RFK Jr. (Robert Kennedy Jr.) has said children should be vaccinated for measles saying "Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity,
protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons."; 1 death in 10 years! I want all studies & FDA approvals (BLA/EUA) urgently re-examined to see if there is benefit or harms
Yes, RFK Jr. is/was an anti-vaxxer, I would say rabid and I loved it! and yes, he is being silenced now by Trump et al. for his prior stance against OWS, the COVID non-sensical deadly lockdowns, and the mRNA Malone Bourla Pfizer et al. deadly transfection LNP vaccine. And I loved that too! I disdain the silencing of this man by Trump orbit people sold out to the vaccine lobby and companies like Pfizer and Moderna et al., but he, Bobby Jr., will need to re-establish his credibility while at HHS based on what he does. For Americans.
I say children should be vaccinated against measles given all my reservations on these vaccines, and if I had my way now, I will stop all. All vaccines led by the deadly Malone et al. mRNA vaccine. Trump was wrong, 100% wrong in allowing and bringing the mRNA vaccines and many people have died as a result. Trump continues to be very wrong and dangerous in praising the mRNA vaccines given the evidentiary landscape of harms. We are yet to exclude harms, and we are yet to have the proper comparative effectiveness high-quality trustworthy research needed to have these under even EUA. And jail and maybe hang after court hearings and judges declare hangings are in order, thousands of doctors, people at FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS etc. for what they have done to Americans across the years!
We need to examine all the FDA BLAs and EUAs and all the studies that underpinned drugs, medical devices, vaccines approved by FDA, NIH etc. And role of NIH, CDC etc. And HHS. Across the last 50 years. We need to put a hard stop on all mRNA technology and linked mRNA vaccines. Today. All! We must re-examine as we place a hard stop. And we need proper ethical debate, cost-effectiveness analyses, and the public must be centered to decide if they WANT this. Given it, mRNA in these Malone et al. transfection vaccines, directly impacts our human genome. It is not sufficient to prove safety and effectiveness, we need to establish if it is NECESSARY in the first place.
So, look at the graphs below (cases and deaths from measles in USA) and tell me:
1)there are roughly 100 to 150 cases a year
2)do you see a comeback happening if you focus per 10-year period? I do not see a comeback, do you? Can we say 200 more cases is a major comeback or epidemic? Yes a bit after year 2000 we saw cases per year drop below 100 and then even to about 10 per year…yes, it is popped up beyond 100 (now about 200 per year, see graph below) now but is this a comeback? 2005 or so to 2015/2016 there was one death due to measles in USA, and from 2015 to 2025, again one death so far. Is this a surge? It seems that both 10 to 12 year periods had just one death.
3)Is this more about hatred for RFK Jr.? For sure Trump but let us focus on RFK Jr.
4)Yes, we have gone through and in an anti-vaccine era, but can you say it is associated with escalations in cases and or deaths? I do not see this. The graphs tell a different story.
5)We know Biden et al. did not require the flood of illegals to get vaccinated for anything, not even COVID and thus there is a strong likelihood that the increase we are seeing to about 225 to 250 a year is due to that surge of illegals. Are the cases near the location where the illegals entered?
This IMO has to do with hatred of RFK Jr. and while I have concerns about his Trump orbit demand and silencing on COVID, deadly OWS and the deadly mRNA vaccine, and while I am giving him some space to get back to normal self, I would say that many explanations can account for this at present small rise and that YES, children must be vaccinated measles. We need the regulatory past re-examined instantly and the prior FDA and pharma data but at this time, parents must not preclude their children. Yes, it is a risk benefit assessment, and parents are to make this choice.
Epidemiologists estimate that 1 in 5 people who are infected with measles get sick enough to be hospitalized. About 1 in 10 develop ear infections, some of which may result in permanent deafness.
About 1 in 20 people develop severe measles pneumonia, which causes trouble breathing. Reports from west Texas this month suggest that many infected children there have measles pneumonia.
About 1 in 1,000 people develop severe brain swelling. Both measles pneumonia and brain swelling can be fatal. About 3 in 1,000 people die after contracting measles.
In about 1 in 10,000 who get sick with measles and recover from it, the virus lies dormant in the brain for about a decade. It then can reactivate, causing a severe, progressive dementia called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, which is fatal within one to three years.
There is no treatment or cure for the disease. I have seen a couple of suspected cases of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, and none of these patients survived, despite our best efforts.
Given how contagious measles is and how severe the outcomes can be, physicians and public health experts are gravely concerned right now.’
First US Measles Death in 10 Years: Expert Explains How to Protect Yourself : ScienceAlert
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One in 5 don’t require hospitalization. When I was a kid everyone got it and I know if no one who was hospitalized.
Dr. Alexander, you have IIRC previously posted on Richet allergy finding. Injecting any protein causes the development of allergy to that protein. 3 weeks later exposure to the same protein will cause a reaction. All vaccines contain or are contaminated with 1000s of proteins (food/viral/aeroallergen/bacterial/fungal/animal proteins, etc.). So all injected vaccines are dangerous. Allergy to viral proteins = severe disease in the future. Allergy to bacterial proteins = sepsis upon future infection. Allergy to food = food allergy epidemic we are seeing. Allergy to aeroallergens = asthma epidemic we are seeing. Allergy to fungal proteins = eczema, GI diseases. Allergy to animal proteins = autoimmunity due to cross-reaction to similar human tissues. Injected vaccines are a fundamental flaw. No more studies needed. We should stop them all now. Route of antigen exposure matters in immunology. Injecting antigens for a respiratory virus is a fundamental mistake.