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It is PRECISELY for the public good that criminals like Lemon, who shilled for the greatest crime against humanity in history should be tried and then hanged by the neck untill dead, or dead by whatever other means of captal execution the presiding judge orders.

Oh, and BTW Lemon does NOT know what science is.

it is not the sage pronouncements of authorities in white labcoats. it is a method of inquiry, being observation, measurement, forming hypotheses and testing them through DEBATE.

anyone and i do mean ANYONE who stifled debate is acting AGAINST SCIENCE, not for it, for all their bleaetings in the name of science

and they were propagandists, shills for the greatest crime against humanity in history

this little man is a clown as well as a scientific iliterate

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I agree with you on what science is. It's not a group of people's narrative to get the population to comply with their wants. It's many minds discussing and debating their points and presenting them to the people. I was censored by Twitter and you tube for talking about Dr Robert Malone and his findings regarding the dangers of mrna jabs. They called some doctors frauds and removed their licenses for speaking out about the dangers of the jabs also. The scamdemic really showed who the bad guys are.

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My daughters name is Cora, very pretty name!!

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Thank you Judy. 😊 It's not very common.

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It’s common in brasil where my other half is from and also in Philippine. A nurse looked after me when my Cora was born, her name was Cora also. Definitely not to common💐

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Really? I knew about Phillipines but I didn't know about Brazil. It's Greek in origin so that is interesting. Thank you for sharing. 😊

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A little girl in our church is called Cora Michelle exactly like my daughter. I think she’s 9 or 10

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In the meantime I just read on Twitter that Elon Musk offered to have him do his show on Twitter like Tucker Carlson. Everyday I get more disappointed in Elon Musk. First he hires the WEF CEO, now he offers Don Le-mon a show to balance Tucker. I really hope Tucker rethinks his decision to go on Twitter after the WEF CEO pick. I don’t really care about Don Le-mon. He’s a empty headed racist, but I don’t have to listen to him. I’m not big on censorship. But I do have a problem with anyone associated with the WEF.

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Yes, lets not forget any of them, and not just the front men but everyone in management on UP. Follow the money.

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