Redfield told me directly that the 6 foot social distancing rule was NOT based on science and was made up para 'we just made it up'; many attacked me for saying but then Scott backed me up! "CDC’s Six
CDC’s Six-Foot Social Distancing Rule Was ‘Arbitrary’, Says Former FDA Commissioner";...six-foot recommendations were unfounded, said “the lack of rigor” in how CDC operates"
My take: many business owners who had to re-arrange seating even in restaurants, had to close down for good, many hung themselves! I know, we saw the reports, many Americans hung themselves, committed suicide due to the lockdowns and school closures, parents beat their children mercilessly, broken bones, taking them to the ER unresponsive and admitting they just beat the child out of anger and frustration being locked down, many physically and sexually abused the children who were confined home and abused…schools spot physical and sexual abuse FIRST, closing them hurt our children!
This is why we hunt down the COVID lockdown lunatics, the mandarins, the COVID Talibans, the Branch COVIDIANS, we never stop, we name them, shame them, drag them into legal forums and get them investigated and tried and if shown via judges and juries they harmed and killed with their specious feckless non-sensical COVID deadly policies, then we jail them and if judges say hang them, then we hang them too…we let the courts hang them and go buy rope and wood and donate to the courts. I would. Do not be bothered by who, punishment must be fair and equal. I want to start with all the connected elite, high-society government, 33 Horsemen list type peoples, the ‘connected’ ones, I want them investigated for COVID wrongdoing first, from lockdowns to mRNA technology to mRNA vaccines…
Both the 10-foot and six-foot recommendations were unfounded, said Gottlieb, and show “the lack of rigor” in how the CDC made public health recommendations.
“Many people assume the rule traces to “some old studies” on the flu, which found droplets won’t travel further than six feet, Gottlieb said—though research has since shown that Covid-19 can be spread through aerosols, which have the potential to travel many times further than droplets.”
“The six-foot rule was “probably the single costliest recommendation that [the] CDC made,” Gottlieb said, because “the whole thing feels arbitrary and not science based,” which lowers public confidence.”
Everything they did was made up, it was a simulation done in real time. Its the people of the world who got screwed and as for justice, I don't give a shit how it happens, it just better damn well happen and soon.
NEVER FORGET WHAT THEY DID TO ALL OF US... MAY 2024 be a year of REDEMPTION AND JUSTICE FOR ALL- especially for the injured and murdered Americans at the hands of our own Government. I will NEVER be the same person because of these EVIL MONSTERS and I will NEVER stop fighting for the truth. Thank you Dr A!!!