Ron DESanctus has become another useful idiot. Could you imagine President Trump using the

words slitting throats. What, DESanctus doesn't know that there is a US Congress and Senate to

deal with on these issues. Did he learn anything when he was a US Congressman?

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There you go Lynn, parroting Trump again. I voted for Trump 2x, I truly liked his policies, bipit couldn't stand listening to him. I understood that he had too big of an ego to risen above the lying media, but DeSantis stays restrained and in handling them while Assertive

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I wouldn't call it "restrained" to threaten to "slit throats."

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Figure of speech

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Too bad that so many normally conservative and intelligent folks have no clue who Trump is and what drives him. I for one never knew much about him until he ran for the nomination in 2016. I LOVED the way he talked, and the way he "tweeted". I grew to understand why he was asked by the military to run for President. And I have absolutely NO doubt that he will complete the mission he started. He WILL WIN. He is fighting for ALL of us who are being attacked by the deep state criminal syndicate that stole the election from us. Trump is showing the world the crimes Biden, Obama, and the RINOs have committed against us and against America. High treason.

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"I truly liked his policies, bipit couldn't stand listening to him."

Poor thing.

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Nothing poor about it, for the most part his speeches were repeatly about "the lying press". Yes they lied and twisted, which we all knew, just didn't need to hear the same thi g over and over and over again.

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Poor thing.😩

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A proper talented wordsmith Ron is.

Such superb raconteuring skills.

"Fuck them with the rough end of a pineapple" would be more eloquent.

Jack and shit is what he'll do.

Rather vote for the hologram called Brandon.

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If you would vote for Biden over DeSantis, then you are lying to the world and have no credibility.

DeSantis is so superior to Trump (who has no chance of beating the slick Gavin Newsom).

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I beg to differ!

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Facts only, not opinion.

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Right.....FACTS....depends on who's doing the writing.

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Correct Lynn,

You have your facts and I have mine.

The truth is as elusive as a hooker with a heart.

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Depends on where your looking for facts

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Cue irony.

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a bit off-putting but we get it. Not that he will ever get near the Oval. Trump will trounce them all - all of this indictment nonsense has all but guaranteed it - thanks, commies :)

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People who call others derogative names have nothing of value to say, hence name calling.

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He is part of the deep state... Haha.

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MAGA was getting away with remarks about DeSantis being Deep-State for the past 10 months. DeSantis couldn't respond until May 24, when he announced.

Now, slowly people are starting to listen. Most Trump supporters still have hands over their ears, but some are ready to switch.

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DeSantis has been much more anti-establishment and effective as governor than Trump was as POTUS. DeSantis may not be able to drain the swamp, but I guarantee you he will try.

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DeSantis allowed covid patients to be imprisoned in Florida hospital with no advocates, and given Remdesivir and vented against their wishes. Loved one begged him for help. He didn't help them. The Right to Try was not allowed in Florida. This was murder. He stood by and let these murders happen. Also Florida is Free Kill state for hospitals and doctors. That is doctors and hospitals can pretty much do anything to a patient and nothing happens to the doctors or hospitals.

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You can't compare a Governor and President. Two different offices.

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Newsom owns him, daily. Newsom would annhilate him, as would Biden. He was losing to a cravkhead until Trump endorsed him.The RINOs would be better off running Jeb. Mr 17% hasn't yet managed to even lay a glove on Trump. Trump has style as well as substane. I love his personality. He has charima. DeSanctus has none. He's history. Even Murdoch smells a loser.

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Agree with you on the qualities of President Trump. Remember, JEB! You can clap now :-)

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Also, DESanctus didn't do that great in that debate between he and Adam Putnam either.

Right....too bad Murdoch.

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FL is the 13th largest economy in the world.

And Trump was a terrible leader as POTUS.

That is why so many of the people who worked for him are now either running against him or oppose him.

And anyone who says anything negative about the Megalomaniac is immediately labeled a disloyal. Speaking of a Dictator.

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again.. another unbelievably blind person. The benefits reaped when Trump was in office were monumental, so you must have been behind the door or fell off the boat and missed them all from the way you are talking - sheesh - wake up

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Trump cannot win. Period. He has 57% negative favorability.

DeSantis would defeat Newsom. It would be FL vs CA.

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I haven't seen anything about DeSantis to indicate that he'd be any better at getting rid of the Deep State than Trump was.

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I have too.

Anyone with an open mind, who listens to DeSantis directly, and not filtered through the MAGA lies, will know that.

For one, DeSantis will defeat Newsom.

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No way in h_ll would DESanctus beat Newsom. The Rhinos, GOP, or whatever you call them running Ron's campaign are the ones that lie NOT MAGA.

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The only thing MAGA people due well is parrot Trump. Of course DeSantis can beat Newsom, why do you think people from Cali have flocked to FL from Cali.

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When did Newsom get in the race?

I gave up on DeSantis when he had to act like Stalin with Disney.

He also appears to believe the US/NATO/EU narrative on the Ukraine too much.

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Like Stalin on Disney??? Apparently your okay and Agree with Disney being woke with normalizing Trans to children.

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I'm not in favor of fascism of any kind by those in a position to be cheered for it.

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I don't believe anything you say. You have always been MAGA.

I can always smell a MAGA person. I run into them all the time on Twitter.

Newsom has been saying nice things about Trump and bad things about DeSantis, because he Gavin knows he can defeat Trump easily.

Everyone knows that Biden is going to bow out for health reasons.

It will happen sooner than later if Hunter has to go to prison.

Newsom is waiting on the sidelines.

DeSantis has called out Newsom to just announce he is running.

It is a brilliant move by a brilliant leader, in DeSantis.

If DeSantis gets to debate Newsom on Fox, it will be all over for Trump (who is too cowardly to be on the same debate stage with DeSantis).

And regarding Disney, DeSantis will soon have a win in the Courts of FL over Disney.

They have no right to have their own laws.

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You wasted all that time writing what I decided to ignore after MAGA, henceforth.

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I didn't vote for Trump in 2020 because his MAGA overrode his campaign promises after 2016.

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You know of anybody better? Nobody is perfect. I benefitted from Trump's term.

Didn't you?

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The only benefit I got from Trump's first term was a lot of lies not to vote for him to repeat, as he did.

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then you didnt pay attention

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I didn't pay any attention to Trump in 2016 beyond knowing he wasn't her. Since I couldn't vote for Trump or Biden, I voted for Jo.

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I have.

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"Drain the Swamp" ...... turned into down the drain as the swamp looks on.

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Someone from Florida knows all about the Swamp.

That is where the term originated.

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DeSantis is a good man - you clearly a fan. My question is, does he have a realistic shot? Can't see how he could..

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Time will tell. I watched him for awhile before he decided to run, I like how he handles the negative press intelligently. I had hopes he wouldn't run only because he is the best Governor in the country and I was considering moving to FL. He addressed straight forward most of the problems the country is experiencing.

Would I would like to hear from Republicans in general is what they can do to stop digital currency, that's scary.

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CBDC is the "noose".

An effort is underway (https://www.cruz.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/sen-cruz-introduces-legislation-to-prohibit-the-fed-from-establishing-a-central-bank-digital-currency) - and not only in Texas- to outlaw CBDC ...... but 130 countries currently investigating its implementation.

Will be more than challenging to halt its progress.

Welcome any information that suggests efforts to roll it out will be thwarted - not counting on that.

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Ron DeSantis will succeed where Trump failed. And just as important, he will bring Coattails with him as control of Congress is necessary.

DeSantis is much smarter than Trump.

DeSantis gives details how he will defeat the Dem. Deep State.

I will only respond to people who actually watch the full Megyn Kelly interview.

So far, I am unaware of any MAGA person or even Leaning Trump person, who is willing to watch the interview and understand what DeSantis is about:


But most important, DeSantis is 11% less unfavorable that Trump. 46% vs 57%. Trump has about a 1% chance of beating whomever replaces Biden as the Dem nominee.

The only reason that Trump is "in the contest" for POTUS, is that Biden is already so unpopular.

Gavin Newsom would be much more difficult.

DeSantis just accepted to debate with Newsom. Hope it happens on Fox, soon.

Note Paul, that Trump won't even acknowledge the term Woke.

DeSantis is at a major advantage in championing the anti-Woke sentiment in the USA.

Most Trump supporters should be supporting DeSantis, as he closer aligns with their attitudes.

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Nope. DeSantis wouldn’t even be governor if it weren’t for Trump. People forget 4 years of peace & prosperity. There is a reason they are fighting so hard & using law fare to keep Trump out. I don’t think Trump knew the extent of the “swamp” & how powerful “it” is before he won. Life is a lesson...

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It is irrelevant that DeSantis wouldn't be Governor in the first place without DeSantis.

Trump had the obligation to support the better candidate, and DeSantis has also supported Trump.

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Thx for posting, missed this one.

Do you truly believe that Trump supporters will throw their support behind DeSantis ? I can't see that happening. Would welcome this - but HOW does that actually occur ?

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If Maga doesn't throw their support behind DeSantis they and the rest of the country will have to deal with the Democratic Socialists/Marxists for 4 addl years and lose our country.

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That is the likely scenario that I find incredibly frightening.

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So do I, I try not to think about it too much and what we can all do to help that from happening. I'm afraid that if Trump wins and runs against Biden, the Democrats /Deep State will work harder at cheating.

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Biden, the Dems, the Mules, and the 'community organizers' will "work hard at cheating" no matter who they run against.

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No way will Trump supporters get behind DeSantis. They HATE him. Read the comments in Gateway Pundit. People would rather get a lobotomy. People who turned out for Trump but didn't turn out for Traitor McStain or Romney are not going to turn out for DeSantis who is inferior to McStain and Romney. They see DeSantis for the deep state globalist he is. Better to have 4 more years of Biden. RINOs are worse than Dems. Better a front stabber than a back stabber.

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DeSantis showed his true colors. He's part of the Bush Pack. That's all I need to know.

He has no class. He will do anything his masters tell him to do. Even if it makes him

look totally like an aS$. Like going on with Bill Maher.

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I haven't listened to the interview with Megan but just bookmarked it.

Thanks for the link.

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That's quite a grotesques visual action. Makes me wonder WHY he is choosing such combative language. [insert thinking emoji].

I chalk it up to another potential example of DeSantis being controlled opposition, even unknowingly. But that's what I think, what do you think? (nod to R. Brand)

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I think you should actually listen to long interviews by Ron DeSantis and not got your information filtered through the Trump MAGA lens.

Ron DeSantis will succeed where Trump failed. And just as important, he will bring Coattails



Here we see that on Hannity, Ron DeSantis has agreed to debate Gavin Newsom.

Although it is being billed as FL vs CA, it may actually be the debate of the Rep. nominee vs the Dem nominee.


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I am not a Trump MAGA lens user.

I am a child of God and see how Trump contributed to our nation and world's current situation, I see what DeSantis did, and didn't do.

We each have our opinions and I appreciate you sharing your opinion with me in this way and devoid of inflammatory rhetoric. The links are a good addition. Thank you for civil conversation.

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Kabuki Theatre....

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I know you will laugh...but I can’t help but wonder if perhaps they r playing good cop bad cop... something is amiss...just a gut feeling.. had it from the getgo...

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Unfortunately many of our politicians are playing Keystone Cops, in addition to good cop, bad cop. I especially think of politicians from the Keystone state, e.g. the hoodie guy and the guy from Scranton.

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I grew up in PA. You are right. I found out that PA is a very corrupt political State.

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They have stiff competition from:

1) New York

2) Illinois

3) Lousiana

4) New Jersey

5) Rhode Island

6) Massachusetts

7) Delaware


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WOW....They sure do :-) PA is a RED State. But, everybody knows PA was stolen in 2020. I remember in 2016 Primary. The Democrats changed their Party from Dem to Republican so they could vote for Trump. Allegheny County in PA is so corrupt. China was counting their votes.

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And Illinois is a RED state also, except for corrupt Cook County and Chicago. That area spawned the likes of Hillary Clinton, and is where the CIA groomed Obama to be installed as an Illinois Senator, solely as a step toward running him for President. Obama was a Manchurian Candidate. The vast majority of Illinois counties are RED. Just like the RED states on our border - Iowa, Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky.

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I've lived in IL most of my life, Chgo/Cook County have always been corrupt but have gotten worse, IL corruption is 2nd to CA. This Gov just signed a law to allow illegals to work as Police Officers. There is no hope here.

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Shocking. Illegals enforcing the law? Hmm..

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One of my biggest issues with Trump is that he still talks positive of the jab, even with all the health issues being talked online. FLLC Dr's stated they had sent him a letter early on advising him of problems, etc.

Trump cannot acknowledge that he was lied to by Fauci and the other Dr's that backed the jab. That's a problem for me.

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The most important news is that Ron DeSantis accepted Gavin Newsom's challenge to a live debate.

It would be a preview to the two Party's nominees, happening before the first primary debate that Trump is afraid to show up for.

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New Reuters/Ipsos poll shows continued support for Trump is at a crossroads.

What they don't mention is that simultaneously, more people are getting to hear DeSantis speak at length, and they like what they hear.

So there will be one train on the downfall, with the other on the rise.

But the media will exaggerate both. That is how it works. Fox won't hold back.

Trump Pundits like Tucker and Kelly will not want to upset the rising DeSantis support.

DeSantis was always going to win IA and NH, but he might even be the national primary polling favorite by October.


Everyone knows it is a sympathy boost for Trump:

Here is the quote:

"Some 45% of Republicans say they don't intend on voting for former President Donald Trump if he's "convicted of a felony crime by a jury," a new poll found.

Thirty-five percent of respondents indicated they would, according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll released Thursday — the day Trump faces his third arraignment in four months, this time for his alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Other respondents said they were unsure.

Those figures ticked up when GOP voters were asked about Trump getting hit with prison time. Roughly 52% of Republican voters indicated they wouldn't back him if he was "currently serving time in prison" while 28% would.

Still, the GOP voters largely appeared sympathetic to the 77-year-old former president, who has denied wrongdoing and blasted each of his three indictments as a "witch hunt."

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RINO Ted Cruz changed Trump's words. RINO DeSantis ghosts Trump's words. Same difference. Seems to me the first throat slits should include those who put Ron in the running in the first place.

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I remember what Trump said he'd do to Hillary Clinton too before he got elected...

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“DeSantis will end our abusive relationship with China.” How? Doesn’t say.

“DeSantis will demand”…. How? Doesn’t say.

“DeSantis will incentivize”…. How? Doesn’t say.

"DeSantis will start slitting throats"........How?


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Ron DeSantis is another decoy, pretending he is not establishment. He was appointed to go to Afghanistan and Guantanamo to say we were doing torture in the approved ways, ffs!!!

He was appointed to pretend he would stand up against the sociopathic Covid profiteers and their agenda, but he is ESTABLISHMENT and will betray us - he supports Israel, he wants protestors squashed and punished, he put state sanctions on business that DARED to support the BDS movement, and much more.

Like Trump and Biden and Obama and RFK Jr and all others, he helps HIDE and enable the massive embezzling scam that has been done for many many decades as the US built a corrupt cartel of lapdog countries to embezzle from more and more governments.

Here is the minimum we need to know so we can fight the liars effectively, because they sure will NOT inform us about how best to stop them and their inhumanity, corruption and tyranny:


Remember Henry Ford said that there would be "revolution before tomorrow morning" if the people know how the money system actually worked?

Well, the corrupt sociopaths in power know that government money can be issued IN ANY AMOUNT for anything that is physically possible, and they have arranged scams for decades to EMBEZZLE that money!

The major one is "privatization", where they pretend they will run something better than the government and "like a business", but this scam is designed so they can bill the government ANY AMOUNT, providing massive exec salaries and insanely high profits. Wall Street firms fall over each other to invest - so do most Congress (or Parliament) members - when these entities are put on the stock market, because they know that profits are guaranteed via fiat government money.

The US has been taking over countries since WW2 to do this embezzling scam and has built a corruption cartel of many lapdog countries; the liars demonize any leader who does not submit, to manipulate public opinion so we go along with the coups, invasions, assassinations, etc. The US also directs the WHO, created the WEF, and monolithic entities like Blackrock, Vanguard and others got so big by participating in the embezzling globally! We need to see the BS and FIGHT the lunatic money addicts and their inhumanity.

They lie us into wars & then embezzle most of the war money through "privatized" war companies, incarcerate people to enrich themselves via "privatized" prisons. "Privatized" healthcare enriches insurance companies and related companies & investors, another corruption scam where they get torrents of government money but do NOT spend it on the healthcare people need.

Vax companies and the digital ID systems to subjugate us are also privatized! So are all the entities to track and control us that the liars pretend are to "help the climate": social credit, ESG, carbon tracking, digital bank currency, 15-minute cities and more. The scheme was to get TRILLIONS from many governments FOREVER while ensuring we could not rise up to stop their corruption, tyranny and inhumanity. (Pretending there is not enough energy, oil, food is how they will try to force us to get those digital IDs - they will say it is so we can get our "rations" and UBI etc to try to survive.) This electronic prison to subjugate is being finalized, so time is running short for us to expose them and stop their plans for us.

They use cloaking terms like "private" prisons, "for profit" healthcare, "public-private partnerships", etc, because they know that there is public backlash against privatization; we should always push back and use the CORRECT term when they do this. Currently, public education is being privatized by calling it "school choice" and "charter schools".

The lunatic money addicts in power lie, destroy and KILL for more "money fixes". They are totally UNFIT TO GOVERN and should face charges of dereliction of duty, violating the Constitution, embezzling federal money, crimes against humanity, violating the Nuremberg code, war crimes and more.

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What nonsense.

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