Their purported "virus" was never here to begin with.

These are nanotech PARASITES attacking us all.

This is WHY the FDA, CDC, and MSM did everything they could to convince us we were suddenly die if a single molecule of Ivermectin, HCQ, or ANY anti-parasitic medications ever came within 2 miles of our bodies.

Again folks, this is an EXTERMINATION.

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Pharmas must be ostracized. SV40's is noted within c19s, so the makers are yet killing monkeys today. Plenty of evidence as the very existence of fake Vaccine courts was set up to preclude massive Pharma payouts for many vax injuries, mainly autism and SV40 brain, lung and blood cancers. These guys are conditioned to destroy American lives and pay out very little due to the rigged court system. And so they just keep injuring people to groom all for the big cull.

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They just want to make more money at our expense

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IVM is an anti parasitic. It seemingly worked. How, if it isn’t an anti viral does it work on a virus. It seems likely a parasite was spread.

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You are going to be chasing unpredictable virus variants forever. This is the silliness of vaccines (mRNA injections) as they chase presumed variants. Furthermore, none of these mRNA gene altering substances will be thoroughly tested and all of them will fail miserably. But they will continue to murder millions. Of course you have to fall for the virus hoax to begin with and I never will.

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Dr. A - You damned well know WHY they're "chasing" variants with never ending "new" formulations of the vaxx... Because they're intent on killing us!!! And, by keeping up the panopticon of new variants, which very likely don't even exist, they can simultaneously keep a certain percentage of the population on the edge of their seats, ready to jump on any new vaxx rolled out. Plus, that continued state of heightened fear allows them to more easily "justify" the WHO totalitarianism they're trying to institute, and any "pandemic" that's declared by virtually any so-called "health" agency at any time.

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