Robert Malone, well you know my view on his deadly mRNA technology & his failures in warning ONLY when it because expedient, but as I show with Trump, when someone does GOOD, I applaud & here Bob did
good & I thank him for his candor...for he joins folk like me, for I am like him, likely won't be in administration because folk like me have said what Trump did WRONG with OWS, lockdowns, & the mRNA
Do not fuss Bob Malone, if Trump does not take you, you are always welcomed at The Wellness Company ( with McCullough, Thorp, Risch, Wolf, Pinsky, Victory, myself. We will welcome you. Its strong staff. There is always a home for anyone who seeks to save lives, are patriots in this patriot economy, in joining a good company with good leadership. Our arms are open wide at TWC for you.
Key paragraphs:
Start Bob’s piece here, well done Bob!
“After participating in this webinar, Dr. Hatfill informed me that members of the Trump transition team had been watching and had determined, based on my comments, that I should have no role in the current administration. Perhaps these are the same people that, under deep background (not for attribution) disclosed Colonel Parker’s appointment to CBS News.
(Oh well, Darn! I was so looking forward to having to buy a home in Rockville (been there, done that), spend time away from wife and farm in service to my Country, and abandon both the community Jill and I have so diligently built here on Substack as well as our friends in Madison VA and the “Quarantine Club” of like-minded conservatives!)
I hope that this is not a foreshadowing of future Trump administration pandemic policy decision making, but I am concerned both by this comment and by the nomination of Colonel Parker. I am concerned that if “Bird Flu” does at some future time become a more than theoretical threat to human health, the United States Government will make the same bad management decisions that characterized the COVIDcrisis. Because that is how the Deep State believes that “pandemics” should be handled.
Apparently, whatever lessons were learned about pandemics during the first Trump administration do not extend to valuing alternative voices and ideas. I think it's best that Dr. Scott Atlas politely not accept any future offers to travel to DC and let the President know his thoughts and observations if this is to be the culture, for mental health reasons if no other.
As to Bobby and Jay Bhattacharya, bless their hearts. I wish them well and the best of luck. But the Biodefense/Pharma/academia industrial complex Deep State is going to run the show, and already is - or so it seems. The discussion is closed. The Overton window will be respected. The intelligence community has this covered.”
End this tee up of Malone here.
Begin my views here:
I have been clear, and it does not matter how many EOs are signed daily and all the bobbleheads and YES men and sycophants around Trump, when he does good, I call him out, when he does bad, I call him out. Bobby Kennedy Jr. was confirmed, and I am happy and that was GOOD, POTUS Trump. But I fear we were conned all through the campaigned (both parties with their complicit silence in the wrongs of COVID) and RNC and now, and we await RFK Jr. and him coming out and removing the chains that bind him. He was silenced yet the Trump administration should be ashamed and called to the carpet and be sanctioned, for the Trump polices of 2020 got us here and caused many Americans harm and to die, the OWS, the lockdowns, the school closures, the deadly ineffective deadly mRNA vaccines.
And it seems its more of the same. More to come.
The silence CANNOT be explained away.
Until I see different, and we people are not assholes, our heads are not up our assess like the ones around Trump, now known as the Trump ‘Bobblehead FOX’ administration, then we will call them out. All of them, for each act.
That photo above is my view of the Trump administration. Roughly. Largely with a few exceptions. I loathe bobbleheads and ‘yes’ people. I call them hypocrites and Jesus my savior, reserved the harshest views on them, ‘hypocrites’, calling them ‘empty tombs’, ‘bottomless pits’, ‘brooding vipers’.
RFK Jr. I support. I trust. Huge. I feel inside he will do good. If allowed. He has to either step up and out and big or his legacy is done! He cannot be silent. He has 3 routes, he speaks out against the mRNA, he stays silent, or he advocates for more of it. Only the former reprieves him!
We know it all. We the people are critical thinkers, you are, and you did it across COVID. I/we love him, RFK Jr., but if part of the deal is silence, then we were conned and then we must speak it as it is. I trust him. I/we await. We do not need to hear para ~we will keep the mRNA shots as we study it more…no no no..…that would be utter bullshit tripe misdirection fraud on us. The body of scientific evidence is clear. Bullet proofed! The deadly landscape is clear.
That OWS failed, killed, the lockdowns, and the mRNA vaccine. Nothing they did worked or could ever work. And they knew it but were incentivized and power drunk. POTUS Trump has failed to do what is necessary based on his COVID failures and continues to deceive Americans by praising the OWS, the mRNA vaccines, and moving to now help mainstream mRNA with this fraud STARGATE (mRNA vaccines, cancer etc. (that will NEVER work, and they know it) grift graft money grab of tax-payer money. He knows. He is not stupid. Whoever advised him for the last years on being silent and even praising the failed OWS and mRNA vaccine destroyed a good legacy. He cannot fix the damage but could try to make people ‘whole’ again.
We want clear action of complete mRNA transfection vaccine cessation now, now, and all those who did the fraud PCR created COVID, to be held to account and jailed if need be and some hung if judges call for it. Hang them! Hang them high! If judges, juries, courts call for hangings, then we hang all on the White House lawn and I will hope POTUS Trump will allow. We follow law!
So, I raise a glass to Robert Malone, here is to you Bob, for this article for it is good, still self-aggrandizement, but we know itis your way, your style, but it is good, and I admire courage and guts and some stones…and actually wish you well! Stay in the fight, whatever you do.
For whatever good he has done, and I deplore the ill that came via his mRNA technology and vaccine. I deplore that he gained financially and fame etc. and with others who pimped off of COVID and pain, and he did not act and warn soon enough about the devastation of his work along with Weissman, Kariko, Bourla et al. But he is a child of God too. And we all make mistakes, some bad, some wounds damage the skies above. For good. That vast. COVID and mRNA vaccine was one such wound.
In life we face our God one day after we leave this earth, and I leave it there. For the good, I praise him, for each of us has an ARC of life and we should not be judged on a part but rather the whole.
This is why many call me, daily, write me saying I am fooled, that Trump is malfeasant and devious and nefarious and an opportunist and was in on the fraud COVID up top. That he did this. I say I cannot go there, cannot say that, not from what I saw and know. No! He loves his nation and flag and peoples. But he did make devastating mistakes in this COVID, and his actions harmed people, as did Biden’s. But this is about 47. As much as I support him, I WILL say my mind, and he hurt us badly with his COVID decisions and refuses to stand up and admit this. This is disheartening. For I look up to him (Trump) while recognizing he is no savior or God. I still support him. I still in all that…TRUST.
And I too am imperfect and fallen and trying to find my way to my God. I try to atone for my sins daily and there are several. I simply wish to leave something behind, something small, to help improve lives and help my children, theirs, and your children. That is all.
Malone’s article aspects here.
Start here:
Selected text from the wikispooks summary of Dr. Parker’s background follows:
Gerald Parker is spooky US veterinarian and top-ranking federal health bureaucrat. Parker has worked for the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services and Homeland Security. In February 2025, President Trump selected Parker, to head the White House's pandemic office.
<“RWM: Spooky” in this context implies that he is a member of the US Intelligence community, most likely the Defense Intelligence Agency.>
In the U.S. Department of Defense, he was deputy assistant for chemical and biological defense. And at the Department of Health and Human Services, he led efforts to prepare for public health emergencies.
Parker was the Associate Dean for Global One Health at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and Director, Pandemic Preparedness and Biosecurity Policy Program at the Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs within the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University <his alma mater>. Angela Clendenin, an epidemiologist who interviewed him in April 2020, described him as: “I like to think he was the inspiration for Bryan Cranston's character in Contagion.” <Cranston played Rear Admiral Lyle Haggerty in Contagion.>
Dr. Parker is also a close friend and colleague to Dr. Robert Kadlec M.D, former Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response under the first Donald Trump administration, who originated “Operation Warp Speed” together with FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research director Dr. Peter Marks and played a key role in managing the federal response to COVID.
For a deep dive into the background of Dr. Kadlec, see the May 2020 Whitney Webb article titled “Head of the Hydra: The Rise of Robert Kadlec. A powerful network of political operatives, a global vaccine mafia and their man in Washington.” Wikispooks summarizes Dr. Kedlec’s career as:
Robert P. Kadlec is an American physician and career officer in the United States Air Force, specializing in biological weapons. A part of the revolving door in the military-industrial complex, ”his decades-long career in shaping U.S. “biodefense” policy was directly enabled by his deep ties to intelligence, Big Pharma, the Pentagon and a host of corrupt yet powerful characters”.
<RWM: Dr. Kadlec is also “spooky”, and to the best of my knowledge is DIA rather than CIA>
Gerald W. Parker is a notable figure associated with the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID). He served as the commander of USAMRIID, taking over the position in March 1998 and again in January 2016 when he succeeded Col. David R. Franz.
Parker has had a long career in the U.S. Army Medical Department, including multiple tours at USAMRIID. Prior to his command roles, he served as the Research Area Director for the Medical Chemical and Biological Defense Research Program at the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC) and held various other positions such as Deputy Director of the Combat Casualty Care Program and special staff intern in the Office of the Assistant Surgeon General for Research and Development at the Pentagon.
In his capacity as a former commander of USAMRIID, Parker has also been involved in discussions about biosecurity and biosafety, particularly in relation to the handling of anthrax and other deadly agents.
I understand from Dr. Steve Hatfill, who served at USAMRIID under Parker, that Colonel Parker is one of the best bosses he ever had, and he vouches for his character. Steven Hatfill was blamed for the 2001 Anthrax attacks by the FBI but cleared his name. In 1998 he wrote a novel depicting a biological terrorist attack that had resemblance with the 2001 attacks; this, among other things, brought him on the FBI list.
For further discussion of Colonel Parker and his (unconfirmed) nomination to head up the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (and manage the “Bird Flu Pandemic”), consider watching this recent podcast (below) hosted by the Sovereignty Coalition, titled “Pandemic Preparedness: Who Can Prevent Another COVID-19 Fiasco and Protect Sovereignty?”
After participating in this webinar, Dr. Hatfill informed me that members of the Trump transition team had been watching and had determined, based on my comments, that I should have no role in the current administration. Perhaps these are the same people that, under deep background (not for attribution) disclosed Colonel Parker’s appointment to CBS News.
(Oh well, Darn! I was so looking forward to having to buy a home in Rockville (been there, done that), spend time away from wife and farm in service to my Country, and abandon both the community Jill and I have so diligently built here on Substack as well as our friends in Madison VA and the “Quarantine Club” of like-minded conservatives!)
I hope that this is not a foreshadowing of future Trump administration pandemic policy decision making, but I am concerned both by this comment and by the nomination of Colonel Parker. I am concerned that if “Bird Flu” does at some future time become a more than theoretical threat to human health, the United States Government will make the same bad management decisions that characterized the COVIDcrisis. Because that is how the Deep State believes that “pandemics” should be handled.
Apparently, whatever lessons were learned about pandemics during the first Trump administration do not extend to valuing alternative voices and ideas. I think it's best that Dr. Scott Atlas politely not accept any future offers to travel to DC and let the President know his thoughts and observations if this is to be the culture, for mental health reasons if no other.
As to Bobby and Jay Bhattacharya, bless their hearts. I wish them well and the best of luck. But the Biodefense/Pharma/academia industrial complex Deep State is going to run the show, and already is - or so it seems. The discussion is closed. The Overton window will be respected. The intelligence community has this covered.”
You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.
Enter the Wellness Company as a solution and a willing participant in the health care conversation. From telemedicine, prescriptions, memberships, and supplements, TWC is leading America with alternative choices to the traditional health care model.
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Please consider support of a good PATRIOT company (in this PATRIOT economy) Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (key component being antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving spike from mRNA vaccine, this is critical to remove spike form the mRNA vaccine/and DNA viral vector) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
Well, anyone stupid enough to take Jabs Bad, probably deserves the consequences. There is plenty of evidence out there. Not to mention sickness and death that people have witnessed with their own eyes.
What I find fascinating, some people know the dangers, but are willing to take the chance. They are more afraid not to take it, so even though they know about the heart issues, bell palsy’s, clots, and autoimmune diseases, they believe it’s worth it. They’re willing to suffer the consequences.
Hi Dr. Alexander! I’m just chiming in about bird flu and there is no such thing. Can we all realize this? I thank you for standing up. Malone is another story, I feel like Bos’ comment, he is a grifter. I am also happy someone else out here knows we are going in the wrong direction.