Yup. I think the answer is the government wants to kill us. They gave too much money to Ukraine and other bullshit They wanted to gut the middle class and thin out the old the fat the sick and those in the disabled category too. It seems pretty obvious to me. They didn’t want to make it too obvious so they only wanted to kill a certain percentage at first Many will die post jabs and boosters later from their latent crap like cancer. As George Karlin said people are trained to not question. Just smart enough to run the machines etc. A big club and the average schmuck ain’t in it. Sorry. All this constant dwelling on what happened and is still happening is bringing me down today. I just saw a Facebook post where people I went to high school with are still getting boosters and wearing masks. Wtf come on man! These are people with advanced degrees etc. Makes me want to vomit. My own daughter is a nurse and the level o e trauma center hospital she works for forced them to get this shit and constant flu shots. Disgusting. Horrifying. I begged her not to. My mom at 85 my only sibling and my son all took at least one and hopefully not more than 2 so I am angry about what these bastards created. Most days I am ok. Today no. They all got the bio weapon for stupid f ed up reasons. My brother lives in NYS. He just wanted to go back to the gym. My mom peer pressured by her friends and neighbors. They all bought the lies. The psy op. 24/7 fear porn on the tv. I begged and pleaded. All my lib artsy friends still believe the bs. I am just unable to wake anyone up. I bought RFK jr book in preorder. I also bought Dr Pam Popper book 3 years ago. She doesn’t get the credit she deserves. She’s a powerhouse. Way before Kennedy and Mercola etc. In some ways I wish I had the bliss of ignorance the rest of the dopes walking around do. Never mind. I will do better tomorrow.

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The whole thing was too efficient for doctors or politicians to have operated. It looked and felt like a military operation.

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Why this injection? What was and is the medium and long-term aims?

To destroy our Military. Mass destruction and distraction to all hidden dynasties. Financial, Political, Education and Religion. Flooding our boarders by the thousands daily. I keep praying God will turn this around and give us time to right these wrongs. While America was sleeping evil has been brewing for decades. America has been hijacked.

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Just like THEY will never allow Trump back in the White House THEY will never allow RFK Jr. to be President either. Election/voter fraud will keep them both out of the running. My prediction: Gavin Newsom has already been "selected" as the next President.

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Sasha was in the business ( former pharmaceutical industry executive and entrepreneur) and knows it in detail. I've seen several interviews and public stage speeches by Sasha Latypova and she makes a compelling case that the Covid infection was a directly organized infection creation by the US military and carried out by the stooges of Pfizer and Moderna with their distribution network.

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Apparently, right up until the millisecond the toxic juice left the needle and entered your arm, it was still owned fully by US military which, to my mind, is the most bizarre scenario I have ever encountered in the context of public health.

Do you not have one anonymous inside person, who can perhaps shed a shard of light on this for us, Paul?

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The contracts state it is a military operation. The patent is dated 2012. No safety trials ordered. FDA & CDC excluded legally by the government . The Pfizer CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS DATED FEBRUARY 28, 2021 states of the 42,086 31% DIED OR WERE SEVERELY DISABLED SO THEY WANTED TO KEEP IT HIDDEN FROM THE PUBLIC FOR 75 YEARS LOOKS LIKE THE DEPOPULATION AGENDA 2021/30 by the WEF CCP to me.

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It would probably be a good idea if these two had security. They certainly are brave and deserve our prayers.

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Trump was very open from the very beginning that the DOD was going to run the show - Operation Warpspeed. This should not be a surprise.

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The military is run by civilians in government. The have do as they are ordered. They don’t get to decide for themselves.

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I think this was pretty well exposed last October, and certainly explained a lot of things, especially why so many from the health agencies acted as if they had nothing to worry about despite overwhelming evidence disproving everything that they said for two years. It didn't make sense that they were so comfortable with their "power" position until the DoD involvement through Birks was exposed. It made a lot of things very clear, except as to why they felt so compelled to do all of it. The mechanism is now known, the motivation remains unexposed, unless we assume direct population destruction; a weird goal for a military industrial complex though.

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DoD must have been bored with blowing the crap out of the Middle East.

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Fortunately, we have truth seekers that are drilling down to the root cause of the preplanned Covid crisis designed to harm humanity! We need to determine the decision makers who created this massive propaganda event and take them to task for the harm they have done! It’s a shame that the politicians in Washington are ignoring this issue and it was expressed when they defeated rand Paul’s bill that would have reversed Public law 107-40 that gave the military supreme command over all other laws that protect American citizens, and was the basis of creating the Covid con!

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Then the leadership must be brought to justice. To think that we are their Guinea pigs is insulting and evil to the core. They must pay!

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There are too many variables. Central to this point is that the synthetic polynucleotide/LNP shot is UNPREDICTABLE (Bliden et al). All of this charade is novel and an established radical departure from political, ethical, scientific and medical norms.


A pilot psychosocial experiment (see Yale study, James et al.) to explore the means and limitations of the con, of compliance, coercion and social pressure. The twin idea being tested appears to be to cull and control (double benefit hallmark) without disturbing the hive. The orchestrators have directed the instigation of the elements: the shots, lock downs, social distancing, masks, school closures, company policy, loss of jobs, rules and constraints while the expediters (politicians, medics, bureaucrats, municipal authorities, police et al) have enacted and overseen the enforcement.

Meanwhile, round 2 is in the offing only, the hive is more perturbed and unforeseen consequences have caught the hubris laden elitist blob. Now it's a race to the finishing tape, a race of awareness against tyranny. It'll be close.

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When you want people dead, even your own citizens, you call in the military. Plain enough so that every one else if off the hook. How you gonna sue the DOD and HHS? What will be the satisfaction if you win? Their promise to never do it again?

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