Never trusted him from the get go! Knew he was corrupt. Lost my teenage friendship (40 years) because my friend would not believe me and thought Fauci was telling the truth. How unconscious people can be in staggering to me!!! He is responsible for millions of deaths and more to come. He is a criminal and should be executed for his lies and all the murders he has committed.

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Yes, Loosing a close friend of over 40 years is a sad emoji.

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Same happened for me ,lets agree to disagree where the last words my best friend for 35 years spoken to me!That was 2020!

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That is great that you captured all that. I’m sure that the cabal would like to completely wipe these comments from cyberspace as they prove their lies.

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Oh my heavens this is fantastic!!!! I use my Facebook account for business but if I did not I would post this there!!!!

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Please do repost anywhere you can.

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UNITE --- OUR FRIENDS, OUR NEIGHBORS ,OUR FAMILIES HAVE BEEN STICKEN WITH POISONS FATALITIES MADE AND DISTRIBUTED BY Evil Satanists pfizr gates fauxci schwabsikka wef who nwo etc.,,,, oh and now after millions injured and dead everywhich way you look the evil proffiteers charging an arm and a leg for so called supplements to stop this well you asses are a bit too pfu ing late WE NEED TO UNITE AND DISTRIBUTE THE PROFFITS OF ALL THESE EVILS TO ALL FAMILYS WHO HAVE DIED WE NWWED TO SUE THEM AND AFFILIATES OF THESE EVILS UNITE THEY Played DIRTY MURDER AGAINST US. PRAY, PREP, UNITE

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Never believed Farci

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Right on but many unconscious people did. MILLIONS of him.

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Vaccinated people do become dead ends for the virus because the virus can't survive in a dead host.

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And why is he still free and still getting money from us to pay for his “retirement”, exiting?! 😡

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Fauci...killing people for over 40 years.

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In the most devious way, he told the truth, “vaccinated people become dead ends for the coronavirus.” Millions of loved and valued members of our society met their dead end after being jab with his experimental gene therapy.

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YES! I was going to post the same comment, lol 😝. He didn’t lie on this one, many became a “dead end” after they lost their lives from the Democide jab.

These folks are satanists, wake up and start actually listening to what they are saying. Even satan has a code of conduct, and that is to tell you to your face, exactly what they are going to do!

Yes, they may play word salad games, but if you read between the lines, the truth is smack dab in your face.

They are already touting covid 2.0 so take heed and prepare.

But, whatever you do, please do not take another injection! Never forget, there has never been, nor will be anything such as a “ safe vaccine “. And yes, this includes the crap they are shooting our kids up with. Be smart, just say HELL NO!

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Let Jane Goodall have her chimpanzees and Dian Fossey her guerrillas. Thanks to Faux-chi, we’ve all the monkey business we can handle. Subscribe to my Substack https://doesnotplaywellwithothers.substack.com/publish/settings

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Well, someday, if there is a list of the most evil people in history, it sounds like Fauci will be elected as a prime member.

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Also, read "The Covid Lies" by Dr Mike Yeadon, on Doctors4CovidEthics.com

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It was all a ghost story. He told us the world was haunted by an terrible invisible virus that would get us in order to scare everyone into running for safety in the vax. People's imagined Covid in every sniffle, every cough, every scratchy throat, even in asymptomatic family members, just at they'd hear and see and imagine ghosts in a house that someone claimed was haunted.

It was all just a scary story. A plandemic. The supposed leak from the Wuhan lab was pre-planned story reinforced by a measly $3 million grant, as was the story of the bat that had sex with a pangolin in a wet market and gave birth to Covid, or whatever.

The truth is evidenced in the fact that the annual mortality rate did not increase in 2020, and other such absolute facts. There can be no deadly pandemic without deaths. Period.

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Well, when your goal is the murder of humanity, you do need a weasel like fauci to sell it to the stupid public who seem to trust everything these days. He had vast amounts of practice peddling his poison aids drugs 30 years ago.

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