This is just the tip of the iceberg of character assassination attacks that will now begin against Jr. from the Deep State Empires Cabal of paid pen wielding henchmen!!! They cannot allow this man, nor Trump, to EVER ASSUME the office of President and jeopardize their global depopulation efforts!!! Watch the attacks escalate exponentially from now on that Jr. is a racist, xenophobic, gay and transgender homophobe, who tortures puppies and kittens!!! He’s already been labeled as an anti vaxxer, conspiracy theorists and anti semite!!!! Just another day of making up shit by the press people, nothing to see here...

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Neocon RINOs and Dems created SARS-CoV-2 at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill during the Obummer/Bribedem administration for the purpose of exterminating races they deem inferior. There is no way they would have designed it to exempt the Chinese or Jewish people. RFK Jr knows this. He is in no way antisemitic. The University of North Carolina team modified a spike and included HIV sequences and added it to a coronavirus backbone. They designed it to have a mild prodrome (COVID-19 IS the prodrome) with a low IFR that would manifest within days to weeks and kill only several million initially. They designed it to target the haplogroups of Eastern Slavs and others deemed by the neocon RINOs and Dems to be inferior races. They designed it to be oncogenic and to hide in the body from the immune system and to produce slow HIV-like effects during an incubation period of years following the prodrome before it would produce full SARS-CoV-2 disease. They transported it to biolabs in Ukraine near the border with Russia and to Wuhan in China. They released it in China to blame on China. They needed to scapegoat China. China has almost no history of attacking other nations in contrast to the US which regularly attacks small, underdeveloped nations and has used Weapons of Mass Destruction on civilian populations such as when the US launched nuclear attacks on the civilian cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. They wanted to make China look bad to make neocon RINOs and neolib Dem warmongers look better. The US typically leaves a legacy of targetting foreign races with long term effects on children and other civilians from agents or munitions such as unexploded cluster munitions, depleted uranium, napalm or Agent Orange. In Iraq the US, when ruled by neocon RINOs, butchered up to nearly a milllion civilians according to an epidemiological study published many years ago in The Lancet, back when the Lancet was still a reputable journal. The US typically attacks only small, sparsely populated underdeveloped adversaries who lack capacity to retaliate and usually does so safely from 50,000 feet up in the sky or from cruise missiles fired from several hundred miles away while praising itself for its bravery. It does not attack large developed nations that can fight back except in proxy wars. This hasbecome embarassing for the US. Further, the US is typically defeated by the tiny, underdeveloped nations it attacks. Other than when it removed the secular regime in Iraq and set the stage for the rise of ISIS and islamofascism in Iraq, the US has not won any of the wars it has started since WWII when it used nukes on civilians. On the present occasion it has used WMDs on its own people because it needed a pretext for widespread mail in voting before the 2020 election. The neocon RINOs and Dems needed hundreds of thousands of Americans dead before the election and Trump's economy destroyed to blame on Trump. They wanted Biden installed at any cost. Now they want DeSantis installed. The millions of other races dead in other countries because of the real, as to fake, prodrome of the virus and because of the vax and the millions more of deaths to come from full blown SARS-CoV-2 disease and the vax are just the icing on the cake.

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Stop using neocon RINO and fake Dems and just call them the NWO or HYDRA because there is no association with a traditional American political party or beliefs for these people. Bushs are not neocons, Clintons & Obama are not fake Dems- they are NWO. They care not for the American people or any American concepts such as conservatism or "traditional liberalism". You continue to use the term neocon because of old resentments. Time to give up the old teams because otherwise you'll be blind to your new allies. I see "traditional liberalism" and its internationalism, anti Christian, anti white bias as having brought us to the NWO on a silver platter, just as the Bushs did.

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Excellent analysis and points well said. 👍

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That is always one of their tried and true methods of stopping people who most times are speaking the truth.. These people involved in the cv-19 crime only believe in LIES and censorship to keep their LIES as TRUTH, and TRUTH as LOL misinformation/disinformation.. I truly hope RFK sues them and points out their methods of using anti Semitism to stop TRUTH.. They tried the same BS on Andrew Bridgen the MP over in England because he is after TRUTH, something most of those LAME MP's are not.

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Yep, it always amazes me that whenever they say Conspiracy they added Theory, just like when they say Natural medicine, they use Practioners, but they never use Theory when the MSM gives you these poisonous LIES, they never use the word practioners when these cowardly lying sell out doctors and medical people give you these prescription drugs that are meant to extract money and injure and kill you and have never cured anything..

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I hope that all who did not buy the BS to be united. That is the most important thing at the moment. And those who awaken to join.

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Excellent points.

More people need to understand this.

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The New York Post may be trying to distract from rumors that Gilgo Beach serial killer suspect Rex Heuermann not only has a connection to notorious Democrat actor Alec Baldwin but is also a fanatical neocon RINO and DeSantis supporter who hates President Trump.

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Yep, they have all kinds of misdirection and distractions and LIES, but they project their criminality onto people speaking truth, and unfortunately they have taken over all the MSM, through Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street.. We really need somebody to hack into a TV network and broadcast some truth, or figure out a way to have newspapers and radio stations and TV stations nationwide speaking truth, but you have gatekeepers everywhere that are paid off, FCC, FAA, FDA, on and on.. We need an alternate and parallel method invented to get the word out across the USA continuously.

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Disappointing from the NY Post. I'd expect it more from the NY Times.

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This hitjob has all the hallmarks of a DeSantis disinformation campaign. There is a smell about this of Paul RINO. Remember that the DeSantis camp fabricated photographs of Trump hugging Fauci. The Australian born Rupert Murdoch and his liberal sons who own Fox news and the New York Post are backing DeSantis. They hate losers and DeSantis' support is cratering so they are trying to take out those who are the main threats to DeSantis and tose threats are Trump and RFK Jr.

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Sounds like you hit the nail on the head!

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Yet, being anti non-semitic is perfectly acceptable.

Why is that?

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Thank you.

The Race targeting is scary stuff any way you look at it. Good that this article brings it to light...I suppose. Now, how do we make it go away once it is there?...Likely impossible, the bad guys will continue to do it.

I know Israel was highly Injected ( it is not a vaccine so it should not be called one ) early on.

One of the highest injections per capita. So now we have to look up the death rates of injected and excess deaths compared from previous years in Israel to draw more conclusions. The deaths should be very high compared to other countries.

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They targeted our ACE-2 receptors, "our" being white people. This is a group of people, oft expelled, that despises whites and Christianity.

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When have the elite of any ethnicity refrained from sacrificing 'their own' in any manner, especially when such sacrifice can be weaponized against accusations of bad behavior on the part of that elite?

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The black deaths in our counties were very high also. They must have similar ACE-2 receptor sites or even more susceptible.

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The devastation in communities of color is traceable to very very low levels of vitamin D. Look up the research that traces the genomic differences in VDR.... Look up the IOM’s fraudulent meta analysis/recommendation of the DV of vitD3, despite 2 peer reviewed papers demonstrating the mathematical manipulation needed to come up with a DV one entire order of magnitude lower than is needed. It’s a whole long sad tale.

It will be told someday in history books, public health textbooks or the chronicles written only in the ago to come. In the meantime, love everyone of your black friends by reading the info at Robin Whittle’s site--vitamindstopscovid and purchasing some calcifediol to be able to give away liberally (utilize Sunil Wimalawansa’s protocol (published in Nutrients) to anyone facing a life threatening respiratory illness. )

D.velop. Over the counter.

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Blacks need a lot more exposure to the sun than do Caucasians in order to create adequate levels of vitamin D in latitudes distant from the equator. Near the equator, the melanin in their skin protects them from the potentially damaging effects of ionizing radiation, but in latitudes more distant from the equator, both north and south, that same protective melanin makes it difficult for them to synthesize adequate levels of vitamin D. However, Caucasians need to get out into the sun, too, in order to develop adequate vitamin D levels in their bodies. Tanning, via natural sunlight, is one of the timeless, undisputed pillars of robust, good health. Sunlight is as essential as is oxygen.

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But why would you expect to see honest reports in the Israeli press? They're as completely captured as the American media are. You will not find what you seek in the Israeli press, I assure you.

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Ok, so if RFK is stating that he never said that...I will say it.


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The entire bio-engineered conversation is playing into the CoVid BS and is only a diversion from all the pseudoscience present in virology.

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Yes. But this crowd will never consider that, will they? Which makes me think all this is "controlled opposition."

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Them BANKER BEASTS will use anything to DEMONISE anyone who questions their WAR CRIMES MASS MURDER TERRORISM and FRAUD. Isn’t well past time..GET THE PITCHFORKS OUT…

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He perhaps never said it, but it's absolutely true.

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He’s weak and has back peddled on all his stances!!!!

He’s just another Marxist now that will continue the green agenda and give us $10/gallon gas!!!!

I’m done with him!!!

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RFK pointed out studies that showed mRNAs appear not to hurt Jewish or Asians. So, one of the intellectuals pulled the anti Semitic because the reports show Jewish genes are tougher. Hand any concept to a bright kid, and this is what he creates. :)

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Thank you for your defense of RFK Jr. and for revealing the particulars to us in such short order. Amazing how low people can stoop.

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That Old Chestnut, “ WEAPONISED “, ANTI-BULLSHIT. We’ll move on over, here comes the “CIA” special, “”CONspiracy””, WEAPONISED “ CRAP”..

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