This is their well established M.O. Disagree, or even question, the Establishment and let the smear campaigns fly. Typical response from spineless, gutless schmucks.

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"Trial by the media" Given that the media are unapologetic dispicable liars, esp. in the time of covid, are we to believe them ... ever? Qui bono.

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Canadian citizens funded the National Citizens Inquiry and the testimonies of those who were silenced speak volumes to the treason occurring in Ottawa. WEXIT will work. Real Canadians don't believe in Ottawa anymore.

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Jumping on the “Silence Russell Brand” Wagon?


How reassuring it is to see that our ruling class cares so very deeply about protecting the vulnerable from sexual predation! I had begun to think they weren’t concerned, given their “ho hum” indifference towards the scandals surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s questionable friendships with Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and other global elites; given their antipathy towards the movie Sound of Freedom (“Don’t see it! It’s just a Q-Anon conspiracy film!”); given their full-throated support of “child-friendly drag shows” and the idea that it’s okay for government officials to secretly counsel 12-year-old children to get mutilated in order to pretend to be a different gender; etc. But suddenly, just when you thought they didn’t care, they miraculously do care, and they want YOU to care, that Russell Brand did some allegedly bad things to vulnerable women 15 to 20 years ago. What a relief!

I’m sure the regime’s newfound commitment to fighting against sexual exploitation has nothing whatsoever to do with Russell Brand’s very public criticism of the high-level corruption around COVID, Ukraine, etc. I’m sure the ruling elites would never try to get someone removed from public life merely because they find his message threatening to their interests. Not like they would ever do such a thing — well, aside from that time with Tucker Carlson getting fired from Fox. Oh, and that time they tried to smear Joe Rogan as a racist (which is one of the few mortal sins left in this postmodern cultural wasteland) because he was getting too loud about the holes in the mainstream narrative surrounding COVID. And I guess they kind of are doing this presently to the former President of the United States and the chief political rival of the current President. And I suppose they did do that to the Canadian Trucker Convoy protestors. And . . . well, okay, so I guess they do this sort of thing a lot, but that is absolutely NOT what’s happening now. This is 1000% on the up and up, completely and entirely because the powers-that-be are now very concerned about protecting the vulnerable from sexual harm and exploitation — unless those vulnerable people happen to be schoolchildren in the State of California. But otherwise, yes, the regime is very concerned. And so should you be!

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With Russell, I am surprised it took so long....many think he is contolled opposition....I guess not....

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"All is masquerade!" One of my postulates is, much as the Mafia would offer a sacrificial lamb who would do a few years in jail, so a DA could look tough, folks like Brand are often asked to take a public beating. Why?

Well, look what Trump "endured?" If you believe he is not a member of the group running the world, his martyrdom showed normal people they could never win. if he was just another Zionist touching the Wailing Wall, he took some potshots, but he and his family ultimately are far wealthier today than when he was in office.

Folks like Brand, are original Satanists. Like I showed earlier, he spent years hanging out with Jimmy Savile and the pedo crew in Buckingham Palace in the early 2000's. When Convid hits, he is asked to gain the confidence of the "truthers" and allowed to say a few anti-convid things. He gains trust, and then is "publicly executed." True or false, the normal person watching is demoralized, stunned, and walks away feeling "what can I do, look how they treated Russel, Kanye, Donald, et al."

Real, 8D Chess.

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The more the cancel culture marxists do this, the more it will backfire

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He neither made a pilgrimage to Kiev nor donated to Zelensky. He failed to swear allegiance to the Ukronazis. He did not even give Zelensky a headjob. He committed the unpardonable sin.

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They Were Throwing Pussy

At Russell Brand.

By All Reports

Half Of Them Raped Him.

Or Would Have

If They Had To.


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Brand told Yuval Noah Harari I love you as he squeezed hugged him tightly.

The video is out there. That is enough to turn the stomach. Every one Black Ball this Prick

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Russell Brand is a Masonic tool. Look into him. He is a woo-woo New Ager put in place for specific purposes. Mainlined to you from the UN and Alice Bailey and The Lucis Trust. He's an entertainer. Do you know what that means? He entertains.

It's discouraging to see how many people are defending him based on their own bias without taking the time to investigate or consider the facts. I am NOT saying this isn't a setup. I'm saying Brand is no hero. He's controlled by a bunch of old men wearing fezes who believe Lucifer is god. Okay? How cool is that?

This is the kind of conspiracy howling that discredits everything being said. Has it dawned on anyone this may be the very purpose of Brand's latest venture?

But, hey, don't listen to me. Go ask QAnon! Yeah...there's the ticket.

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Zelendkys wife went on a shopping spree in Paris to the tune of 100s of thousands while thry were trying to get money from france. Hillary supports zdlenskey wife shopping sprees. They are so hard done by war eh

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“COVID Taliban!” 😂

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