Okay, but look at what he said in that tweet - "avoid retribution and blame". No, there MUST be retribution, and people MUST be held accountable, FULLY and PUBLICALLY. THAT is the only way that this could possibly be prevented in the future.

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100% - NO amnesty for the COVID perps all around the World.

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Dec 11, 2023Edited
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Even Ivanka Kushner?

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RFK, Jr. says he doesn’t support vaccine mandates UNLESS they prove they’re safe! Um, NO! Never! No one is ever going to inject me with another vaccine! I was given the routine childhood ones. Haven’t taken any since, never will either. He also advocates for increased gun controls. Another huge, massive NO! He ain’t our guy! Hate to break it to ya.

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Excellent points made!!!

Agree 100%

The only positive thing I see is he has done is opened some eyes on the dangers of the C19 shot and some lawlessness of the government etc.

As you stated though is of the mark on many important subjects.

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I stopped liking RFK Jr when I heard his stand on climate. He’s a full-throated climate hysteria cultist. I’m sad that he can see behind the vaccine hoaxes, but falls for the NOAA “homogenized” data hoax. That said, I think it would really be an interesting twist if Trump selected a Democrat or Independent as a VP.

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They’ve been trying to make climate guilt an industry since the 1970s starting with global cooling, the coming of the second ice age. Climate is an on-ramp to new wealth redistribution, taxation and law making. All at our expense. It’s total nonsense.

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Bilderberg Cartel fake climate is linked to nanos in both chemtrails and mRNAs, all that is linked to the autistic epidemic of the past the the future, and the planned autism is linked to transhumanist cyborg planned neural mesh experiments with autism enhancement. The old Bilderbergs are watching what happens to the mesh when applied to the autism psychos. The old freaks want to live forever like a machine-cyborg. Not all, but most are simply afraid of death.

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Right on!

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I agree, he has bought the false agenda of man-made climate change, which is being used simply as a step toward global tyranny. But if he played a role of some kind in the Trump admin. it would have nothing to do with that nonsense.

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Robert gets the FDA/CDC rogue disasters, but has failed to link mRNA nanos to Chemtrail nanos. He's scattered, not into constant reading and study. And it's apparent.

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Dang! Dr Alexander, you crack me up with your rants and I get such a kick out of your accent on your podcast! I am listening to RFK a lot but Fauci is not the kingpin.

You hopefully know about the grand jury initiatives brought against specific key players in this scamdemic. Agencies & Buildings didn’t do this…people working within agencies and buildings did.

Specifically, in our initial Grand Jury Petition we are going after the named defendants Rochelle Walensky (CDC Director), Xavier Becerra (HHS Secretary), Brian Moyer (NVSS Director), Alex Azar (former HHS Secretary), and Robert Redfield (former CDC Director).

Each must be investigated for their roles in what we allege to be criminal data fraud and willful misconduct that led to Medicare/Medicaid insurance fraud and ultimately led to incalculable amounts of injuries nationwide.


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Seems to me that Kennedy may be controlled opposition.

Liar, Liar: RFK Jr. Comes Clean(er), Cops to Flying W/ Epstein TWICE


No one is going to save us. We will have to save ourselves.

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Bobby Jr. is also drunk on Israel. This absolutely nails the problems with Bobby adoration. He's a Democrat, first and foremost. Is he a Christian Zionist? I absolutely feel for those female college presidents essentially coerced to kiss Israel's tush. One president, Penn, I believe, has already quit. She now realizes Israel and the jews are trying to subvert the First Amendment by these insane and forced declarations involved in Israel fealty. No different than the Salem witch trials, the Nuremberg show trials and trials adjudicated by Roland Freisler, Hitler's attorney general (hahahaha). Somehow, Barbara Lerner Spectre is given more respect than President MacGill, a farce of titanic proportion. Bobby Jr. would say that Israel is our only "ally" in the Middle East!!! I don't want him on my property if he's going to be my president. Likewise, the slimy obeisances paid to Israel by our gutless suck-up Congress is both seditious and treasonous.

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Noooo....it's the calls for genocide, sweetheart, not fealty. Be off to your KKK meeting, hun bun.

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Bobby Kennedy has experience researching vaccines, beyond that, he is nothing to talk about.

No one, should vote for him.

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Dr. Paul...

Please check this out...


Lizbeth, a 16-year-old cheerleader was murdered in cold blood by an ILLEGAL MIGRANT, Rafael Govea Romero (23) in Edna, TX.

Lizbeth’s mom found her unresponsive body in a bathtub the day when she was going to be with the cheer squad at the local Christmas parade.

The story didn’t make the national news because it didn’t fit the narrative.

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Maybe you should have taken great note from this Breggin piece before telling anyone to vote for Kennedy…

Robert Kennedy, Steve Kirsch, and Robert Malone – What’s It All About?

by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin | Apr 22, 2023 |

I thought you liked the Breggins!

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Tulsi Gabbard would be the best VP pick. Independent, knows where the bodies are buried, great messenger, fearless but not abrasive, strong, but not brutish, young, female “ of color”, Hindu but very pro- JudeoChristian, honorable, anti-warmongering.. The pushback she’d get from the UniParty Establishment and extreme left and right makes her all the more viable.

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RKJ is a dreamer like you who believes politics and this corrupt world can be reformed. Let me reassure both of you: it can't because evil can't be reformed into good because of the evil forces behind the scenes of this world...

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If cleanup includes public hangings then yes.

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NOT going to happen.

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No affirmative action

No reparations

No gun bans

No green agenda

No RFKjr

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Buys into the climate hoax narrative, so no thanks. Climate hoax is what the globalists are using to push most agendas. All bullshit!

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shills are a dime a dozen. How obvious.....

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