YESSSSS!!!!! Bomb every last one of them!! And, not to change the subject, but send drones to WEF while they’re all together NOW!!! Those people are part of the depopulation movement. Global one world government. Satanic cults. They wish death and destruction everywhere so they can then control every last soul on earth. They are insane.

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I don't think that's changing the subject.........

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Great idea!!! They are criminals whose goal is to intentionally to inflict harm and death on all of us, yet they are openly talking about it!

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MTG is one of the very few Representatves in Congress actually doing her job for her constituents.

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I thought the very same thing! She is a true warrior. We all have to become warriors to save our Country, whether it is locally or on a countrywide basis or getting people to wakeup to the truth! So many people have their heads in the sand.

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Hanging sounds good for the fentanyl producers and traffickers but we need to erect guillotines on the national mall for the perpetrators of the bioweapon creation and inoculation and for all of the politicos that betrayed this country and citizens.

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I really like your comment. Public execution is a profound way to deter the pusher with no moral compass.

Pretty much the same for the freaks who invented the jab. I like doing Death by vaccine. Give those without a moral compass using their power to scare people into getting the vaccine. Give them mrna booster with 5G towers around them in a magnetic field and see how long they survive. Not long I pray!

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Blaming China deflects from the issues we have within our borders.

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Arrest warrants. Public trails, publicly televised so there are no more secrets.

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Fauci, death by lethal injection. Imagine him strapped to a chair about to receive a real covid shot. His panic would teach all we all we needed to know at that moment.

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I thought Russia already destroyed the biolabs in Ukraine?

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arrest everyone found with fentanyl, found setting fire or exploding our food supply or poisoning our environment with train derailments and fast track their due process and bring back death penalty for those we are absolutely sure are wrongdoers and destroyers of civilized society, but please do not become the judge, jury, and executioner--or innocents will get caught up.

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Finally, someone with some balls in DC, MTG!

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I'm 100% in agreement!

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I'm down with that idea. Hang 'em high!

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Sadly, many of the drug traffickers are between threats of death to family or have been entrapped by sex slavery & trafficking. Imho, the more effective method to find the real traffickers are the manufacturers. Most low level drug couriers are already operating under a death decree by either hostage of family or severe coercion via trauma few ever experience. Low level couriers may even find a certain relief frm the circumstances under which they've been existing. If MTG wanted to get real serious, she'd write legislation to bring the death penalty to pedophiles, sex traffickers, slavery and human organ harvesting on first offense. That would have an immediate effect on the drug traffickers since these two crimes are inherently connected. One is connected to the other. Why give the death penalty to a 30 yr old slave who is dead either way? It won't deter or even slow down the cabal from ordering the next slave to run drugs into the USA as they continue to enrich themselves since slaves are endless. Meanwhile in the US we spend a minimum of 10M on trials, protesters to possibly losing the case while 4 drug slaves replace the one arrested.

Unless we return to the decency laws and abide by the original law of the land this will escalate. MTG has already become someone very, very different from who was first elected. So until these law makers recognize the bigger scourge that encompasses those drugs is human slavery & child sex industry. Just a thought.

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