My friend and I rushed out to Van Gogh exhibit in Sept 2021 because we knew apartheid was coming. When it came later in 2021, and I saw people standing in line for the exhibit, I knew each person in line would have me in a camp. They surely didn’t get the irony of seeing work by an artist who went his own way against orthodoxy

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I am proudly bioweapon free and will stay that way!

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I objected to the shot based on my understanding of immunology and the fact that I had natural immunity and that covid was not dangerous to me, and the shot would not stop infection , spread and transmission. AND AND AND... political grounds because the people pushing it were pushing it as part of a POLITICAL agenda.

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Why would I ever have any vaccination after over 45 years of not having them? I am still alive and that's partly because I avoid ALL big pharma drug poisons. Drugs and the medical mafia are not your friends if you want to live well or longer.

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I’m glad that I am part of a segment of society that opted out of the shot. As time has rolled on we now see who were the critical thinkers in this whole scenario that refused to be intimidated by the group think. As we dove into the pandemic we sought to protect our health in alternate ways, believing in what most of us were taught about natural immunity. We supported one another and stood our ground despite the masses in and around us calling for our arrest and forced vaccination, ect because we were dangers to society. We knew better. Karma is coming. I love Russel Brand.

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

You can bet Don Lemonade did not take the poison bio weapon vaccine.. He is in a double protected class..

MSM and LGBTQ********************* Probably a climate Con activist or proponent also. He never took it for sure.. So its do as I say, not as I do..

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

Did Don Lemon really have the mRNA shot? I notice that none of the MSM talking heads in America are dying unexpectedly. Not a single vaccine injury among the bunch. With multiple boosters too. Hmmm.

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

What a business model CNN (and a number of other corporations) has; deceive customers into entering a death lottery. Have they somehow persuaded them to bequeath their estates to CNN, Houston Methodist, or whatever church or university?

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Dr. Alexander.....BOMB SHELL OUT OF JAPAN - investigation has started due to MILLIONS of deaths after receiving the COVID shot. I hope you can reach out and help them. Believe me this corrupt administration is going to do EVERYTHING they can to stop or coerce Japan into saying they found no correlation. The US has a hold over Japan. The largest Marine base in the world is in Japan.


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Relatedly-- from the end of the Matthew Miller Skow and Nicholas Strumphauzer's documentary film for the Stew Peters Network, "Died Suddenly."




JOE BIDEN: Get vaccinated. It's incredibly effective, but the truth is, not enough people are getting it. We've got to change that so we can all have a safe and healthy holiday season.


[scene from a concert]

MUSICIAN ON STAGE: Let me hear it if you've had the Pfizer vaccine!

VAST DANCING CROWD: [hands up, cheers]

MUSICIAN ON STAGE: Let me hear it for Moderna!

CROWD: [hands up, cheers]


CROWD: [hands up, cheers]

[screen reads: Let us never forget what they have done]

[credits roll]


DON LEMON [CNN]: The people who are not getting vaccines, who are believing the lies on the Internet instead of science, it's time to start shaming them.

[cut to:]

PIERS MORGAN [British journalist]: If you refuse to be vaccinated you shouldn't get the same rights as people who've been vaccinated.

[credits roll]

GENE SIMMONS [rock star]: If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated you are an enemy.

[credits roll]

[cut to:]

JIMMY KIMMEL [Late night TV host]: That choice doesn't seem tough to me. Vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes come right on in, we'll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace, wheezy [audience clapping, laughter]

[credits roll]

[cut to:]

HOWARD STERN [radio show host]: When are we going to stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say, now it's mandatory to get vaccinated. Fu*k 'em, fu*k their freedom! I want my freedom to live.

[credits roll]

[cut to:]

DOLLY PARTON: [singing to the tune of her song "Joleen"] Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine

I'm begging of you please don't hesitate

Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine

because once you're dead then that's a bit too late


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Russell Brand’s video was a delight to see today a year later. Thanks for giving us a different viewpoint on this overwhelmingly debated topic when there is no debate on what’s happening!

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So now who’s shaming the vaccinated as they seem to be clogging up the ER & most funeral homes unfortunately 🤷‍♀️🙊🙈🙉💉

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Very intelligent scientists warned about the social costs of insane Covid policies. No one listened.

We Need a Radically Different Approach to the Pandemic and Our Economy as a Whole (initially posted Sept 2020)


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The radicals Dems love to shame people into giving in and Rinos tuck their tails between their legs and routinely give in. Thank goodness it isn’t working in the House right now as Biden tries to shame Republicans into choosing a pushover as the majority leader. By saying that they should be “ashamed of themselves” proves to me that Biden knows nothing about leadership and how true winners stand for American values. There is no negotiating when it comes to freedom!

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Bloody brilliant

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