I agree with you Dr. 100% and so do all of my physicians and nurses and pass. Yet if they say a single word in agreement publicly their careers and lives will be destroyed by those perpetuating this evil. That is the most evil tragedy that humanity could ever perpetuate on humanity.

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We don't have to be in a gulag to be political prisoners.

These COVID monsters make Hitler look like he lacked commitment.

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Well, he certainly SHOULD have been committed - as should all those willingly involved in this later global take-over attempt. In high-security facilities, of course.

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And deadly hospital COVID treatment protocols administered for profit.

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Modern societies do not have pandemics. And we did not have one, either. What we had was a propagandemic until the jabs showed up. That turned it into an iatrogenocide (that is, Dr. delivered murder.

Every modern tyranny enlists the medical system first, then the press and then the children.

How about we don't do that again?

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FREEDOM RESEARCH PODCAST #3. Nick Hudson. Similarities Between Covid and Climate Change Narratives and Thoughts on Modern Day Fascism.

Nick Hudson, chairman of PANDA, tells us in an interview how he became a leading critical voice of unscientific Covid policies and about the global challenges humanity is facing after the pandemic. https://freedomresearch.substack.com/p/freedom-research-podcast-3-nick-hudson

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Can you believe if the .04% or 1.0% over 70 would have been treated on time with proper medication too? Where was this big threat? Shame on authorities, both political and medical! medically speaking the masks were detrimental to one's health; they're blaming me for using a plastic stick to stir my coffee while creating an ecologic disaster with these undissolvable masks... humanity had survived thousands of years with slugs and bugs and we had to stop living all of sudden? It was a propaganda. planned for decades. We're in it now, they won't let go, and will keep ramping up the ways to enslave us.

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Move over 666... 0.04% is the new number of the beast !

There is no coincidence here....

0.04% just happens to be the IFR of fraudulent Covid <75.

0.04% just happens to be the proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere, that climate fraudsters demonize.

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There's gotta be something was real.

Here's my take. Bioweapon released. Human immune system destroyed bioweapon. Weakened little kitten roams the world via over-cycled PCR tests.

But my friend that was spooked into the shots by the sudden illness he and his family experienced in the late Fall of 2019, the same time one of the heartiest souls you could ever meet met the same fate in another part of rural far Northern California, has me convinced a bioweapon was released around that time and, as per Luc Montagnier's diagnosis, the human immune system would simply have to destroy the beast before it would stop, and it wouldn't stop before that happened. He didn't know how long it would take.

It took no time.


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Dr.Alexander take a look at the altered Scottish data you prior posted on, any thought ?


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Sep 22, 2023Edited
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I believe he was, like many scientists who opposed the plan

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