Everything they did was made up, it was a simulation done in real time. Its the people of the world who got screwed and as for justice, I don't give a shit how it happens, it just better damn well happen and soon.

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I was going to say basically thr same thing. This shouldn't surprise anyone, ALL OF CONVID was made up. I've lived more than 60 years on two things, very successfully and in good health. If a Dr. Tells you something, get at least 3 different opinions. Most suck and don't know what they don't know. Secondly, if a politician tells you to do something, do the complete opposite, quickly.

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EVERYTHING - the most important word.

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NEVER FORGET WHAT THEY DID TO ALL OF US... MAY 2024 be a year of REDEMPTION AND JUSTICE FOR ALL- especially for the injured and murdered Americans at the hands of our own Government. I will NEVER be the same person because of these EVIL MONSTERS and I will NEVER stop fighting for the truth. Thank you Dr A!!!

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yeah, and people got so crazy over this. At my office, one germaphobe measured 6' from her office chair in the direction of the door, and at exactly the 6' mark she laid masking tape on the carpet: do not cross the line.

We also had to "stand on the dot" in elevators -- a literal dot with foot prints (sticker) on the floor.

Trader Joe's spray painted "X's" in red paint, 6' apart, outside the store, for us to line up on and stand on the X while the employees kept track of the number of customers allowed in, and sanitized each cart before we were encouraged to add extra sanitizer to our cart and hands. They also had dot stickers on the floor near the cash registers (behind plexiglas shields) that we had to stand on (masked) while the cashiers rang us up at a 6' distance -- only once it was totaled were we allowed to very quickly move closer to pay.

Other stores allowed only 2 customers in at a time.

I saw so many customers wearing custom-made hazmat garments, completely covered with hooded jackets, gloves, pants tucked into socks, mask, goggles, being so very careful as we had been instructed. Oh, and did I forget to mention the double masking? Plenty of that was seen, too.

Try to get your eyeglass prescription updated while wearing a mask, which fogs up the optical equipment. Insane.

Try to sing in the choir while wearing a mask, while standing 6' apart.

Try to take communion in church by keeping your mask on, and then whipping it off only long enough to put that wafer in your mouth, then back on again.

I ran into an old friend at the beginning of COVID in the grocery.... he called out to me, "hey, Dani!" and I'm like, "oh, Gordon, so nice to see you!" as I move towards him, then he moves backwards in horror, raising his gloved hands in front of his masked face to ward me and my germs off. Good Lord.

This is the insanity that was pushed on all of us. And there are plenty of victims still caught up in it. Were they mentally ill before, and I just didn't see it? Anxiety levels in many people is still through the roof. And people have aged rapidly.

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Good Lord, thr insanity. There are people still stuck there!

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I shudder in recalling all that forced insanity. Another casualty was relationships with family and friends...I know of no one whose circles were not pretty severely impacted. It may be because this general region is very blue, and they were the harshest enforcers, but *covid mitigation* carpet bombed so many relationships.

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All covid protocols are made up. I used to tell my wife they’re all laughing their asses off at us. Whenever Fauci looks at a crowd of masked idiots he’s got to feel very powerful thinking, “I did that!” And two masks? He’s rolling on the floor in laughter.

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Yep, they mock even those following their orders. That's why the made up names like omicron were used. Those letters also spell moronic.

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PCR, mRNA, Variants. They work in concert to maintain the gift that keeps on giving to them at our expense.

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So many people are weak brain dead and can't think for themselves. I never obeyed any of there bulls..t rules. They told me to wear a mask. I said hell no your part of the problem. Think about it a peace of cloth can't stop a bad fart how in the hell do you think it going to stop a virus. Non vaxed never. Live free only God's laws. No body else made up as you go bullsh.t.

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"6 foot safe. 5 foot danger."🤣

One way grocery aisles.🤣🤡


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Go in rssturaint wearing mask, sit down and eat, take off mask. I had no idea how polite convid was/is?

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These people are Sun worshipping Satanists....followers of Lucifer.

6-6-6. It's always a six with these people, who think they can put people under their spells when they use the number six.

Apparently it worked!!

Scientifically proving the human mind is the weakest!!

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Even God calls his people sheep.

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I heard on The Highwire at least two years ago that the ‘6 ft apart’ concept was first thought of by a middle school student who was working on her science project with her dad. Not sure how CDC heard about it or when they first decided to roll with it though. It never made a bit of sense to me that a virus would travel 6 feet or less only and I’m not a virologist. I just know how how air flow works.

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It is for Satan, like everything they have done!

Luciferase enzyme in the Bioweapon Injection that some people call a "vaccine" ( it is not ). Also a protein in it called "Satin". All in the Pfizer docs submitted to the Regulatory bodies of the countries. Novavax calls their adjuvant " the Matrix ".

They are laughing their asses off!

6 feet is to Stamp 6,6,6, All over the Planet. A Satanists dream!

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They love their numbers, along with raping, abusing, torturing and killing children. God will be returning!

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This is the exact same scenario for the straws and how they are the main cause of plastic in the ocean -- sone middle school kid “did some science project” so now we need paper straws to go in our plastic cups !!

Then we need lockdowns to save humanity and to do so, we mandate 50 trillion single use “Curbside Pickup” containers.

It’s amazing how we are elevating middle school students in their first basic science class - students who don’t even know yet how to ask a real question because they don’t know anything yet! They are middle schoolers!

Govt school will create govt controlled idiots.

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Details slightly different, but allegedly the girl was a high school sophomore and the 6-foot hypothesis was her science fair project. Her dad is/was a scientist ( I should put that in sarc asterisks,lol) who works for the federal government, not sure of which agency, but likely the CDC or one of its affiliates. Daddy so proud of his intellectually mediocre spawn that the lobbied to get her hypothesis accepted as The Science™.

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I went to grocery store with one way 6' only traffic arrows and forgot and an item and wanted to go back and get it. The store SS Notzi stopped me. Gave me an evil look and asked what was I doing. I said I needed to go get something I forgot. He turned and crossed in front of following shoppers and went a picked up my forgotten item and gave it to me. No germs were spread there. What a farce.

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After 6 feet the virus gets tired and needs a cup of mocha to re-energize. 🚀You are 100% on target Paul. Meanwhile, on LinkedIn, in 2023, I just run into some pharmacist guy who thinks that the vaccines are safer than being infected, who "vaccinated" his kids, and who thinks that "he has no comfidence on Dr. McCullough". I pointed out to him that any risk benefit analysis that is being put out there assumes no prophylaxis options and no treatment, via McCullough protocol. He didn't get it.

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It’s become a cultish religion and he’s a priest. So much for science.....

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You know that 6 foot rule is about is arbitrary is that beak that the doctors had on their masks during the plague. I suppose it makes somebody feel good and it might even do you a little bit of good though essentially, it’s totally useless. It shows how far sciences come since the middle ages now doesn’t it👎🏻😡. I’m surprised they didn’t try to break out the leeches.🤔

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Might have worked better. Smoking cigarettes prevented infection more than their rat juice poison.

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Thank you for your work helping humanity!

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The ONLY America First Constitutional Conservative Group of Strategic Planners!

P.S. Member writer, Lex Greene is worth following. Click on Lex’s name for excellent archives!


Happy and most hopeful New Year!

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6 feet apart makes face recognition software more effective as people aren’t blocking one another from the camera’s view.

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Interesting point. We should all ignore it and shop in mobs like the “mostly peaceful” protestors.

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Yes. A true horror in seeing people familiar to us begin to act in insane ways, sometimes turning on us for not buying into their insanity. Perplexing, upsetting, and destructive.

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666 by design

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