Well, people can be complicated, I'd be more inclined to suppose that he's just down there somewhere on the Learning Curve... Probably wondering, painfully, what in the hay happened.... But 1,000%, what he did was evil.
Consider also how condescendingly Don Lemon treated the women he worked with. And his comment that Nicki Haley was not qualified as a presidential candidate since she is in her 40s and therefore (in HIS non-humble opinion), "as a woman, she is past her prime."
Especially if you are also an evil person like Lemon.
LOL exactly LOL... Good point LOL..
Well, people can be complicated, I'd be more inclined to suppose that he's just down there somewhere on the Learning Curve... Probably wondering, painfully, what in the hay happened.... But 1,000%, what he did was evil.
Consider also how condescendingly Don Lemon treated the women he worked with. And his comment that Nicki Haley was not qualified as a presidential candidate since she is in her 40s and therefore (in HIS non-humble opinion), "as a woman, she is past her prime."
Indeed, dreadful.