Sad, but wryly funny . . . that now it is the "vaccinated" shown to be the "stupid morons"!: that the REAL MORONS are the blind, brainless, unquestioning sheep like Lemon is, who now are dying from blood clots, myocarditis, strokes, sudden cardiac death, SADS— Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases, etc., etc.!
Sad, but wryly funny . . . that now it is the "vaccinated" shown to be the "stupid morons"!: that the REAL MORONS are the blind, brainless, unquestioning sheep like Lemon is, who now are dying from blood clots, myocarditis, strokes, sudden cardiac death, SADS— Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases, etc., etc.!
Sad, but wryly funny . . . that now it is the "vaccinated" shown to be the "stupid morons"!: that the REAL MORONS are the blind, brainless, unquestioning sheep like Lemon is, who now are dying from blood clots, myocarditis, strokes, sudden cardiac death, SADS— Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases, etc., etc.!