This is not new. It was known almost immediately. Well I knew it. I had seen a video of a nurse whistleblower at Elmhurst hospital in Queens saying that. Plus at least 4 months of training for the respirators is needed. Fauci knew it all but we were told to panic.

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Correct it is not New it is a life Indian drug like Medazzaland in the UK. These patients were murdered. They did not have a virus that does not exist they had detox symptoms of pneumonia and other things. They were old, they were sick, they were in shitty health. And then they were taken advantage of and murdered by allopathic medicine.

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If you trust these allopathic motherfuckers and don’t do your due diligence, then you get what you get and what you get will be probably death via a poisonous injection

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They were stuck in nursing home rooms with no sunlight.

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Yes, I life any drug meant to usher in the great reset with the poisonous injection and the collapse of the economies of the world. Combine with the forthcoming Third World war in the Middle East the Zionist, globalist Satanist will have their day . The third temple of Solomon will be rebuilt and then we know the hour will be at hand

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The synagogue of Satan

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Kicked out of 1030 countries soon to be kicked out of 1031 countries for obvious reasons

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Fake virus. They took advantage of people in fear state The worst of all so-called medical crimes . No one in their right mind would give someone a life any drug who is having a hard time breathing because of pneumonia or something else . A life ending drug that makes it harder to breathe. Why would you give them that unless you were trying to murder them ? And they were, and they did. The Great Culling

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We need to be reminded of what they did to us.

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it may have been known almost immediately but the people who tried to call attention to it were silenced. i know a guy (his wife used to work for me) who the FDA allowed his doctor a compassionate use waiver to try a placental stem cell treatment from israel. he was better within days of administration after 40 days on a vent with no hope. everybody carried on like this would be the thing, the new protocol and then you never heard of it again. he was lucky that his doctor was allowed to use it before the vaccines were "ready." i wonder what they threatened his doctor with to get him to shut up about it.

he is the only guy in a country of 300+ million people to have gotten this treatment.


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Wow. Thanks for sharing so much. He was blessed.

It’s true. The front line doctors were censored immediately. We are living in such heartbreaking times.

Peace and love to you.

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Did they not think we would look at Ebola’s remdesivir trials! It was a total flop and the pulled. The fact that they pulled it out of the woodwork and reintroduce it for Covid treatment is proof enough that their implementation of remdesivir was nefarious. Then putting patients on a ventilator and heavily sedate them was a recipe for death. Every physician that denies this is incompetent. They knew. Incompetence is no excuse. They are still complicit to murder.

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Those doctors and nurses who administered Remdesivir are the same as the murdering Nazi doctors and nurses.

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Because they are pure evil and gave an agenda. Those drs & nurses will not go unpunished. We’re coming for them and wont back down! My wonderful & healthy husband was murdered by them, I won’t stop until my last breath.

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Anyone care to talk about the murders from the drug Vioxx. I think it is still on the market after a massive amount of people died from it. But don't worry. After all those people died and responsible parties sued, the manufacturers etc.. still make a bundle. That is why they re-introduce it. Profit is profit.

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Yep just like Dr. Falsi and his crew knew AZT would kill gay people and hemophilia patients back in the 80's and 90's. Worked before. Worked again. Same ol', same ol'. Just rinse and repeat.

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Quite right, Dorothy Ann. Excellent reminder. Celia Farber authored, "Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS" (Amazon) on the subject of this mass murder event with Fauci as the lead spokesperson/salesman for AZT.

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AZT and Remdesivir are both Nucleoside Analogues. They differ in targets and nucleotide reactions, but essentially Destroy DNA.. That is what they are designed to do--not a "side effect." Remdesivir targets kidney cells and functions.

So just like the way Fauci used AZT to do what his fraud virus HIV would not, he used Remdesivir to "finish off" these patients already ill.

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RFK Jr is brave to state this in public. Kudos!!

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Truth always prevails

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Fauci's pal Ralph Baric developed Remdesivir concurrently with his gain of function work on

Horseshoe Bat derived Corona Viruses. They wanted to own the patents on the virus and the cure.

It was all 'smoke and mirrors'.

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Lots of people said Fauci knew Remdesevir was deadly, but glad RFK joined in, which makes him popular with some I suppose.

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What is going to happen to this murderer? He needs to be executed, not celebrated.

And what is going on with this infatuation with Taylor Swift? I hardly even knew who the fuck she was. Now Time Magazine puts her on the cover as Person of the Year? What utter nonsense. Proves Time is nothing but a propaganda rag for the UniParty deep state. It's mind control.

And now I am hearing things about her. She started as a country singer, then converted to satanism and pop music, and apparently her tour just made 2 Billion Dollars.

Some are saying she is a he.

And some are saying we are being prepped for the Dems to introduce her as their candidate at their convention to replace Biden.

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Taylor Swift candidate for Pres?😂😂😂

But she functions as a general distraction. Definitely.

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PS: I fear they’re going to insert Newsom as Pres Candidate and he IS A POISONOUS WEF-er.😵‍💫😖🤬

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Yes he knew!! Breaks my heart for all the victims and their families. My husband was killed in the hospital by this protocol and they kept me out and gave me no information or chance to me or my husband to avoid this! We went to ER (sent from urgent care) to get a simple chest X-ray and they gave him 2 doses of Remdesivir immediately upon arriving in ER. No consent was given or information on this deadly drug.

Yes kidney failure and heart gave out after 51/2 weeks of pure torture then vented!

We will get all of them and justice will served. God us on our side 🙏🏻♥️🌈

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We’re working on it! They will be held accountable!

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How specifically? And when???

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THANK YOU!! This is my question. So many of us know they were administering poisons!! They MUST be prosecuted NOW!!!

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Problem is that we have lost control of our government’s agencies- who in most instances are

serving at the behest of the criminals-and it appears Biden and his goon squads keep going

after people politically opposed to their woke policies-might be we may need to take back control of our government by force of arms as it is obvious our original constitutional government has been deposed and replaced -

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They won't.

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They will!

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So did realgeorgewebb1.com (Twitter); georgewebb.substack.com; Housatonic Live (1,2 and 3 -- depending on which is cancel cultured at any given time on YT); Housatonic Live (Patreon); The Duke Report (Rumble); Shiva Ayyadurai (ran for Senate in Boston, now running for President of the US -- whilst there is still some semblance of 'United'); sagehana.substack.com; celiafarber.substack.com; a HOST of others -- ALL reporting on the deleterious effect of Remdesivir -- all YEARS before RFK, Jr. had one word to utter on the matter. SHIVA4PRESIDENT.com conducts Town Hall meetings every Thursday at 11am and 8Pm for grassroots plan to end this insanity. And, remember, #donotcomply (w/tyranny).

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All those involved need to swing or lose their heads if convicted. #NoAmnesty #NoQuarter #NeverForget

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I believe that Fauci got a royalty check every time Remdesivir was used.

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I agree much fraud was committed. I have went back and forth with people on this ventilator thing though. I will link NIH policy at the beginning and currently for Covid. The policy on ventilation is sound policy. The WHO is the only policy I have found that stated early mechanical ventilation for suspected Covid. Even they have updated since then. I still believe it is individual facilities that decided their own policies that lead to death by unnecessary ventilation.



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Yeah…that’s why they used it on Trump.

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