I am not typically a violent man, but I would be willing to make an exception for this brood of vipers.

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John Ratcliffe, the director of national intelligence under former president Donald Trump, testified before Congress that the “lab leak theory” was the “only” credible explanation for the pandemic.

“If our intelligence and evidence supporting a lab leak was placed side by side with our intelligence and evidence pointing to a natural origins or spillover theory, the lab leak side of the ledger would be long, convincing, even overwhelming — while the spillover side would be nearly empty and tenuous.”

Oh wait....he worked under Trump. I guess that disqualifies him. Ostensibly a non-starter.

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US intelligence has zero credibility but with the US at rank 29 internationally for mean IQ it's no surprise that millions of gullible US dumbf*cks believe it. Saddam had WMDS. We just couldn't find them. Trump really did collude with Russia. Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation. Yade yada. Enough of the bullsh*t. Let's get real now. There was no lab leak. It was a deliberate release and it wasn't the Chinese who did it.

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Nuremberg 2.0

Excellent starter list.

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The modern definition of Pandemic is:

An effective theft device.

An efficient tool for political and business oligarchs to steal innocent citizen’s money, rights, and peace of mind. Murder and pillage disguised as “helping” while making slaves out of the survivors who are led to be confused, divided, and lacking focus as to how it happened, precisely whom to blame, and what to do about it.

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Your list is certainly more thorough, but Kennedy’s hits the top tier at least.

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https://twitter.com/SpartaJustice/status/1644431705049034753?t=Vj6Pmsl6NV8u91WLmtUoMQ&s=19 you looked into the Berlin Corona Committee. I just listened to a video update put out in April 2023 under X (Twitter) handle @TRUTH JUSTICE . Pretty profound report, concise, simple and devastating. Thoughts?

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So David Gorski gets a pass? I like RFK Jr. He's not perfect but he's a lot more perfect than his critics. Leaving Gorski off the list, however, is remiss of him.

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You better not have Robert Malone. He's on the "get the bad guys" side.

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Topol, the actor? Details please

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From your lips to Gods ears.

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