You are misquoting him. He just said that COVID impacted disproportionately in certain races, not just A-Jews and Chinese. That is true and it's easy to find the papers. He is wrong in one thing: the impact in African descent was much much much higher in the USA than in Africa: why? they were targeted by the COVID protocols, suffered more with the lockdowns and were haccinated 10x more than in Africa, while they generally show more adverse events to all vaccines.

His statement doesn't necessarily mean the virus was designed for that, but it is an open question.

Also, it's clear that Israel was targeted by the Pfizer-caust. The New Testament clearly explains that "salvation is from the Jews": Jesus will not come back unless there's the Jewish people to recognize him as Messiah. That's why Satan wants to wipe them out.

Nevertheless, this global fight is not against the Jews, Chinese, etc. It's against satanists and freemasons v. rest of the world.

There are more baptized Christians in Freemasonry than Jews! Watch Ronald Bernard link below:

Please read! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the mason Georgia guidestones:

- Both Churchill and Roosevelt were masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs and letting Pearl Harbor (left the whole fleet defenseless and concentrated there as an easy candy to be taken from a kid, no radar warning from outer islands, etc.)

- 9-11: 2 "planes", yet all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center, and the owner with his 2 grown up siblings failed to show up for work (never skipped work before)...

- J6: The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil!


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



- At least since the 90s, vaccines were weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:


- COVID was designed as a primer for lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:



- It's genocide for depopulation:


- It’s the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) and bought the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master):


Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Pllllleeeeease, on my knees, don’t believe me, just do your own homework by searching the following in mojeek.com (includes crawl date filter), gigablast.com, duckduckgo.com, and maybe yandex.com (not Google, Bing, Yahoo censors). The key terms to test them? Child Satanic Ritual Abuse, Child Satanic Ritual Murder.



PS I'm sorry I'm linking to my own substack. It’s not self-promotion: I couldn’t find better links but if you find anything better, I'd be glad to replace.

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Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 15, 2023

I also don't agree. My family is 80% ashkenaz, balance is middle eastern and se Asian (india). My sis & I were very sick. I was smart and called my homeopath for treatment. She got no treatment and thought she was going to die (had she informedme, id have helped her, but she believed her doctor). If I'd not had the homeopathic treatment, i might have died due to dehydration (the diarrhea was worse than any food poisoning I ever had in my life). Homeopathy worked almost immediately. 2 doses and the wirst symptoms were gone....but it took a couple weeks for me to get my strength back. The Khazarian mafia want the majority of ordinary jews around about as much as the average person wants to live with vermin. They are NOT jews. They are ba'al worshippers. They hide behind the jews. They would not want to save the general population of ashkenaz jews. Thats why they massacred so many of them under their nazi regime. They funded BOTH SIDES in every war iver the last few hundred years. I like RFK Jr but I think he's way off base. KM love to inbreed....that makes their genetics VERY different from the average askenaz.... maybe they designed the toxin to not affect THEM. We all need to stop lumping ALL Jews in with the KM. Its like saying that all Italians are mafia! There are many segments of Jews and believe it or not, some of them hate the other segments!!! This "lumping" is not helpful in the least. It's entirely divisive. We have to get away from all this divisive BS. We need to stand together and fight this horrific evil together in unity. This is about good vs evil. If we are divided, evil could win. We can't let that happen!

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I think that it is within the realm of possibilities.

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Dr. Lee Merritt suggested same a long time ago.

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I've followed this for years and it's one of DARPA's dirty little secrets.

Yes they have vaccines, AKA Bioweapons, that target specific races - that is old tech.

They started using the Tetanus vax back in the 1970's to target women to make them sterile. Yes they got caught, but that never stopped them and no one ever went to jail for it despite 10's of millions of women sterilized without their knowledge or consent. These sterilization programs were managed by the WHO under UN control.

The most difficult thing to understand is that there are ppl in the world this evil that would do this. Once you realize there are such evil people and that they would not hesitate to use a vaccine to harm others, than the leap to saying that the COVID vax may have been race adjusted is easy.

We are just now finding out and confirmed by different labs that the COVID vax was full of linear and circular (plasmid) DNA. some batches up to over 1000 times legally allowed. What is that DNA for???

I will guarantee you it that all that "extra DNA" is not for the recipients benefit. It could be easily be there to target specific races. Until proven otherwise, these ppl are as malignant beyond belief.

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Even if Kennedy believed this it is not the way to phrase it and it really turns me off....I have heard it targets Blacks but in Israel which took tons of shots and boosters, people were highly affected by Covid and the shots....where did he come up with this....this alone makes me question my trust in his stats....though not for the vaccines and what is in them.....but what a stupid thing to say.....

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The operation was run by the Kahzarian Mafia.

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Are you doubting this could be so? It seems so. Did you see the scientific paper that says so? I did. I hope it is not going to be disappeared.

Are you possibly afraid of realizing a very uncomfortable truth?

Afraid of admitting what you see, because - if it is true, how will you deal with Jews after that? It's uncomfortable and it needs differentiation and a lot of thought to find a way to deal with that reality, the feelings, and the ambivalence regarding certain Jews and certain other Jews - because there are those that force vaccinate, and those that are force vaccinated. Complex situation. I really appreciate your confronting this issue!

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Jul 16, 2023·edited Jul 16, 2023

Jesus Chraaaist - 116 plus comments on such rubbish content. Mind-boggling. Astounding. Everyone throwing in their very own links to hack research and opinions of others. Personal attacks, indignant, racist and regrettable comments, all swirling round into a vortex of pointlessness that goes nowhere.

Is this to be the alleged Freedom Movement?

Because if it is, then the alleged mass movement has won and it's laughing its socks off.

Nobody has any answers.

It's time to pick up the pieces and move forward.

"Justice" and "truth" do not exist.

The injection injured and the families of the injected dead will not rest until the pharmaceutical companies are successfully sued. This will happen in good time. It has momentum.

As for the rest, I see so much wasted energy by smart and eloquent individuals which could be better used on taking care of their loved ones, friends, families and even needy strangers.

Let's forget about labels and groups. Let's focus on our humanity and our god given empathy for people. If you have extra money, then perhaps give some directly to needy individuals. If you have a skill or craft you can teach others and you have extra time, then school others.

Covid or whatever the fuck you want to call it didn't even make a dent on the world population of 8BN souls.

But racism; misplaced hatred, selfishness, self-centeredness, envy, sloth and delusion will.

If you have a viable business, work harder on it. Stop worrying about whether others like your posts and whether you get the most replies.

Life is passing us all by here.

That's a fact.

The Freedom Movement's work is grinding on and has its own internal momentum.

God helps those who help themselves.

Go well my brothers and sisters.

Much love


Cape Town

South Africa.

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Has RFK, Jr just discovered ChatGBT

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Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 15, 2023

I listened to Rfk's presentation. He did say that c19 was engineered to affect mostly blacks and Caucasians, and have the least impact on Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese. He said there are published articles on this information. However, RFK is not presenting it correctly, leaving a lot of room for misinterpretation. A study published in 2021 (see link below) described variations in BINDING CAPACITY OF SARS COV2, AKA SYNTHETIC SPIKE GLYCOPROTEIN, TO ACE2 RECEPTORS in different ethnic groups. Ashkenazi have the genetic encoding of their ACE2 pathways that allows the least potential of this bioweapon binding to ACE2 receptors. The second least affected ethnicity are East Asians. I don't believe that only Chinese people are east Asians. I am a doctor with the background in biochemistry, not anthropology. The most affected, meaning people with ACE2 genetic makeup allowing for the strongest binding potential of this bioweapon are Caucasians. Blacks are somewhat in the middle range.

But please remember, natural exposure to this man made, bioweapon, as it is not a virus, still is associated with 99+% survival, and that is without treatment measures. Dr. Zelenko proved that if you treat the most vulnerable population of advanced age and with comorbidities EARLY using Zelenko protocol even without prescription drugs, you still get over 97% survival!!! The problem is when you inject this bioweapon in cocktail with other poisons, in dosage million times more than in natural exposure, AND engineer the ways for this foreign genetic sequence to integrate into human DNA, that's when you really have a big problem. And that, my friends, has no ethnic bearings. This is an attack on humanity.


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This is not what RFK Jr. said. Please see his post here detailing what he said and the research he linked. https://www.facebook.com/rfkjr/posts/pfbid0jJGEwuLscuT3kwocQBQd9PUXPtBZGkCHob31pFuTeHGEiMQtCLxkiR3NEYwPewNUl?notif_id=1689432882262271&notif_t=creators_activity&ref=notif

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Just anecdotally, this article reminds of me of when did the “23andMe” dna testing several years ago (2013 maybe). When we got the results there was a specific line for ashkenazi Jewish ancestory and we wondered who might be building a new “database.”

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Here you go:


Why are you surprised? Modernas chief scientist is Tal Zaks, an Israeli Askhenazi Jew. Moderna own the patent of the Furin Cleave site codon sequence of the Wuhan variant:


Didn't you know what who is who throughout world history have said about Jews?

Just read what the Jewish whistleblowwer Prof. Israel Shahak has written about the mindblowing criminality of Judaism, see chap. 5 and see chap. 2 regarding how organized Jewry always lied about Judaism:


Voltaire wrote that he wouldn't be at least surprised if Jews one day become deadly to the human race:


What has world famous men said about Jews throughout world history? Every statesman, philosopher Schopenhauer, Kant, Spinoza, Franklin, Dostyojevskij. Every genius you've heard of have written disparagily about Jews. Do you really thinkt that this is only due to #"racism and xenophobia"



This is kindergarden stuff Dr. Paul, you should know this.

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It shows how suicidal the west is that when RFK Jr stated that COVID may have been an ethnically focused bioweapon, the response was not "is this true?" but "he's racist!"

When you and your children are dying during the next pandemic you can say "at least I wasn't racist".

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