Three causes of the UK - and US, Canada, Germany, Japan and other nation as well - getting sicker (not in any order or ranking):

1) deadly mRNA products falsely presented as 'vaccines'

2) government lockdowns and restrictions in 2020 created a back flow of far more serious illnesses due to delayed diagnosis and treatment, because of all the attention on covid

3) the insanity and increasing tyranny of governments, causing severe mental and spiritual stress, which in turn cause more illness and early deaths. Mental and spiritual stresses cause 80% or more of all illness. This could very well be the #1 factor and cause.

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Vaccine Zombification Apoc nearing full kilter (all across the realm) plus invasion by unwanted migrant criminals.....a veritable nasty brew.....need to get outa those armchairs!

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They are living in that river in Egypt, called denial.

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Yahoo = big brother component

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Just a comment on link housekeeping. Here’s the “clean” link without the meta referral trackers (the “?” and everything past it is not included).:


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What irony. Or as many lately have said, Karma is a bitch. Not believing in Karma, I say, hubris is really expensive. My original thought on hearing of this "Chinese deadly disease", then offing the elderly, was that it was a bioweapon which would fix the Social Security funding problem. And Britain must have an even greater funding problem as it includes much more 'supportive social network'. So in trying to remove people from the rolls, to cut costs, those in charge have actually put far more people onto far more costly levels of the supportive network. Wonder how they'll try to get out of this tight place.

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