Remember.... NOBODY has focused on the potential damage to the FETAL THYMUS gland from the C19 vaxxx ! All of the lipid nanoparticles from the vaxxx are also concentrated in fetal thymus gland. The fetal thymus gland is the SEED of T-cell lymphocytes for the entire human lifetime.


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Dr. Thorp - you need to be writing on your own Substack - I think that every time you comment - I’m the lone prenatal genetic counselor who has commented before on things you’ve posted.

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Dr. Thorp, With sincere gratitude I thank you for your courageous and passionate dedication to exposing the truth about the dangerous adverse and potentially fatal adverse effects of the experimental mRNA injections. I am assuming that you have sent your stellar work that you have posted on substacks in articles and interviews to ACOG and the AMA and ACP (Pediatrics?) and other organizations that have promoted the risky experimental mRNA injections relentlessly as "safe and effective". I am curious if you have received any response from any medical organizations upon sending the salient information that you have posted here and other social media sites.

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Children are different from adults. Adults don't need a thymus. I've seen many patients with thymus tumors who do well after excision. But before birth, infancy, & childhood, is when the thymus has a role. So, maybe not the seed of T-cell lymphocytes for the ENTIRE human lifetime. Or have I been misinformed? Or maybe I misunderstood your use of the word, "seed?" Trying to find the discordance here.

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Found a likely answer to my own question. See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5826622/

Humans are not mice.

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So in effect its potentially altering their innate immune function for life?

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What is the thymus?

The thymus is a small gland that’s part of your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system is made up of a network of tissues, vessels and organs such as your tonsils, spleen and appendix. Your lymphatic system is a part of your immune system. It helps defend against infection and disease

The primary function of the thymus gland is to train special white blood cells called T-lymphocytes or T-cells. White blood cells (lymphocytes) travel from your bone marrow to your thymus. The lymphocytes mature and become specialized T-cells in your thymus. After T-cells have matured, they enter your bloodstream. They travel to your lymph nodes (groups of cells) and other organs in your lymphatic system, where they help your immune system fight disease & infection.

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It would be pretty easy for them to put out data on RSV positive kids and vaccine status. Has anyone seen any stats? Suspecting many haven't been vaccinated, I'd be very curious about, that word we're not even supposed to whisper, shedding.

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I saw that ICAN is suing them for that info.

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Yes! And doesn't the increase in RSV #'s data correlate to when and where clinical trials of the RSV vaccine were reportedly being done. And then a correlation to the release of the bivalent booster AND release of the flu shot? SHEDDING.

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Ultrasound Measurements of Fetal Thyroid: Reference Ranges

Results: A reference standard of thyroid growth was defined during pregnancy by fitting curves of its measurements. Reference values for the 10th, 50th, and 90th centiles of fetal thyroid measurements (longitudinal, anteroposterior, transverse diameters, and lobe volume) were defined, from 14 to 40 weeks of gestation.

Conclusion: We provided a reference curve of optimal thyroid development in a low-risk population that can be used as a standard of comparison to diagnose deviations from the norm. In addition, we demonstrated an alternative and simplified method for early recognition of thyroid morphological alterations by an individualized technique to evaluate the thyroid lobes.

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beyond comprehension that parents would even consider the gene injections for their child … NOT A RATIONAL OPTION


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Thank you Dr Alexander and Dr Thorpe

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I can't help but wonder if or when a way to reverse what is being done to the population can be applied or is it even possible to save those already jabbed in the near future. I see these studies and not being a doctor don't really understand what in many cases I'm seeing. It does look to me that those of you who do understand this may be able to figure it out, and I pray you do. I would like nothing better than to see their evil depopulation plan turned around.

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Could there essentially be an antidote? Or a method of healing? I fully believe so, with the Grace of God.

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You, me and I'm sure many others are praying for a way to save the people from these insane people. I would like to think, and realistically there must be people working vary hard on a cure.

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DA how much time and print have you dedicated to placing doubt on all that comes from the CDC ?

But now you use their "numbers" to support your hypothesis ? The below quote is the only "numbers" I have seen from you or anyone else. From the CDC.

"About 171 out of every 100,000 infants younger than 6 months were hospitalized with RSV for the week ending Nov. 12, according to the CDC’s surveillance system that tracks 12 states."

They claim its an uptick, but I have read that RSV has not been tracked in previous years.

It seems as though unless you can prove a increase in RSV since the Vax your hypothesis falls apart.

You might want to find some "real" verifiable numbers.

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There will never be accurate numbers. RSV is diagnosed the same way as COVID via PCR and antigen tests. These two tools do not have the ability to diagnose diseases. RSV, COVID, cold, flu, shot shedding, mold exposure, and some other things can present the same symptoms.

The US and Canada are allegedly experiencing the same for RSV. Someone graphed the data for Canada going back to 2013. Nothing remarkable yet.


A UK doctor said her country has not had any increase in RSV rates or hospitalizations. Instead, they've been seeing high rates of COVID with frequent reinfections in repeating waves. There have been four waves this year. They do random sampling testing rather than individual. Right now, it's showing 1 in 40 have COVID. These waves have been peaking 1 in 25 to 1 in 20.

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But... None of this is mysterious to me...😎😎😎

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I read somewhere that Pfizer noted in their studies somewhere that these shots could lead to increased RSV or/and worsen symptoms for injected. Have you seen this anywhere?

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Horrific is all I can say...reading this is like staring down the barrel of a gun with the bullet already coming out of the barrel with no recourse.

Midwestern Doctor is also writing about RSV and the shots https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/what-is-causing-the-explosion-of?

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Both the data AND the ingredients are being hidden. What is in these injections? Where is it coming from? That's the source, and once we firmly know, it will shed light.

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on the lighter side, Paul, you might get a laugh out of this (your old employer is mentioned) https://acmecity1870.substack.com/p/mps-view-label-of-civil-servant-antiquated

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