One of Russell's best interviews. He gave the mic to RFK, who took it and ran. Fantastic! If you haven't watched RFK Jr's announcement speech from Boston on April 19th, I highly recommend visiting Kennedy24.com or his Team Kennedy channel on YouTube. I'm trying to stay optimistic that he'll get to be on a debate stage with Biden, and that with all of his truth telling, he'll be able to stay safe.

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Yes, it was the most detailed interview of RFK, Jr about JFK's assassination.

At one point he told Russell it would take about 9 hrs to explain everything, but then proceeded fro about 15 more minutes. Massive circumstantial evidence, and his father certainly knew the CIA was behind it.

The common public doesn't know this, but I had heard credible rumors that JFK was planing to share information about the recovered crashed UFOs with the Russians and that the CIA wouldn't have any part of that.

JFK is going to cause problems with Biden, which is good - especially since they won't be able to prevent discussion about the Plandemic/Scamdemic and the harm of the Jabs.

He will need to get about 20% of the votes to force a debate.

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He’s already got 20%+

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According to an article in National Review:

The source of Kennedy’s troubles is a chronic inability to tolerate the intellectual dishonesty he finds in his antagonists. He would fully recover, returning to the life of liberal accolades he once knew, if only he didn’t have so much integrity.

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This was such a great interview

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Exceptionally good. ❤


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The only way to a successful conclusion... hear ALL sides of an argument... and keep an open mind...those who manipulate truth ..bury data... need a learn how to skew data... follow Pfizer.

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I am not a democrat, but I see in him a better candidate than others for his party.

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I DONT TRUST Kennedy jr.

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Russel Brand is just the greatest conspiracy factualist. Hands Down.

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RFK is American; Trump must win and RFK must win over Pedo. Then Robert must work for Trump, perhaps in Health, number two with you Paul and Caputo, if healthy, shot caller.

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Is that available on some non-Google site like Rumble?

I don't want to ever give any clicks to the Google censorship beast.

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Maybe that should be my goal for May: quit YouTube.

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Please do! I can usually find whatever I need without YouTube. Also, their ads got to be intolerable.

I have a goal of living a completely Google-free life. No YouTube, no Android, block all Google domains on my laptop (easy with https://obdev.at/products/littlesnitch/index.html on a Mac - not product placement, I just really like it), and of course I never use Google search or Gmail. I don't even like replying to Gmail addresses, but will if there's no way around it.

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WHY want RFK jr Release the interview him & Karen Kingston done month's ago where she shows him the Attroney that these shots are Bio Weapons. she showed him by US & international Laws there Bio Weapon's. she showed him in there own words patent's recipes research studies per reviewed journals etc there bio weapons she showed him all the laws they have broke in US & internationally. some ine needs to ask him NOW

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Sadly it is not infectious.. especially amongst politicians.

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