Russell Brand: lots we don't know; I don't know him, nor you! But he crossed the line, he did not praise Zelensky; he crossed the line as did I & McCullough, Makis, Trump, Carlson et al.; we skeptics
& contrarians e.g. Atlas, Berenson, Kulldorff, Wolf are in Alinsky cross-hairs of COVID Taliban, mandarins, pandemicists, COVIDIANS for we said Hell NO! we don't buy it! Kennedy Jr. head next?
Read CJ HOPKINS stack ‘The Criminalization of Dissent (continued)’ to understand good scholarship on the issue;
read my Brownstone piece here:
‘With that open, our focus here is on the devastating brutal attacks on scientific dissent (seminal article in Brownstone Institute) about lockdown type policies, whereby prognosticators, dissenters, and contrarians (Atlas, Gupta, Kulldorff, Bhattacharya, Heneghan, Jefferson, Alexander, Tenenbaum, McCullough, Risch, Tucker, Bridle, Wolf, Ladapo, Oskoui, Trozzi, Christian, Hodkinson, Gill, Makary, Merritt, Vliet, Epstein, Davis Hanson, Levitt etc.), who raise questions about the clearly flawed and failed lockdown policies (including those regarding vaccine mandates especially for children and the denial of early outpatient treatment), are smeared and attacked by the media and by ex cathedra academic and medical peers, including universities, and now, by the scientific journal publishing domain. We are referring to invidious, vicious, malicious, and often ruthless career-altering attacks that are lobbed against anyone who dares to speak out and voice their often ‘expert’ opinions against failed Covid-19 orthodoxies. These smears and slanders and even verbal and physical threats originate from persons (often those in the research medical community) who disagree with a skeptic’s position on Covid-19 public health policies. Regardless of if the contrarian is making sensible and often accurate assessments.
Dissenters are subjected to punishing firings, intimidation, and maligning of their names that result in tremendous and overwhelming losses to the contrarian’s personal safety, welfare, and livelihood. There is this ‘cancel culture mob mentality’ that ensues, and the threats and harassment are incredibly troubling, even when the skeptical academic (s) lays out their view that is entirely evidence-based. There is no room for free speech.’
Read this by Blumenthal:
This is their well established M.O. Disagree, or even question, the Establishment and let the smear campaigns fly. Typical response from spineless, gutless schmucks.
"Trial by the media" Given that the media are unapologetic dispicable liars, esp. in the time of covid, are we to believe them ... ever? Qui bono.