Well, anyone stupid enough to take Jabs Bad, probably deserves the consequences. There is plenty of evidence out there. Not to mention sickness and death that people have witnessed with their own eyes.

What I find fascinating, some people know the dangers, but are willing to take the chance. They are more afraid not to take it, so even though they know about the heart issues, bell palsy’s, clots, and autoimmune diseases, they believe it’s worth it. They’re willing to suffer the consequences.

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Confucious say when vaccination is inevitable, lay back and enjoy it.

I think it's time to listen to President Trump and RFK Jr on this matter.

President Trump has never recanted his support for the shots and RFK Jr has not made any statement condemning them, which speaks volumes.

Would you recommend Pfizer or will you be getting iModerna?

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I’ll pass. Lol

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No tanks! I’m good. 🥳

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Hi Dr. Alexander! I’m just chiming in about bird flu and there is no such thing. Can we all realize this? I thank you for standing up. Malone is another story, I feel like Bos’ comment, he is a grifter. I am also happy someone else out here knows we are going in the wrong direction.

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I agree with all you say here

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Thanks Dr. Alexander! I am loving your articles! Thank you for the hard work you do! 🥰

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Laboratory Strategy Restaurant


Dr. Couey states, ‘There is no Gain of Function virus that can go round the world. That’s a mythology,’ and I challenge anyone who says otherwise to go on his show and tell him why and where he’s incorrect.

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Malone is a grifter!! Anyone who questions him gets sued by him. He should not be in a position where he can oversee anyone’s health!!!!

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I wholeheartedly agree.

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A good perspective I agree with… and the larger point.. a lot of people aren’t confirmed yet… Trump knows RFK’s positions well in the pandemic & vaccines etc etc… he made him HHS Director. He’s not muzzling him… just try to stop reading fake desperate news and trusting it. Patience is a virtue.


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I just saw this post and it is quite insightful. It does look like our biggest problem is the Senate, and one particular guy (Cassidy, named after the vampire in Garth Ennis's Preacher comic book series, coincidentally enough).

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...." I am concerned that if “Bird Flu” does at some future time become a more than theoretical threat to human health...."

Well, the Wisconsin lab has already determined the necessary mutations for HPAI to transmit human to human via GOF/DURC ... so yeah... its more than theortical. Its an hear-and-now existential threat just sitting in a DOD/DARPA/University BSL3/4 freezer just waiting for enough of the correct HPAI mutations to occur "naturally" that plandemic 2.0 can be launched with the GOF HPAI organism (the mutations discovered in the animal to human cases will provide the appropriate cover for the release of HPAI-GOF).

It is of interest that pigs... not fowl... would be the likely viral mixing host to generate a human to human transmissible HPAI (pigs are better at "mixing up HPAI and creating novel mutations compared with fowl).

So if there is not an porcine HPAI epidemic then any human to human HPAI transmission that develops is a bioweapon release until proven otherwise.

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This injections for beef is the last straw. Keep your bloody paws off my beef !!

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Crude disgusting photo by the way.

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So you AND Malone (whom you constantly insist is an evil horseman of the apocalypse!) think the Trump team is bad because you didn’t get roles in the Admin you thought you should? Hmmmm

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Gerald Parker? We are so screwed!

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I believe he has signed no disclosure agreements that if he violates would put him in jail. Therefore, he has to avoid some areas of discussion.

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over target

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but he grifted and lied to people

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Can you give me a specific quote of what he said that was a lie?

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