Excellent work by the HIGHEST qualified doctors/researchers, who are honest, honorable, and noble. NO FUNDING/CONFLICT OF INTEREST!


In summary, among the universe of published autopsies performed after COVID-19 vaccination available to date, with a contemporary and independent review, we found that in 73.9% of cases, COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or significantly contributed to death.

The consistency seen among cases in this review with previously reported COVID-19 vaccine serious adverse events, their known fatal mechanisms, coupled with our independent adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death.

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Do you realize I know people who will not believe the accurate and proven truth and will deny/ignore this information?

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They tend to be skeptics who believe and listen to the fake Dr Tedros, the Tam (whatever that thing is) univershitty presidents who impose mandates and leaders of nations who pretend they are Stalin when in truth they have NO RIGHT TO IMPOSE THEIR BS USELESS MANDATES THAT KILL PEOPLE.

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Thank you sir for sharing this information!!!

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Too many deaths and complications. God bless the stricken families.

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My question Dr is, “who has the anti-venom”? If in fact death has been n attributed to the “Bioweapon Injection” and I am absolutely certain they are, once again, who has the “anti-venom”?

This entire attack and subsequent “Crimes Against Humanity” was premeditated!

This wasn’t “oops” sorry Charlie kind of thing!

I understand it’s very important to find the link. Which has been found. IMO, these shots were designed and forced through illegal mandates, “TO KILL”! This is no joke!

Those who want to believe that these shots are “safe and effective” have at it, knock yourself out, go for it! But the rest of us deserve to know the complete story! No?

Yuval Hariri and Klaus Schwab plus Bill “kill” Gates and the rest of their absolutely diabolical and malignant criminals know something about this! About how to “NOT” get infected! Other mechanisms are being used to “control humanity”, those of us who survive their attacks!

I’ve always believed, if you need to prepare for a baseball game or football game, you must learn what your opposition’s “weaknesses and strengths”are!

Otherwise you’re only fooling yourself. And at times I believe “we’re fooling ourselves” with researching after the fact!

Although this is very important, I haven’t read much about how to “protect ourselves” against subsequent attacks which these “evil monsters” may use to further their agenda!

Such as different methods, as in tainting our food and water supplies, etc. Remember what Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm Emanuel’s brother said about “eliminating useless eaters” and sterilizing the water, etc. He’s another example of who we can’t trust!

Or are we / is it too late?

The same methodology applies here, IMO. Preparing for what they may do next is what I’m saying. This is how I see it.

So who can, who will, or can anyone, inform and help the rest of humanity find out what the “anti-venom” is? Someone knows this answer.

I believe many of these “evil monsters” do know how to protect themselves. Why wouldn’t they, they’re the ones responsible for this attack and I guarantee they know.

Which is why I’m asking so

“We the People”, the remaining people, know!

Before it’s too late!

Nearly everything inflicted throughout this “scam of all scams” of an attack against the American people, and the rest of the world, “was done to and for some very ugly reason”!

I personally believe this was all done to us and is all about “depopulation”! With the ability to “control” those who do not succumb! Through nanotechnology / biosensor technologies!

We deserve to know how to undo what these “evil monsters” have attacked us with! We must know!

Thank you Dr as always! You’re always on the “cutting edge” and looking out for “GOOD vs EVIL”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Heads must roll over this bullshit.

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Let’s get this out to the masses!!

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That sounds good. However in Australia “the show goes on” . The second video. Isn’t that disgusting? We think about us “we, the people” while they, whomever they are look at us as “people on the streets”.

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