2000.

ACAM2000 is a live vaccinia virus that can be transmitted to persons who have close contact with the vaccinee and the risks in contacts are the same as those stated for vaccinees.


So these gay men are going to get ACAM2000, and ACAM can be transmitted to people in close contact with the vaccinee. And they aren't going to stop their lifestyle activities, so they will be transmitting ACAM2000 at the early stages.

Also important - That ACAM2000 vaccine - is SHED by people for up to 42 days! See this study, "Smallpox vaccine, ACAM2000: Sites and duration of viral shedding and effect of povidone iodine on scarification site shedding and immune response" (to see the full text, go to SciHub and search this DOI: "10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.04.062" )

In that study, the median duration of shedding was 21 DAYS!!! And these were healthy US military personnel who were tested. Imagine how much how longer the shedding will be for the immune suppressed members of the risk groups! 3.4% were still shedding at 42 days! (see page 2995 of the study).

So isn't this like when Dr. GVB was warning that people are getting the covid vaccine, while they are continuously exposed to covid in the environment?

So the parallel I see is that we have a immune suppressed population (from covid vaccines, plus gay lifestyle factors such as poppers or other drugs), and then they are getting the ACAM2000 vaccine as a an example. But this vaccine can be transmitted in close quarters. And the shedding will be worse in their cases, compared to historically studied groups. And they will certainly be in close quarters. So this in effect, is like a self spreading vaccination program among the high risk gay men. But, they are continuously exposed to the virus, from their mass activities. But isn't this similar to what Dr. GVB was warning about with the covid vaccines? So they are immune suppressed, and then exposed to the virus - so they are easy hosts for the virus, AND they now have the vaccine, but because they are immune suppressed, the virus can easily mutate around their vaccine. Then this drives the production of monkeypox variants. THEN the groups not normally at risk are suddenly potentially targets.

Not only that, because of the immune suppression, the shedding is worse/extended. The ACAM2000 vaccine seems to have terrible shedding side effects. If you look at page 3, you'll see the following warning: "ACAM2000 is a live vaccinia virus that **can be transmitted to persons who have close contact with the vaccinee and the risks in contacts are the same as those for the vaccinee**"

ALSO, look at the contraindications for ACAM2000 - people with weak immune systems are contraindicated!:

"**Severe localized or systemic infection with vaccinia (progressive vaccinia) may occur in persons with weakened immune systems.** Individuals with severe immunodeficiency who are not expected to benefit from the vaccine should not receive ACAM2000. These individuals may include individuals

who are undergoing bone marrow transplantation or individuals with primary or acquired immunodeficiency who require isolation"

What are the complications of ACAM2000?

"Serious complications that may follow either primary live vaccinia smallpox vaccination or revaccination include: myocarditis and/or pericarditis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy, progressive vaccinia (vaccinia necrosum), generalized vaccinia, severe vaccinial skin infections, erythema multiforme major (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), eczema

vaccinatum, blindness, and fetal death in pregnant women. These complications may rarely lead to severe disability, permanent neurological sequelea and death. Based on clinical trials, symptoms of suspected myocarditis or pericarditis (such as chest pain, raised troponin/cardiac enzymes, or ECG abnormalities) occur in 5.7 per 1000 primary vaccinations."

(The above 3 quotes on ACAM2000 are from www DOT fda DOT gov/media/75792/download , it is the ACAM2000 Product Insert)

Also worsening the situation, I believe, is how long it takes for these monkeypox vaccines to be effective:

"JYNNEOS involves 2 vaccine doses 28 days apart and **vaccine protection is not conferred until 2 weeks after receipt of the second dose**; ACAM2000 involves 1 dose of vaccine and peak vaccine **protection is conferred within 28 days**."(source: www DOT cdc DOT gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7122e1.htm "Use of JYNNEOS (Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine, Live, Nonreplicating) for Preexposure Vaccination of Persons at Risk for Occupational Exposure to Orthopoxviruses"

Will these risk groups be abstaining from close contacts for those specified durations (2 weeks after the first 28 days in JYNNEOS, or after 28 days in ACAM2000?

I really don't think so, sorry! I don't think we can count on a month long abstention from the risk groups.

Therefore, the risk groups are engaging in contacts, BEFORE their monkeypox vaccines are even fully effective!

Isn't this very similar to Dr. GVB example of the covid vaccines, where people are particularly immune suppressed within the first 2 weeks of getting them, but are continuously exposed to covid in the environment?

So we have these people with

1. Weakened immune system from covid vaccines PLUS lifestyle drugs

2. Vaccines of incomplete effectiveness (because it requires abstention of risky activities for minimum one month in ACAM2000, and 60+ days in JYNNEOS)

3. Shedding the vaccine for prolonged times/intensity (in the case of ACAM2000)

How is this not a recipe for disaster?

People who have some insight, please share!

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From the standpoint of the eugenicists this would be a desirable goal.

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

We need to hear all sides. GVB has a contact listed on website below for anyone wanting to send a message to see if GVB can clarify or expand on this study - it certainly seems this information is different for those not ‘vaccinated’? Hopefully Dr Alexander will clarify in a substack soon.


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Leaky vaxxines/death shots are what the Evil running this place want. John Coleman is long dead now, but his book lives on:


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Dr Ryan Cole. The World Has Been Spiked

Detailed and concise exposition of the spike protein poisoning of mankind by injection.

Dr Cole is unquestionably one of the world’s top experts on the effects of the so-called covid “vaccines” on the human body. He is a devote pathologist who has been studying this intensely through the microscope. Here is his exceptional and up-to-date exposition of the details which he presented to the General Assembly of the World Council for Health 4 days ago on July 25th, 2022. Drs Pierre Kory and Paul Marik are world experts on treating this poisoning; they join Dr Cole in the Q and A.


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The worst result of any failed vaccine experiment is disease enhancement or ADE, ADEI. This occurs after vaccine resistance. To persist with boosters after vaccine resistance and negative efficacy is asking for disease enhancement. That’s the way it goes, however, this is a novel experiment using gain of function virus and vaccine. Marek’s and Dengue are examples of disease enhancement but this wasn’t gain of function. This is, in my opinion, the big difference. How can you have a gain of function vaccine for a gain of function virus!?

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

Yes, Dr Geert Van den Bossche warned against this very danger in March 2021. The international health authorities including the EMA, WHO, the UK's MHRA turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to what Geert Van den Bossche was saying and warning. Dr Geert Van den Bossche went to the trouble of writing to those health authorities, in clear terms, to explain the danger and folly of what they were doing. Why were Dr Geert Van den Bossche's advice and warnings ignored? The people of the World deserve an answer as to why these health authorities ignored the expert advice and warnings of Dr Geert Van den Bossche who is an eminent research scientist with real expertise and experience in the development of vaccines over many, many years. Why were Dr Geert Van den Bossche 's advice and warnings ignored? Is there any member of the the abovementioned health authorities courageous enough the explain (with cogent data and scientific principles) WHY the expert advice of Dr Geert Van den Bossche was ignored? Or are they all spineless serfs of their paymasters who lack the guts to explain to the people why the advice of Geert Van den Bossche was ignored....???


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