Murder for hire! The hospitals were getting in excess of $500K (all-told, from the covid "benefits" packages) per DEAD person they delivered per the Federal government's direct INSTRUCTIONS!

If the victim managed to survive these murder protocols, the hospitals got LESS $$$ from the feds! They literally built in a "death bonus" for making SURE these victims DIED in the end. But NOT to pay for their funerals. It was just an additional benefit given to the hospitals each time they managed to MURDER another person on pretense they had "covid." It's nothing short of a miracle ANY of them survived this INTENTIONAL murder-for-hire plot which was fully-funded by our tax dollars.

Hospitals enjoyed a MASSIVE windfall from the murder protocols. And this is WHY they instantly fired any staff members who so much as HESITATED to murder their patients. And ALL of the staff ALWAYS KNEW what was happening, (they were direct-witnesses to the myriad deaths) but MOST of them continue, even to this very day, MURDERING patients!

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a drug deemed too dangerous to use on ebola patients granted special privileges for a souped up flu. a page out of the fauci AIDS playbook, may the plaintiffs prevail!

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If the COVID Vax doesn’t kill, then when the vaxxed get COVID use this med to actually kill the patient. THIN THE HERD. DEPOPULATION! 😡🤬

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They insisted on there use. Not just advised.

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May these criminals all be found guilty. May justice be served and may this be the beginning of the reckoning we have all been waiting for.

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Aka remdeathsevere

Aka rundeathisnear

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Fauci is a monster and he knew what remdesivir would do, destroy kidneys and throw people into multi organ failure. So he rolled it out, gaslighting as he went. Dr’s and hospitals went along with it. If they knew what remdesivir did and gave it anyway they are complicit.

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I am always so impressed and so grateful to people like Deborah Fust who not only stand up for themselves, but for the rest of us in the bargain. I am reminded of The Edward Everett Hale quote:

"I am only one, but I AM one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do."

Thank you, Mrs. Fust.

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I hope the same happens with Midazolam, used to kill tens of thousands of nursing home patients in the U.K. in 2020 and still being used to kill patients in NHS hospitals.

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"Watch the Water," a short film by Dr. Bryan Ardis, who noticed that Remdesivir had killed ebola patients, hired a publicist, and made Remdesivir famous. https://rumble.com/v10miez-world-premiere-watch-the-water.html

Oh, and CoV-19 stands for Cobra Venom 19.

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What’s the difference? The FDA’S so corrupt they’ll approve cyanide tablets under a different name claiming to grow hair! How has and why have our so called, “we care about your health” agencies, gone so far off the rails? When I read articles and or stories of the immense suffering and death caused by these approved treatments,my initial thought is, “how much more”? The simple fact is, each drug or medication approvals for treating COVID has FAILED! And each have FAILED MISERABLY! I can’t seem to find a single government agency responsible for the wellbeing and safety of Americans, take an honest approach regarding wellness! Our entire government run processes for the approval of life saving interventions, has completely been corrupted, the workers indoctrinated and the agency flipped on its head! They’ve all become “MAD SCIENTISTS”! The extent to which every failure after another has become the approval process aligning with the most destructive results! The insanity is beyond comprehension! Every single covid protocol, which we now know were some of the most common sense interventions for millions of patients at the lowest risk and cost were ALL DENIED and the “will it kill-em quicker” mentality for new treatment drugs, at the HIGHEST RISK AND COST ALL APPROVED! These people are animals! Have they any morals left? Or were they required to take a litmus test prior to employment, with “EVILNESS” being the targeted score to be hired! Because that’s exactly what has been happening over and over and over again! This has been a long time plan and it’s obviously clear those in power were “SLEEPER CELLS” waiting for “PAYDAY”!


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Its known that Faucis wife approves vaccines for the FDA. And we know Fauci is a key player in the plandemic.

Ya think he doesn't dictate her recommendations?

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Things are not always what they seem. Sometimes even darker. Sometimes brought to light. In his case it seemed genuine to me because he never wavered in any future videos that I have seen to recently unlike Fauci and friends. It literally took hundreds of thousands if not millions of Big Pharma, Government and Military leaders, Scientists, Professors, Manufacturers, warehousing, doctors, pharmacies, pharmacists, nurses and PCTs to implement the Genocide that occurred in this case and continues to occur due to successful indoctrination and brainwashing acceptance and implementation. This in not a "Fall Guy" deal. The people simply will NOT be satisfied with that approach in any shape or form. Crimes against humanity multiplied 10 Score. It is up to the American People to rectify this mess. The Powers to Be. will NOT charge, try, convict or sentence themselves. History will show who, how and when. Bounties seem to be in Order. Who will hunt? Who will pay? Who will collect bounties for scalps? Not the WHO, CDC, FDA, NIAID, CIA, FBI, 388 Cons in Congress and 2 in the Whitehouse, as they will likely find themselves on the hunter's lists.

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Faucis criminal prosecution and arrest is long overdue. We have waited too long for this to happen. All the proof just needs to be presented.

The hard part is fauci proving his innocence.

This country will go thru a massive restructure and reappointment of Federal employees who have participated in the biggest medical malpractice fraud in U S history. Immunity should be null and void based on fraud. All vaccine requirements now and into the future need to be reviewed for fraud that has been discovered and more will come.

Why else would the CDC remove the VAERS website? Its said that only 1 to 3% of cases are being reported so we dont become alarmed and more hesitant to take these kill shots that have been proven to be so.

After the dust settles Civil War is more likely than not. Gates must also be prosecuted for his envolvement.

We the people are now awake.

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Remdesivir was known to be used in Hospital Protocols for at least 2 years killing many who would likely have beaten Covid 19 through use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Vents with Humidifiers did not help either. Most Doctors knew that Remdesivir was killing many although they didn't wish to risk their medical licenses by bucking the narrative. Doctors and Pharmacists who peddled mRNA jabs too are guilty of Crimes against Humanity. Try them, Fry them.

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the criminals must be held accountable!

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