I saw a post on Truth Social that same day of the vote, and it had their names and phone numbers for their office in DC. I called all of them. A real person answered each call and I told them exactly what I thought. The last one actually attempted to explain why the Rep. voted against holding Garland in contempt, saying he thought it would "set a bad precedent".

HA, yes, it would set a precedent that NO AG is ABOVE THE LAW. But that Rep. is obviously NOT representing the American people.

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Meanwhile Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon get stuck in prison but Merrick squeaks out.

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Merrick is a real life confused and malignant peckerhead according to Zeke and he is never wrong.

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Shall I repeat it? Sure, why not. THEY OWN THE SYSTEM!!! They don't need for *everyone* to have their back, they just need for either a *majority*, or for the *key* players to have their back. With that, they literally get away with ANYTHING.

That was my prediction before 2020, and that is what we have. Yes, we have had a few "victories", but those will be reversed as soon as they can get it done. Note how NOT A SINGLE Fat Rat has been taken down. Having the reigns of power means that it's just a matter of time. It's the old strategy of ten steps forward and then 'allow' two steps back.

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Shame on these disgusting cowards. Too afraid of Merrick I guess.

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Obviously they are compromised scum 😡

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A secret just for you Mary Lou. Merrick the garland has been filmed sucking beer farts out of living drunks. But he is also a master debater known by the short form "masterbater." There seems to be a question about his sexual mores i will not burden the readers with. But for sure, he is one ****** up sick puppy. My regrets gal, but I could not resist.

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McClintock has been in too long. Needs to get out. Duarte, shame on him, is fairly new. I donated to his initial campaign, but now he's fallen into the swamp hook, line and sinker. What a waste. Unfortunately, no one is primarying them that I know of. I'm not in their district, but close by. Shameful.

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We have to get rid of these demoncrats and RINO’S, THEY NEED TO BE THROWN OUT. VOTE THEM OUT PEOPLE, we have strong republicans in California and Ohio, people recall those losers or if they are up for reelection vote them out!

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Dr. Alexander: I'm sure you know President Trump was shot at Butler, PA Rally. What do you know?

Tell us please.

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I heard 3 shots fired they tried take out Trump at Philadelphia Rally..evil pieces of trash in this country

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I.M.O. 45 was targeted for assassination -2 pops were heard president was grazed by a bullet- it clipped his ear lobe--there was no plexiglass shield in front of the speakers speaking docket-

he was rushed off the stage by secret service appeared to be upright and ok

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Trump Assissination attemp! Just breaking. At his rally!


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Voting is like prisoner exchange. We vote for a new warden and we remain prisoners no matter what side of the fence we are on.

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Despicable cowards, all four of them.

How close was the vote?

(I'll look that up and get back.)

VOTES on this measure:

Yea: 207

Nay: 211

Not Voting: 15

SO, if the 4 RINOs had voted with true Republicans, it would have been a tie vote.

Were any of the 15 "not voting" Republicans? If so, what was their excuse?

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Kathleen, there is a catastrophic loss of mojo in the ranks of repub males and some have no stones. That is the problem. Many are mimicking that limp wrist gesture made famous by the ovomit.

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Dr, P, if you look closely at the chin area and/or twixt the teeth of these dorks you can see tell tale ass hairs identified as from the ample ass of Joe Bidumb. These four are "supersuckers and their lips are starting to enlarge. (Okay, okay, I am a terrible man for sure but it sounded good coming from a breath taking woman who had a hard time to stop laughing. It is worth anything to hear the sweet laughter of a real woman that sounds sweeter than the tweeting of a bluebird. It might even be to die for.

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All traitors! Thx for the names!

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Worse than that. All four play with themselves during any crucial vote. Hmmmmm. Might need to censor myself. The truth would out anyway. Good thing this is a mixed forum else I would really go to town.

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