Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023

Nope. America can’t afford another green energy democrat. He will bring us all $10/gallon gas!!!

He already weakened his stances when he got pressure from the media! He now says vaxxes are basically mostly okay!!!! He just caved to big pharma and will be useless in the White House!!!

He’s better off staying where he is. He’s just being used to steal votes from Trump.

Edit: If Bobby is legit…. Then why didn’t he ever scream from the rooftops to get us ivermectin??!!!!

Why is he not saying it now??!!!!

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Don't fall in love with one-issue candidates, and be cautious about two-issue candidates. Kennedy is the latter. Sure, make him HHS Secretary and put him on a special task force under the DOJ to go after the bad Pharmas using the info Karen Kingston and others put together. But otherwise, he is just a sight 'tap of the brakes' on the road to hell/communism with most of his other positions.

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But that idiot Kennedy still hates fossil fuels. With him in charge, well I don't see any resolution to the decline of the West.

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Why doesn't he talk about nanotechnology in these injections and "tests"?


I had a colleague and fellow microscopist show me these exact features in the blood. I have not seen them in Darkfield, but they are exactly visible like this in brightfield. I absolutely agree, the Quantum Dot structures are bidirectional telemetry devices for surveillance and external manipulation - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

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I still say the BEST option is for RFK Jr. to be Trump's running mate after he gets defeated for the Democratic nomination. It's the best chance for reunification/healing the divide in the USA. Also the three way vote won't be split, it'll be two-thirds to one-third effectively.

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Not a good idea. A libertarian run would siphon off republican votes and guarantee another demokkkrat takeover.

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No thinks. Remember Ross Perot? Split the vote and gave us Clinton.

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I like RFK, Jr’s position on vaccines (before the most recent change which I haven’t yet seen), and a few other things.

But he attracts our attention mainly because the other politicians are unpunished criminals and skunks. RFK, Jr is better than Nancy Pelosi, Newsom and any Democrats, but that is a horrendous standard.

I won’t support him because his extreme position on “climate change”. But he will definitely gain my respect if and when he denounces the Democratic Party and walks away. Because the whole Democratic Party is engaged in selling out and destroying the United States. So many brave men and women have joined the #walkaway movement, there is no reason why Kennedy doesn’t see the justification. The only reason is he agrees and works with the “party”.

Yes, I know many Republicans RINOs are traitors too. Look at McConnell, Lindsay Graham and the evil one-eyed Dan Crenshaw ...... But we still have a number of Republicans fighting for the survival of this nation.

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No Paul. RFK MUST defeat Pedo in the primary; millions of democrats will vote for our Trump in the general, and millions will vote for RFK in the dem primary. He can NOT leave the democrats without first knocking Squatter off his Bilderberg Hacked Chair. If he does, he STILL MUST remain a Democrat, American First, like his dad, FOR TRUMP, if he does NOT dump Pedo, he STILL MUST NOT go third party; ok to not publicly supporting Trump, but to stay in the Dem to siphon off communist and airhead dem votes only on the write-in. Much more; bottom line, RFK must hold firm with the Dems. He may HAVE to flip to the Republicans, but that's beyond this comment line. I did the math, but I'll proof the above to makes sure I'm clear as it's extremely important, for the USA and for the world, that our Trump enters strong enough to preclude yet another Pentagon Election Hack.

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100% Trump / Kennedy ticket! “The two-headed monster”! Would be an awesome solution, provided they could get along. I’m not sure about Trump because he’s his own worst enemy and he must be the center of everything attention. RFK certainly brings an enormous amount of attention to the ticket as well. In the big picture, can the two of them put aside their differences for the betterment of America? Anyone’s guess on that although I do think at this point in either of these two men’s careers should be first and foremost, fix the damn country!! These lunatics in charge have done a wonderful job of destroying it! Oh they won’t go down no matter what and they would be so much legalized corruption to extinguish it would make problems worse. Either way, I believe both candidates have a good reason to think about joining forces! Maybe they’re what America needs. Lastly, how deep is the “deep state”? Does anyone really know? Aside from that, there’s been a tremendous about of, “it’s ok destroy everything” mentality over the past few years and I can see that expanding if those in power today, lose! These lunatics do not care about this country one iota! Interesting time in the political spectrum is a coming and hang on to your hat!


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If nothing else he will steal a ton of votes away from Biden or whoever runs after Joebama steps down (Gavin Newsom??) and that will be a good thing.

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Kennedy is a pro abortion (Catholic 😑) and he’s not thrilled about the 2A. I think that ticket would destroy the NAZI democrats though. I am a MAGA voter, I don’t know who else would be as powerful.

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Trump-Kennedy works and prevents the deep state from impeaching ...

Trump should do this to truly unite the country

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The “woke” globalist agenda came in through the Democratic Party via massive propaganda and pushed the party way left. New “woke” liberals went for Hillary while those who retained their values turned toward the new/ true populist leader: Trump. When you look at Trump’s policies, he’s old school Democrat. I think that’s how he won actually. He ran as the Republican candidate with a total Democrat platform/ appeal. The MAGA movement pulled the Republican Party more to the left, resulting in a centrist position. The Republicans who didn’t like Trump we call RINOS but they’re really just the old school Republicans.

In a nutshell, old school Democrats and MAGA Republicans are both Centrists. The differences are misperceptions or minor. Trump and Kennedy have similar positions and that view is the same for the majority of the country. For example, issues like abortion and the environment. Most people agree, abortion shouldn’t be banned completely but we also shouldn’t be killing babies. The majority want a clean environment but don’t to give up their car or $10 carbon taxed gas. Gun control and free speech are another example. Old school Democrats weren’t out to abolish the 2nd Amendment or censor free speech. This is all new, woke globalist agenda. The majority of Americans are happy with basic background checks and not being able to scream fire in a movie theater, but that it. And that’s Centrist.

I think Trump and Kennedy should unite the center. They could even create a new party and call it just that:

The Unity party.

Leave the RINOS and DINOS to their primitive, extremist fights and in the meantime, let some rational thinkers run our country.

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I’d love a Trump- Kennedy ticket, but RFK won’t change political affiliation. That will mean denial of everything that “meant a Kennedy” before

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