Embryos are people, with an immortal soul created at conception.

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It is never so cut and dry as with dogma. Who says anyone has a soul? Certainly not the WEF. This is the most complex moral question. If as you say an soul is created at the instant of conception then using birth control is tantamount to preventing soul creation as another moral question to be answered. I don't know that there is an answer to these questions? Perhaps it is best to let those facing the problem of an unwanted pregnancy to make there own decision regarding this ultimate of unanswered moral questions that reproductive science has now forced us to countenance?

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Absolutely agree on all counts. We need more ethical physicians like you Dr. Alexander

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Agree whole heartedly. And 2/3 of abortions are done on African American babies. That is disgusting. Genocide. People should use birth control.

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

"People should use birth control"

That is what abortion is sold as. See my comment below. Maybe, just maybe, the "morning after pill" is acceptable. Beyond that, sorry, it's a disgrace unless for the reasons cited above by the good Dr.

I know a lot of married couples and they all say the same thing: "trying" for a baby is not easy!

How do all these "rapists" get so lucky every time????

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The irony is I always use a condom. Yet, I have had blonde haired, blue eyed (like me) women rip off a condom during sex to "feel me properly". This has also happened during sex with black African and Hispanic women (I am 100% not a racist), who beg me to "do the do" (so to speak) to "give them blue eyed, blonde haired babies". Yikes. I thought men were the bad guys? maybe we should discuss the fiduciary aspects, if not the marriage aspects before we take things this far????

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You are 100% correct.

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"You are 100% correct."

There is no other response. See my comment below. You may hate me for being a massive male slut, but abortion is surely the worst possible outcome? Married couples try REALLY hard to get pregnant! What on Earth is going on that you "need" an abortion?

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You are the first person who has said what I have tried telling others about the abortion issue specifically. There are SOME circumstances where abortion may actually have a place. I think it could go further and a male who rapes a female should be charged with murder if the female aborts the fetus. Just my thought

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Maybe castrate him? Oops, I said it outloud.

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If the crime fits the punishment

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Yeah, and not the "chemical castration," either.

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Two thumbs up.

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I respectfully disagree wholeheartedly. The misconception is that the mother’s life is the only one of importance or even takes the higher priority. This matter is a decision that even a mother (hopefully with the father) would consider in sacrificing herself for the child in rare situations. The child through incest and/or rape is an innocent person regardless of the actions of the father or both father and mother involved even in rape or incest. Remember that the crime or heinous act should never be placed on the child to be sacrificed. Murder is murder when the child poses no physical health danger to the mother and he or she can develop to full gestation or early delivery (as early as 21 weeks) beyond the womb of the mother. I too used to hold this view in the event of rape or incest but my theology and therefore my moral ethical compass was based on the emotion of the crime not considering the innocence of the child.

In Christ,


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Trudeau gleefully announced a few tears ago that we are now in a post-Christian world. To this end, he and his acolytes have worked nonstop to dismantle the foundation upon which society has long been built. To be fair, he did not start the dismantling but he is nearing its completion. Never have we lived in such an "educated" society where so many people are so profoundly ignorant of simple undeniable truths. As you rightly point out, if one has xy chromosomes, they are male and no amount of surgery, lipstick or mascara will ever change this truth. Thank you for your extraordinary efforts to stand in the breach, Dr. Alexander!

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This began a long time ago. hillary clinton was a Saul Alinsky follower during and after graduating law school. Rules for Radicals was his last published work.

Paraphrasing the Jesuits, and later Lenin, etc: give me a child until he is 7, and he is mine for life. CRT starts early with the intolerance, etc. We may have lost more than 1 generation. That is the abortion as birth control mindset.

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Yes! Agreed. It is difficult to pinpoint when the West's decline began, but in my lifetime it seems that - in hindsight - there were many forces at work at the same time.

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It’s so great that some brave souls are actually saying out loud what the rest of us wish we could (without fear of being labeled homophobe, transphobia racist etc) …that men don’t have babies, should not be in womens sports, and should not be in girl’s washrooms.

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It is a difficult decision for parents who are faced with a pregnancy 9f a baby that is guaranteed to have a disability. It can be a life altering situation and in some situations the life of the child is so compromised it's not really a life. That should be considered as an exemption also.

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🚨yeah but sorry, Two wrongs don’t make a right. As awful as rape is, baby shouldn’t have to pay for that with their life. If woman can’t raise child, then

give it up for adoption. Aside mothers life at risk would be the only legit medical reason and even that gets debated... There isn’t anything different to abort a baby at 4 weeks va 5, etc but to appease our conscience. It’s all murder if we believe Life happens at conception.

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So, a woman, or girl, should not only be horribly traumatized by rape or incest, but she should be further traumatized by forcing her to give birth to a baby that, even if put up for adoption, will be a horrid reminder of what was done to her by a sick, perverted man AND a sick, perverted law set forth by men with no compassion for or understanding of what damage they have caused. F'n brilliant.

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this is why there is a morning after pill -- appropriate for rape. It is not a perfect solution, and I understand that many will disagree that it is ever appropriate.

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Agreed it shouldn’t have to get to the point of abortion in a rape victim if they’re treated with a morning after pill.

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I never said it was easy for traumatized girl and of course throw the books and heck castratethe rapists! The laws are not strong enough hence it continues BUt there are plenty of studies showing the girls even raped ones have a lifetime of regret after abortion.

This article touches on some stats but old.. toc toc there are better ones out there..if u search

“Christians believe that God is sovereign in all circumstances and that one person's evil act doesn't give us the right to inflict harm on a completely separate and innocent, living person. The child is innocent of its beginnings, whether through love or violence. Psalm 139: 13-14 says, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful."

The numbers, according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, show that abortions due to rape or incest are an extremely small percentage of the total number of abortions, only 1% for rape and incest. Although a small percent, it is important not to compound these horrific situations by adding to the trauma and physical harm. At the time of the crime, the immediate focus must be on healing for the woman. Aborting her baby, which was the result of a crime, actually adds to the emotional and physical harm to the mother.

In 2010, the Elliot Institute surveyed 192 women who conceived during a rape or incest (164 women were raped and 28 were victims of incest). Of those victims, 69% carried the baby to term and either raised the child or made an adoption plan, 29% had an abortion, and 1.5% had a miscarriage. They found that nearly 80% of the women who aborted said that abortion was the wrong solution; 43% of these women said they felt pressure to abort from family members or health workers.

As Christians, we live every day in a fallen world and must deal with the painful consequences of evil acts such as rape, murder, theft, and deception. No, sin was never God's intention. But the creation of a life that might one day be used to spread the Gospel or show God's love by helping others is still a miracle that deserves our reverence and protection.”

Btw I think the morning after pill is avoiding the implanted fetus to stick to uterus? .. it’s murder too

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Dr. Alexander- I am surprised at your opinion. Abortion permitted for exceptions? Abortion as a 'solution' to rape or incest? 1) It is STILL a living human being; 2) Rape/incest constitute less than 1% of all abortions- at least in the U.S.- so it should not 'make' a law and 3) In many cases, abortion assists in covering up the crimes of rape and incest. Get rid of the 'evidence', get rid of the crime. In other words, abortion perpetuates evils- and the innocent child dies every time. I was at a talk years back, given back a woman who was conceived in rape. Her message? Don't abort us! We're humans too!

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Dr. Alexander ON FIRE !

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Touch the two ends of a power source, you get a spark.

The spark of life appears at conception. It is only a cell, but so wonderful, and unique.

Just think of how much you bashed the in/outside of your own body for years, and it's still trying to serve its purpose.

Tells a story about the tremendous power of that tiny cell...

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Life begin at conception. Basic characteristics of life begin at conception. Rape and incest are less than 1% of abortions. 99% is due to hookup culture and people who are facilitated in not wanting to live with the consequence of their actions.

No government should make the murder of human life legal and convenient.

Conception happens 6 days after sex, I'm open to correction. Women and girls who are the victim of incest and rape have the window to go and seek a clinic to stop conception. Federal Government has money to spend on that to make these young girls know there is a better way “just call a hotline, send a message we’ll come and get you.”

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"Roe v Wade: Abortion should be legal in exceptional situations (rape, incest, mother's risk), other than that, I don't support killing unborn child; NOT as birth control no male tampon; Lia is a cheat"

I have somehow managed to have sex with hundreds of women and never got anyone pregnant. There is literally no excuse beyond what you said to use abortion as a birth control measure.

To the haters, I regret nothing. :)

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If I understand correctly, Roe v Wade returns the decisions to the states. As you stated, there are exceptions. My opinion- the feds should have stayed out of it in the first place. Lia is a pathetic little wuss. Let me at s/him. Ridicule is an amazing tool...

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I agree. Look, if an abortion is the only way to save a woman's life, that should be medical ethics 101. My point is, abortion is NOT a form of birth control. I know women who got abortions and it ruined their lives. Same way as I know women who got raped and it ruined their lives. Terrible.

Yes, 100% a States Rights issue.

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