I did not understand this distinction until Covid but apart from Covid highlighting the vast corruption in the State and elsewhere, learning about this early on has been a very valuable lesson. I suspect most pharma products measured by ARR perform very badly and all need re-evaluating against ARR.

Whole new world has therefore opened up so if nothing else despite the utter carnage, Covid did bring one benefit.

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for sure, it is a fraud by pharma, the FDA, and vaccine drug makers to con you. It must be made mandatory to report ARR and NNT and not only RRR

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Jan 15Edited
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We prefer Natural Remedies thanks.

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sure do

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Relative vs absolute risk reduction was among the biggest red flags at the start of this turkey that we were entering the Twilight Zone. In attempting to explain this ridiculous fraud to family members, I was greeted with blank stares followed by eye rolling.

*You're entering a world, not of sight and sound, but of mind.*

That's exactly what we entered: a world of media mind control.

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thank you TriTorch for this sharing, most of us experienced this blank stare...yuk...but we lived to tell and more battles ahead

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Semper Paratus

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I just call it the Twilight Zone. It pretty much covers it all.

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Everybody needs to understand this! And most do not. How To Lie With Statistics!

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(By Darrell Huff)

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Without these two major smoke and mirror operations, Pig Pharma's drug castle crumbles to dust.

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Big Pharma was produced to keep us sick, so they could make more billions. They create all sorts of diseases, and then make a chemical to "treat" it, but all they do is mask symptoms, and often create even MORE symptoms. More people die each year from the drugs than from actual diseases. It's all a scam, and it's been going on since Big Pharma's conception.

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Thanks for clarifying this.

Wizardry needs to cease!

My integrative medicine doctor left the insurance dictated system in the early 2000’s. He spends up to an hour with me.

Healing the damage from years of neglect and gaslighting by insurance dictated doctors in upstate New York. They offered antidepressants to help my Lyme they denied I had for years & a booster injury in 2003.

Off topic:

There’s a test for Lyme that’s accurate, insurance is finally covering it. I Gene X . Everywhere in America, except New York will honor the results.

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thank you for being here, huge hugs for your sharing

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NOT off topic: You're in NY right? The St Lawrence Seaway was one of the prime targets of a well-concealed program to spray weaponized mycotoxins over civilians populations on both sides of the border. The result was an outbreak of strange neuro-degenerative diseases with wide ranging symptoms that would make diagnosis difficult. Just what 'the doctor ordered' for hiding something 'in plain sight.'

The 'something' was a crystalline bacterial toxin extracted from the Brucella

bacterium. Merck discovered it in 1946, reported it to the Sec of War... and the rest is "history" ... as in the kind of mystery where governments collectively conceal WMD programs from their own citizen/serfs... the better to douse em with a mind numbing array of poison chemicals with deleterious effects?

Chosen vector was mosquitoes - bred by the billions in Belleville Ontario, released via aerial spraying, all paid for by the victims tax dollars. Lyme is simply a continuation of the same programmed degradation of the civilian population of N America... with another carefully chosen insect vector... but the same disabling results.

Anyone who thinks the KovidKaper is some kind of 'new' madness on the part of governments had better get hip to the FACT that this kind of STATE TERROR has been going on for more than 70 years now. And it's goal is not that hard to figure out.

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I like this post...I believe that about the spraying weaponized mycotoxins over civilians populations on both sides of the border.

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our governments are malevolent once it is to advance their aims

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Thousands of men went to Iraq under the impression they were sent to fight against some kind of brutal despot, and came back permanently disabled - due to having been 'vaccinated' with a toxin very similar to the above mentioned.

The humiliation of being treated as if they were 'malingerers' and told it was 'all in their head' and denied any benefits or suitable treatment may have been as bad or worse than the effects themselves. Their lives were ruined... by a brutal despot posing as their own 'government.'

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boom, the issue you raise is real and thank you for that...we must never forget

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Dr. Bryan Ardis talks about all of this in his book "Moving Beyond The Covid-19 Lies".

Dr. Mark Bailey and Dr. Samantha Bailey also talk about this in their book "The Final Pandemic". They go WAY back into the history of medical practices, and exposed a TON of fraudulent, and destructive practices.

This stuff has been going on for CENTURIES. Practically EVERYTHING we know about modern medicine is based on LIES!!!

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all lies, agreed

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My doctor too. We use natural methods, mostly food, to heal. She does a lot of tests that most doctors don't even know exist. She roots for the cause, which in a lot of cases is just a nutritional deficiency, and once you address that deficiency, your symptoms disappear. It's not complicated at all. All the pharmaceuticals do is CAUSE all those symptoms.

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I didn't think it was possible to hate Big pHARMa any more than I already did but I was wrong.

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ha ha ha

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Latypova is exposing some good work by Richet on the potential that no vaccine ever works and the real harms accrue after the 2nd shot

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Thank you, I follow her. I used to write all about the vaccine and pHarma harms on Academia.edu, Then they started a paid model for them but not for the writers so I took them down. Been in this fight since the 80's. 😊

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Margaret has pointed out that the Ardis precis shows the same 'two steps' to damage process. Since there are provably 'anti-dotes ' to poisoned venoms, it's not too much of a stretch to imagine the shots too had an antidote baked in from the beginning. In fact, it's been claimed that Ralph Baris did EXACTLY that at Chapel Hill.

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people should read "How to Lie with Statistics" - which Bill Gates praised highly! :/

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very good book...excellent.

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Paul, we were told that the benefits outweigh the risks and it was reported recently that millions of Americans still don't have access to the internet. But it turns out that, thanks be to Pfizer, they do. Did President Trump and RFK Jr discuss with Bourla how best to reward him when they rolled out the red carpet for him rat Mar-a-Lago recently?

This Pfizer patent application was approved August 31st 2021 and is the very first patent that shows up in a list of 18500 for the purpose of remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humands worldwide who will be or are now connected to the "internet of things" by a quantum link of pulsating microwave frequencies of 2.4 gHz or higher from cell towers and satellites directly to the graphene oxide held in the fatty tissues of all persons who've had the death-shot.



System and methods for anonymously selecting subjects for treatment against an infectious disease caused by a pathogen. The system comprises a plurality of electronic devices comprising instructions to generate an ID and, when in proximity of another such electronic device, one or both electronic devices transmit/receive the ID to/from the other electronic device. Then, a score is generated based on a plurality of such received IDs. Additionally, based on information received from a server, relevant treatment instructions are displayed to the subjects based on the received information and the score. The server comprises instructions for sending to the plurality of electronic devices the information to be displayed with the relevant treatment instructions, additionally the server and/or the electronic devices comprise instructions to generate a prediction of likelihood of a subject transmitting the pathogen, based on the score of the subject.


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you ask important questions and that dinner at Mar-a-Lago worries me for we are not told of content and since all present either brought OWS, fought against OWS, brought the vaccine etc. that killed, I would have thought we who were subject to all their actions, would be told of content...you?

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and the benefits never outweighed the risks for not risk benefit sort of calculations were done and no harms data was presented...if we did not follow people for the needed years to exclude harms, how do we know the risks? we dont. no toxicity, no teratogenicity, no oncogenicity, none of these studies were done. none.

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But now the jabbed are connected to the internet for free.

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This quote from the link reads like a bad translation or a bizarre encryption method but seems to reference the use of this tracing invention in Wuhan, Hubei, China as early as November 2019. >>Did I read that right?<<




INVENTION: Following is a non – exclusive list including some

The present invention , in some embodiments thereof , examples of embodiments of the invention . The invention

relates to methods and systems of prioritizing also includes embodiments , which include fewer than all the

vaccinations treatments \ testing and , more particularly , but 25 features in an example , and embodiments using features

not exclusively , to method and systems of prioritizing from multiple examples , also if not expressly listed below .

vaccinations treatments \ testing in a pandemic situation , Example 1. An anonymized method of treating subjects

whereby vaccines are at short supply and while protecting against an infectious disease caused by a pathogen , com

the privacy of the individuals in the population . prising :

Coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID – 19 ) is an infectious 30 a . providing an electronic device with proximity tracking

disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coro- circuitry for each of said subjects ;

navirus 2 ( SARS – CoV – 2 ) . It was first identified in December b . generating an ID for each said electronic device ;

2019 in Wuhan , Hubei , China , and has resulted in an a proximity event , when a particular said electronic

ongoing pandemic . The first confirmed case has been traced device of a particular said subject is in proximity of one or

back to 17 Nov. 2019 in Hubei . As of 6 August 2020 , more 35 more other of said electronic devices , one or both of

than 18.7 million cases have been reported across 188 transmitting said ID or an indication thereof to said one or

countries and territories , resulting in more than 706,000 more other devices and receiving an ID or indication thereof

deaths . More than 11.3 million people have recovered."

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It looks that way.

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Great that you tackle this, Paul.

Norman Fenton had put out a couple youtube videos explaining this, because of the extensive confusion caused (intentionally, as you suggest?!?! - yep, more than likely!)

- One is a "short version" explanation:


.....and another, "long-version" vid:


Numbers so easily "played with", manipulated, and used just as you say

"BIG pharma & vaccine makers use RRR to misled, lie, deceive the public; the FDA knows for the FDA/NIH/HHS is part of the lie!"

"They" have demonstrated an expertise in obfuscation - a word we have become more familiar with over the past few years

definition -

1. To make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand.

2. To render indistinct or dim; darken.

"The fog obfuscated the shore."

3. To darken; to obscure; to becloud.

yep, "they" are absolutely EXPERT at this "art", obfuscation.

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thank you for sharing this key resource

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A great conversation was held between Fenton and John Campbell a couple of years ago - interesting but a bit long, if anyone interested in such things:


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thank you much, I tried to make this simple

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Sorry if I "muddied it up" a bit - I find it an interesting topic, as it points directly to how "they" play their games. I get passionate about the BS they try to pull on us.....well, not really "try" - they have been quite successful.

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thank you so much for helping me here...and us.

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these simple debates help inform the public

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You the Best, Paul! 'Stay Frosty'

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The plandemic was just that, planned. We all knew by their theatrics thru mainstream paid for media. People still believe it was an actual pandemic...the sheep will sleep.

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Use of the 'relative efficacy' numbers to coerce the public should be codified as a crime. Failure to state absolute efficacy is indeed evidence of attempt to deceive and defraud...and to murder...and should be prosecuted as such.

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This is the essence of my now 4-year old pinned tweet.


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You know what would be a meaningful ratio.

The “days out because of adverse event”/“days out because of disease”. If it’s not << 1 then it is a big fat waste of money and time.

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thank you let me think of that...truth be told all of this was a waste of money and we could do experiments just using out own families as an example...this was pure fraud

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The lie was already there. They tried to renew and resurrect it. All they needed to do was exploit it. And they did.

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And they were able to "exploit" it because they knew they could manipulate Trump. I'm already seeing them do it again. Pretty obvious. Trump didn't get in by accident. It was PLANNED.

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He might be playing a game with them. He is committed to the well being of the USA and I will await to see if he goes to bat.

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That's BS. Just keep watching. If you don't see that soon, then you are willfully blind. It's already pretty obvious to me.

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Actually your position is one also of presumption presupposed on your own personal perspectives that are largely subjective at this point. I will wait ads the truth always surfaces. If I am wrong I will submit to a broom beating at your hand but you have to use the broom sweep bristle end to hang onto and wrap the broom handle with razor wire that will cut me and hurt.

Of course I want you to know I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE pain.

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