Don’t need time. These women waited a very LONG TIME to make these allegations. Oh wait! Just in time for another election and another total BS Covid panic again. These people are tiresome

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They are targeted him , the name of the game is to destroy anyone that speaks the truth .

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I'm surprised it took this long for TPTB to go after him. He's crossed societal and political lines of division quite successfully. We simply cannot have that, can we?

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Same’ol obvious playbook. I am so tired of these decades old group claims. Yawn….

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He knew a smear attack was imminent because he has been rigorously questioning the false narratives. This is nothing more than an attempt to undermine Brand’s influence and the only ones who will believe it are those who are still asleep to the truth of the cabal’s work. Bottom line is that if you are telling the truth, expect to be attacked for it!

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I can say with almost 100% certainty it's a load of crap. I don't have to be a fan of Russell Brand to recognize a hit job when I see one.

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Inocent until proven guilty.

Russell is reaching those who would otherwise not be informed. He's a huge threat to the demonic cabal.

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It all seems a bit suspicious to me. Before covid, I knew who RB was but payed him no mind, thought he was part of the Hollyweird crowd for which I have no value. Somehow YT recommended his channel to me and I started watching. My opinion changed, he seems genuine, he's smart. I don't watch all his videos but he is right over the target on some topics. I don't know what happened in the past but very suspect why this is all coming out now.

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They are not trying to silence him. It is too late for that. They are trying to PUNISH him and silence anyone else who might be thinking of bringing the truth to light.

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We are deep into the territory of "show me the man and I ll show you the crime".

-Attributed to Soviet secret police chief Lavrentiy Beria.

Quite applicable in these times.

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My story opened the #metoo movement in Australia yet I am questioning the timing and nature of this revelation. Sadly the situation with Brittany Higgins also appears to be false. I fear the movement has become too weaponised 🥲

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The problem is the damage is done and the women are going to come forward in their droves as Channel 4 left an contact email for their fishing expedition not caring whether or not he is guilty. What was acceptable even a decade ago is taboo now. Yet, these women happily threw themselves at him knowing he was a drug and sex addict. Now they’ll cry “wolf!”. If they had concrete evidence they would have provided it in the documentary. One alleged victim claims she went to a rape clinic. Why was no evidence provided to support that? Why now? I think we all know the answer to that.

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It’s all rather disgusting and the players need a reckoning in the highest order. 🤬

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Project Veritas was destroyed nere days,after undercover work exposed Pfeizer in a huge way.

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Russell Brand rape accusations:

Afaik, there was only one accusation of rape.

Multiple women have come forward to say, as horny as he was, he never put pressure on them; furthermore, they could never imagine he would.

He seems a stand-up guy, funny and dangerous to the lunatic, rogue, Uber Capitalist Class.

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