protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons."; 1 death in 10 years! I want all studies & FDA approvals (BLA/EUA) urgently re-examined to see if there is benefit or harms
Yes you are correct 100%. I was a sort of sickly child - caught everything that everyone got. Had Measles - 3 weeks isolation and in bed in a darkened room which they don't do now.
Out one whole day and next it was the mumps - another isolated 3 weeks in bed in a dark room. Out for a day and down with swollen glands for another 2 weeks. The body had so much toxins the glands had to have their day of glory too. LOL. I missed 8 weeks of school when I was 11 years old - a whole of a term barring a week or two. Arrived back in time for term exams. (most of us would remember 3 terms where we actually learned something.)
Now I am fit and healthy, rarely sick unless some food did not agree with me. Last time I had the flu was in 2002. Prior to that 1989, prior to that 1974-1975.
Same here. Everyone I knew got it when I was a kid. Nobody got really sick, and nobody was hospitalized. We all just had to stay away from school until the spots were gone. That's all there was to it. We're being lied to, AGAIN!!!
That was my experience too. But keep in mind we were healthier than today’s kids. There were less toxins, we weren’t fat, we played outside in the sun, had no cell phones, cell towers, or video games.
This is exactly the problem now. If we want to get out from under the pharma hold, we have to get our health right. It is hard to do now. Even if we eat right and exercise we are exposed to so much more compared to when we were kids.
Dr. Alexander, you have IIRC previously posted on Richet allergy finding. Injecting any protein causes the development of allergy to that protein. 3 weeks later exposure to the same protein will cause a reaction. All vaccines contain or are contaminated with 1000s of proteins (food/viral/aeroallergen/bacterial/fungal/animal proteins, etc.). So all injected vaccines are dangerous. Allergy to viral proteins = severe disease in the future. Allergy to bacterial proteins = sepsis upon future infection. Allergy to food = food allergy epidemic we are seeing. Allergy to aeroallergens = asthma epidemic we are seeing. Allergy to fungal proteins = eczema, GI diseases. Allergy to animal proteins = autoimmunity due to cross-reaction to similar human tissues. Injected vaccines are a fundamental flaw. No more studies needed. We should stop them all now. Route of antigen exposure matters in immunology. Injecting antigens for a respiratory virus is a fundamental mistake.
"5)We know Biden et al. did not require the flood of illegals to get vaccinated for anything, not even COVID and thus there is a strong likelihood that the increase we are seeing to about 225 to 250 a year is due to that surge of illegals. Are the cases near the location where the illegals entered?"
We don't know what '3rd world diseases' they brought into the country.
Do not you know that they weren’t primarily Mexicans & Canadians? The illegals are from way over 100 mostly third world countries.. many flown in by Biden admin courtesy of the US taxpayers. Venezuelan leader is saying today that Biden actually asked him to send the TDA gang members to US?! Outrageous! Treasonous in my opinion.
I think you are both right and wrong. Yes that many come from various "third world" (cold war term) countries, but also wrong because indeed the majority comes from Mexico.
Sharyl Atkinson just published a SubStack doing exactly that, using the CDCs own publicly available data, which shows like a thousand fold benefit from NOT getting childhood vaccines for the average child. It wouldn’t be a bad idea for an objective person to repeat & update that; but the information is out there already, only hidden.
based on the evidence, risks are minimal, there are risks, and parents decide, I have to confess it is a shit show and I said all these vaccines and data and FDA approvals must be urgently re assessed to ensure it is effective and safe...etc. measles does kill the odd person for a host of reasons...if your child was unvaccinated and died, who would be blamed??? based on all I see I would with all my reservations and if we re examine and find it is worthless and skews to harms, then stop them...issue is a risk benefit decision...if you vaccinate and kid dies, who is to blame? should there be blame? if you dont and child still dies, who is to blame??? this is why we need any of this well studied and safety etc. proven clearly, with no doubt.
based on the data today, I think they should, on the data I would give it to mine but it is a risk benefit for parents, if you are in an outbreak etc. the data I shared n graphs tell us there is no upsurge and no upsurge in deaths as is being claimed. so you take that into account. if you dont vaccinate and child dies of measles, that would be a tragedy. I know the issue of autism and the like. I want all these vaccine data and FDA approvals re examined to see if this vaccine even may be it does would many vaccines...we have trusted and now we have to examined and this is where RFK comes in
Dr. Paul, I strongly disagree with you on this one. Did somebody get to you? I can't believe you would even REMOTELY think those measles shots are okay for kids. Dr. Jane Ruby gave a really good presentation just last week explaining why those measles shots are dangerous.
this is difficult...if I say dont, and kid dies in future, I will be blamed. based on COVID we must now examine everything and all vaccines must be re examined to see if they work and are safe...I do not trust. all my kids recent younger one who is 15 got all shots...she is she was not based on that can I conclude vaccines are safe? no...individual differences and the like...if re examine now and the same ones she got that did not harm her are now shown to be ineffective and unsafe, then I now know and thank God and will never recommend them
I agree. My friend’s little boy had severe reactions to every vaccine until she found a Dr who would listen. The reactions were never reported to the CDC & should have been. Her Dr said all the bad reactions were normal. Then he pushed the MMR. She told him she was worried about it. Within a week, full blown measles. And sick for many years after. Thank goodness for the Dr who helped her. Her son & all 3 boys after had an exemption for life. All grown up & fine.
How much money do drs get for each child that is fully vaccinated? Why do drs refuse to take children who aren’t vaccinated? Follow the money.
For the record, there is no longer a Measles vaccine. I haven't seen in available for about 15 yrs. Only MMR is available.
However, MMRV is also manufactured by Merck, where Varicella is given at the same time, since both are Live Vaccines.
What needs to happen, and I believe both RFK Jr. and his hopeful future Asst of Health Dr McCullough believe, is MMRV should NOT be given to children. It is done for convenience, but we give too many vaccines to children on the same day. They need to be separated by at least 1 month MMR and Varicella.
And we need to end mercury containing preservatives, but not allowing multidose vials, which require preservative.
In our practice, we only used vaccines that do not have preservative - prefilled syringes and single dose vials.
What I don't know is whether the Aluminum found in Hep B, is a problem.
One of my friend’s 3rd child, a boy had the Hep B. They weren’t giving them with her 1st 2 children. Less than 24 hour old infant who was perfect. Went into convulsions. She was screaming, “ what did you do to my baby?” Learning disabilities all through school. Teachers would ask, what is wrong with your son?” Involuntary hands body, etc. movements. She told them what happened after the HepB.
So if your child is lucky not to have a reaction, great! But if it happens to you it’s horrifying.
We didn’t have many vaccines growing up, 5 or so. Don’t ever remember seeing children so messed up. It wasn’t just 1 or 2 friends. It was too many☹️. Still seeing autism, etc from friends grands. One is 3 out of 3. Very sad.
My son is 5 yrs old and I am hearing a lot of parents telling me how their kids were diagnosed with autism. I have a work mate who has 4 kids and 2 of his kids has severe autism.
And even my son has got bad effects from effect he is hyperactive and jumpy it started when he turned by 3 I stopped him taking any childhood vaccines. Before that every week he was sick. When he did not receive any vaccine he did not even had any cold! So I can say 💯 no single vaccine is safe! How the hell we know the lying pharmaceutical companies telling us the truth about the real ingredients? I took flu vaccine on 2021 because of my job but I had a severe reaction. I was bed ridden for a week. My whole body was in so much pain. Then pain did not leave me for 2 years . My hands and feet will get numb. I had brain fog. I had severe headache. I had long lasting cough . But Dr said nothing wrong with me! So I would think before Covid people were given poisonous flu vaccines then you get sick and call it Covid. I never had the Covid vaccine.
No vaccines are safe...especially with mRNA that goes in and clips your gene sequences out with CRISPR technology. In addition to that, they can end humans here on earth with their Anti-fertility ingredients they've been adding to the vial contents.
Payback is a Bitter Bitch and possibly even deadly! Right RFK Jr.?
Common Sense says? Allow parents to decide what is best for their children!
Doctors overwhelmingly
“do not vaccinate their kids!” Why? Simple answer, look at the results today:
“Vac-kids vs UnVac-kids.” The evidence is overwhelmingly strong that kids do not need this poison!
This is a travesty for those in power (I’m not saying RFK Jr. specifically)rather that those who have absolute zero integrity and or concern for outcomes / safety
/ deaths! Many organizations and federal agencies such as the CDC, FDA, HHS and any other federals oversights involved with authorizing, agreeing with, and signing off on 2025’s Vaccination Schedule for instance. Did you know that tomorrow, a newborn will receive 28 SHOTS IN ONE THE FIRST YEAR? Most people do not know this.
“NEWBORN IS MADNESS?” Absolutely yes! Money, money and more money!
This is insanity!
The CDC just published its 2025 vaccine immunization schedule and now recommends more than 200 routine injections. This includes five vaccinations during pregnancy, over 70 vaccinations from birth to age 18, and more than 130 routine adult vaccinations up to age 79. If you include the barrage of non-routine vaccinations, it’s even more. That's 28 doses during an infant's first year of life made by pharmaceutical companies with zero liability for the injuries or death caused by their products—and who profit from not only the initial vaccine dose but the diseases they create.
And they wonder why American children are ao sick and learning disabled?
And why autism is now 1/33 kids! This is why I said this a “Travesty!”
These are the overlords who literally “see no evil-see my new beach house!” Another words, they don’t give a damn what happens to someone else’s kid.
Even worse is “planned parenthood.” Executive Leadership’s mentality as in: “Buying a new Lamborghini with the proceeds of an aborted baby’s left arm! Project Veritas at the time provided an undercover video of such despicable behavior’s!
And yes the two executives were laughing about it!
So either way we look at this who’s the victim? A “Newborn or a Newly-Aborted?” What a sad state of affairs!
The child did not die from measles ! The child was hospitalised because of pneumonia and then while in the hospital was injected with measles vaccine?? Because apparently that is the protocol of the Texas hospital!
Can we see how stupid that decision to inject someone who is already sick with any vaccine?
I’m very disappointed with RFK Jr!!! Before he published any statement encouraging parents to vaccinate their kids he should getting the facts first??? How did he easily got brainwashed and lost his plot??
How can he be an anti-vaxxer? He has said many times that he was vaccinated, as were his children. He has said on his own campaign trail that he doesn't support mandatory vaccines.
Agree. My son was an infant late 79-80. SIDS! I was petrified. Now looking at everything, I believe it was the vaccines. I was too young to understand the effects of injecting my baby with these vaccines. How come the Amish aren’t studied? They know but won’t tell us. They never show us the difference of those unvaccinated. It would hurt the bottom line. Money & all who benefit.
The problem with measles is it sucks that there is no measles vaccine; only MMR. For measles outbreak you need an M not an MMR. Risk/benefit is a go figure. Another complicating factor: if mothers have natural immunity, they pass some of that on to the kids.However, when everyone is vaccinated, you have weaker induced immunity, so kids don't get the natural antibodies from their mother so unvaccinated outcomes now could be worse than they were prior to widespread use of measles vaccine. So any studies of risks and benefits, need to account for this factor too.
One in 5 don’t require hospitalization. When I was a kid everyone got it and I know if no one who was hospitalized.
Yes you are correct 100%. I was a sort of sickly child - caught everything that everyone got. Had Measles - 3 weeks isolation and in bed in a darkened room which they don't do now.
Out one whole day and next it was the mumps - another isolated 3 weeks in bed in a dark room. Out for a day and down with swollen glands for another 2 weeks. The body had so much toxins the glands had to have their day of glory too. LOL. I missed 8 weeks of school when I was 11 years old - a whole of a term barring a week or two. Arrived back in time for term exams. (most of us would remember 3 terms where we actually learned something.)
Now I am fit and healthy, rarely sick unless some food did not agree with me. Last time I had the flu was in 2002. Prior to that 1989, prior to that 1974-1975.
Same here. Everyone I knew got it when I was a kid. Nobody got really sick, and nobody was hospitalized. We all just had to stay away from school until the spots were gone. That's all there was to it. We're being lied to, AGAIN!!!
That was my experience too. But keep in mind we were healthier than today’s kids. There were less toxins, we weren’t fat, we played outside in the sun, had no cell phones, cell towers, or video games.
This is exactly the problem now. If we want to get out from under the pharma hold, we have to get our health right. It is hard to do now. Even if we eat right and exercise we are exposed to so much more compared to when we were kids.
Dr. Alexander, you have IIRC previously posted on Richet allergy finding. Injecting any protein causes the development of allergy to that protein. 3 weeks later exposure to the same protein will cause a reaction. All vaccines contain or are contaminated with 1000s of proteins (food/viral/aeroallergen/bacterial/fungal/animal proteins, etc.). So all injected vaccines are dangerous. Allergy to viral proteins = severe disease in the future. Allergy to bacterial proteins = sepsis upon future infection. Allergy to food = food allergy epidemic we are seeing. Allergy to aeroallergens = asthma epidemic we are seeing. Allergy to fungal proteins = eczema, GI diseases. Allergy to animal proteins = autoimmunity due to cross-reaction to similar human tissues. Injected vaccines are a fundamental flaw. No more studies needed. We should stop them all now. Route of antigen exposure matters in immunology. Injecting antigens for a respiratory virus is a fundamental mistake.
"5)We know Biden et al. did not require the flood of illegals to get vaccinated for anything, not even COVID and thus there is a strong likelihood that the increase we are seeing to about 225 to 250 a year is due to that surge of illegals. Are the cases near the location where the illegals entered?"
We don't know what '3rd world diseases' they brought into the country.
“Are the cases near where they entered”: The outbreak started in Texas, but they were bussed and flown all over the country.
Yes, which muddies the waters.
Eh.. are Mexico and Canada third world countries?
Do not you know that they weren’t primarily Mexicans & Canadians? The illegals are from way over 100 mostly third world countries.. many flown in by Biden admin courtesy of the US taxpayers. Venezuelan leader is saying today that Biden actually asked him to send the TDA gang members to US?! Outrageous! Treasonous in my opinion.
I think you are both right and wrong. Yes that many come from various "third world" (cold war term) countries, but also wrong because indeed the majority comes from Mexico.
Mexico is. For the most part.
Sharyl Atkinson just published a SubStack doing exactly that, using the CDCs own publicly available data, which shows like a thousand fold benefit from NOT getting childhood vaccines for the average child. It wouldn’t be a bad idea for an objective person to repeat & update that; but the information is out there already, only hidden.
"I say children should be vaccinated against measles given all my reservations on these vaccines" -- PA. Paul is there a typo there?
based on the evidence, risks are minimal, there are risks, and parents decide, I have to confess it is a shit show and I said all these vaccines and data and FDA approvals must be urgently re assessed to ensure it is effective and safe...etc. measles does kill the odd person for a host of reasons...if your child was unvaccinated and died, who would be blamed??? based on all I see I would with all my reservations and if we re examine and find it is worthless and skews to harms, then stop them...issue is a risk benefit decision...if you vaccinate and kid dies, who is to blame? should there be blame? if you dont and child still dies, who is to blame??? this is why we need any of this well studied and safety etc. proven clearly, with no doubt.
I am trying to clarify if you, Paul, make this statement (yourself) "I say children should be vaccinated against measles."
I thought maybe you would say "I say children should NOT be vaccinated against measles."
based on the data today, I think they should, on the data I would give it to mine but it is a risk benefit for parents, if you are in an outbreak etc. the data I shared n graphs tell us there is no upsurge and no upsurge in deaths as is being claimed. so you take that into account. if you dont vaccinate and child dies of measles, that would be a tragedy. I know the issue of autism and the like. I want all these vaccine data and FDA approvals re examined to see if this vaccine even may be it does would many vaccines...we have trusted and now we have to examined and this is where RFK comes in
Dr. Paul, I strongly disagree with you on this one. Did somebody get to you? I can't believe you would even REMOTELY think those measles shots are okay for kids. Dr. Jane Ruby gave a really good presentation just last week explaining why those measles shots are dangerous.
this is difficult...if I say dont, and kid dies in future, I will be blamed. based on COVID we must now examine everything and all vaccines must be re examined to see if they work and are safe...I do not trust. all my kids recent younger one who is 15 got all shots...she is she was not based on that can I conclude vaccines are safe? no...individual differences and the like...if re examine now and the same ones she got that did not harm her are now shown to be ineffective and unsafe, then I now know and thank God and will never recommend them
"this is difficult...if I say dont, and kid dies in future, I will be blamed."
It assumes you have to say anything.
People have a wrong understanding. People shouldnt say to take it or not take it. Its everyones OWN BUSINESS.
I agree. My friend’s little boy had severe reactions to every vaccine until she found a Dr who would listen. The reactions were never reported to the CDC & should have been. Her Dr said all the bad reactions were normal. Then he pushed the MMR. She told him she was worried about it. Within a week, full blown measles. And sick for many years after. Thank goodness for the Dr who helped her. Her son & all 3 boys after had an exemption for life. All grown up & fine.
How much money do drs get for each child that is fully vaccinated? Why do drs refuse to take children who aren’t vaccinated? Follow the money.
"if your child was unvaccinated and died, who would be blamed???"
If your child was vaccinated and died, who would be blamed?
For the record, there is no longer a Measles vaccine. I haven't seen in available for about 15 yrs. Only MMR is available.
However, MMRV is also manufactured by Merck, where Varicella is given at the same time, since both are Live Vaccines.
What needs to happen, and I believe both RFK Jr. and his hopeful future Asst of Health Dr McCullough believe, is MMRV should NOT be given to children. It is done for convenience, but we give too many vaccines to children on the same day. They need to be separated by at least 1 month MMR and Varicella.
And we need to end mercury containing preservatives, but not allowing multidose vials, which require preservative.
In our practice, we only used vaccines that do not have preservative - prefilled syringes and single dose vials.
What I don't know is whether the Aluminum found in Hep B, is a problem.
One of my friend’s 3rd child, a boy had the Hep B. They weren’t giving them with her 1st 2 children. Less than 24 hour old infant who was perfect. Went into convulsions. She was screaming, “ what did you do to my baby?” Learning disabilities all through school. Teachers would ask, what is wrong with your son?” Involuntary hands body, etc. movements. She told them what happened after the HepB.
So if your child is lucky not to have a reaction, great! But if it happens to you it’s horrifying.
We didn’t have many vaccines growing up, 5 or so. Don’t ever remember seeing children so messed up. It wasn’t just 1 or 2 friends. It was too many☹️. Still seeing autism, etc from friends grands. One is 3 out of 3. Very sad.
My son is 5 yrs old and I am hearing a lot of parents telling me how their kids were diagnosed with autism. I have a work mate who has 4 kids and 2 of his kids has severe autism.
And even my son has got bad effects from effect he is hyperactive and jumpy it started when he turned by 3 I stopped him taking any childhood vaccines. Before that every week he was sick. When he did not receive any vaccine he did not even had any cold! So I can say 💯 no single vaccine is safe! How the hell we know the lying pharmaceutical companies telling us the truth about the real ingredients? I took flu vaccine on 2021 because of my job but I had a severe reaction. I was bed ridden for a week. My whole body was in so much pain. Then pain did not leave me for 2 years . My hands and feet will get numb. I had brain fog. I had severe headache. I had long lasting cough . But Dr said nothing wrong with me! So I would think before Covid people were given poisonous flu vaccines then you get sick and call it Covid. I never had the Covid vaccine.
Isn't aluminum always toxic when injected?
The literature says it is in too small amounts and doesn't cross the blood brain barrier very well.
But some research is called for.
I agree with Dr PMC that children are given too many vaccines at the same time for convenience.
Im not taking it neither is anyone in my family especially not my grandkids. They burn that shit.
OMG another substack Karen King states CDC is
recommending pandemic nonsense that dults snd children will need MMR vaccine card to move about. I have get my protest sign n t-shirt ready.
Hi doc
The evidence for not vaccinating is bigger than multitudes of elephants in the room!!!
Check out the horse and carriage people as an example of people with no contact with the pharma
corporate democide...!
Check India for example!
You will find in India an arrest warrant for bill gates etc!!
And so it goes on ...
Look in the courts system for a case against !
You can get copies if you look in the right places!
No vaccines are safe...especially with mRNA that goes in and clips your gene sequences out with CRISPR technology. In addition to that, they can end humans here on earth with their Anti-fertility ingredients they've been adding to the vial contents.
Anti-fertility vaccines
No one wants their children to not be able to produce grandchildren to carry on the family geneaology.
My Vote is NO!
It's Not God. The risk-reward ratio doesn't merit the chance of ruining every child's health.
Title: “Between Life & Death”
Payback is a Bitter Bitch and possibly even deadly! Right RFK Jr.?
Common Sense says? Allow parents to decide what is best for their children!
Doctors overwhelmingly
“do not vaccinate their kids!” Why? Simple answer, look at the results today:
“Vac-kids vs UnVac-kids.” The evidence is overwhelmingly strong that kids do not need this poison!
This is a travesty for those in power (I’m not saying RFK Jr. specifically)rather that those who have absolute zero integrity and or concern for outcomes / safety
/ deaths! Many organizations and federal agencies such as the CDC, FDA, HHS and any other federals oversights involved with authorizing, agreeing with, and signing off on 2025’s Vaccination Schedule for instance. Did you know that tomorrow, a newborn will receive 28 SHOTS IN ONE THE FIRST YEAR? Most people do not know this.
“NEWBORN IS MADNESS?” Absolutely yes! Money, money and more money!
This is insanity!
The CDC just published its 2025 vaccine immunization schedule and now recommends more than 200 routine injections. This includes five vaccinations during pregnancy, over 70 vaccinations from birth to age 18, and more than 130 routine adult vaccinations up to age 79. If you include the barrage of non-routine vaccinations, it’s even more. That's 28 doses during an infant's first year of life made by pharmaceutical companies with zero liability for the injuries or death caused by their products—and who profit from not only the initial vaccine dose but the diseases they create.
And they wonder why American children are ao sick and learning disabled?
And why autism is now 1/33 kids! This is why I said this a “Travesty!”
These are the overlords who literally “see no evil-see my new beach house!” Another words, they don’t give a damn what happens to someone else’s kid.
Even worse is “planned parenthood.” Executive Leadership’s mentality as in: “Buying a new Lamborghini with the proceeds of an aborted baby’s left arm! Project Veritas at the time provided an undercover video of such despicable behavior’s!
And yes the two executives were laughing about it!
So either way we look at this who’s the victim? A “Newborn or a Newly-Aborted?” What a sad state of affairs!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Don't take any vaxxxine . This is a warning. There is no such thing as a safe vax. To late to turn back once you taken it. Don't be sorry.
The child did not die from measles ! The child was hospitalised because of pneumonia and then while in the hospital was injected with measles vaccine?? Because apparently that is the protocol of the Texas hospital!
Can we see how stupid that decision to inject someone who is already sick with any vaccine?
I’m very disappointed with RFK Jr!!! Before he published any statement encouraging parents to vaccinate their kids he should getting the facts first??? How did he easily got brainwashed and lost his plot??
What is going on? I can’t believe it! RFK always said that vaccines cause autism, etc. Now he is backtracking? Unreal and SO disappointing! 😢
Yes. VERY disappointing! It's difficult to keep anything and anyone with a position straight anymore. Constantly flip flopping. 😡
This is what are called adjuvants??
I read that they put them in because it stimulates the immune system..., ????
Mercury aluminium ,
animal cells aborted human cells etc etc ..
Alien proteins???
Graphene ?
A collection of substances that block essential receptor sites ???
quantum dots
nano particles ???
venom peptides !!!
That collection of stuff should hugely improve the health and future of a newborn child !!!?????!!
I'd guess that just a few of those items in the list could kill a bear, much less a newborn.
How can he be an anti-vaxxer? He has said many times that he was vaccinated, as were his children. He has said on his own campaign trail that he doesn't support mandatory vaccines.
RFK Jr is being controlled and it's sad. Kids get the measles and they survive, if they take this mRNA measles jab they'll probably die.
Agree. My son was an infant late 79-80. SIDS! I was petrified. Now looking at everything, I believe it was the vaccines. I was too young to understand the effects of injecting my baby with these vaccines. How come the Amish aren’t studied? They know but won’t tell us. They never show us the difference of those unvaccinated. It would hurt the bottom line. Money & all who benefit.
Hi marianne
I’ve been looking at the various info and it’s v interesting to look back past 100 years!!
All of the negative effects of
“vaccines’.. that are seen now were seen then.
And back then they were much simpler in their molecular form...
I found many very important descriptions of adverse effects.
The first archived info was about smallpox vaccine ..
And all the controversy we see now was seen a 100 years ago!!
Strange !!
Then also the so called Spanish flu vaccine was a major problem.
Many lives were lost and the “vaccines” were said the be the cause of the. death count.
While researching these horror stories I came across a few very important people.
Dr Judy mikovits and a Dr Ardis and a Dr Makis...
all three have remedies for vaccine damage and there are remedies for vaccine damage in children!!!
Dr Judy mikovits stiry is amazing and shocking
and she has found remedy for autism and Dr Bryan Ardis has a stealing array of remedies also.
You will be amazed when you find out the level of fraud that. pharma has introduced as medicine efc!!
The problem with measles is it sucks that there is no measles vaccine; only MMR. For measles outbreak you need an M not an MMR. Risk/benefit is a go figure. Another complicating factor: if mothers have natural immunity, they pass some of that on to the kids.However, when everyone is vaccinated, you have weaker induced immunity, so kids don't get the natural antibodies from their mother so unvaccinated outcomes now could be worse than they were prior to widespread use of measles vaccine. So any studies of risks and benefits, need to account for this factor too.