Yup! Ignored by bureaucrat health officials. I’m using this study in a lawsuit hopefully judges don’t ignore it too! 

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The lawsuit brought by pilots over mandated COVID jabs?

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No. On my kids school. They are running vaccine clinics and implementing a policy that’s discriminatory based on students vaccination status in an attempt to coerce parents into vaccinating their kids.

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Wait? What? Can you explain more? What state- area are you in? I would literally be passing literature out somehow. That’s outrageous! This is like a bad dream. 🙈

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Mengele could not imagine this on such a scale.

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I’m in NJ. yes it’s a nightmare. Some school districts are using discriminatory policy as a tool to coerce parents into Vaxing their kids. Not all the districts are acting this way.

They are also exploiting children for federal funding as they agree to implement “safety protocols” in their ESSER federal funding contract every 6 months till 2024. This is going on in every state in the United States due to the American rescue plan funding for schools.

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It’s horrific! And this information is publicly available easily accessible. There is no excuse for anyone to say they didn’t know. Adverse events are literally being talked about on main stream media now.

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Christine: tried to reply to you but won’t let me. Tell me more?!

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