I was no fan of Donald Trump before he became President! I thought he was just a big loud mouthed, full of himself, brash talking New Yorker Real Estate Business Man! He went bankrupt at least 4 times I know of probably gaming the system, hustling, lying, cheating and stepping on whoever he had to and however he could to make his Billions! Using taxpayer money for his Casinos and real estate deals I would bet and sleeping with whoever whenever he could to satisfy his ego! I did not like his TV show, “The Apprentice” and I thought his “your fired” schtick was rude and crude and never watched 2 seconds of any of it!

But then he ran for President and said he would close up our Southern border and begin building a border wall; and he did! He said he would straighten out our disastrous NAFTA treaty with Mexico and Canada that sent thousands of our jobs and billions of our dollars to Mexico and benefitted Canada farmers over our farmers and he did! He took on the corrupt Democrats and Left Wing Liberal Lame Main Stream Mockingbird Media Mob head on and punched them back five times harder than they hit him and I loved every minute of it all while exposing them and their RINO counterparts for exactly who and what they are, Swamp Creatures who have sold out our country to the highest bidders!!! He signed peace treaty after peace treaty between Israel and Arab nations and basically brought peace to the Middle East! He went to see Kim Jong Un of North Korea and set him straight and shut him up!!! He established better trade and tariff rates with China and brought power back to the Presidency establishing with PUTIN and Xi that he was not to be fucked with and they respected him! He made all of Europe pony up and pay their fair share of their NATO fees!!! He made us energy independent and for the first time ever an energy exporter and not an importer!! He gave ten years of funding to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) when they had been having to grovel before Nancy Pelosi and Congress every year to get their yearly funding goals met! He released hundreds of African Americans from prison for minor felony offenses! All while fighting tooth and nail with Democrats, RINO’S, the Media, Antifa and BLM!!!


Did he miss the mark on the Covid vax? Yep! Am I happy about him pushing it? Nope! Did he push alternative therapies like HCQ, Zinc, sunlight, ivermectin and antibody therapies that worked? Yes he did! Did he lock us down or put in place mask mandates? No he didn’t!!!

So, compared to what we have had in the Oval Office every year since Ronald Reagan, he has been LIGHT YEARS BETTER THAN THE REST and even with him still not abandoning the vax and speaking against it, I will take him any day over more of what is happening to our country today!!!

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They did this years ago to NIXON destroyed him, funny HILLARY was involved in that then as well;

My granny used to say when I was a kid "Poor Nixon, never did anything the demoRats didn't do"

But the demoRats got away with demonizing Nixon and running him from DC

Same now post J6 if conservatives go to DC they will be jailed, if anybody try's to run for POTUS as a conservative they will be jailed;

Long ago the MSM & Elite owners of USA proved that they could take down POTUS with no backlash, forever,

This is not a new story, its mostly a story that 99% of the USA is dumb-asses parked in front of the TV, now porn on mobile-phone;

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Don’t use YT. Use rumble.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

Donny Blowhard. He's been persecuted deliberately so that he can become a messiah figure.

Well I say, to hell with all of those involved in Depop 1.0. Only reason Uniparty made him President for 4 years was to get Republicans to uptake the Clot Shot. No way you get small government folks to voluntarily take the Slab Jab with Hillary at the helm of the Emergency Use Authorization.

But create a messiah on the right out of a lifelong Democrat and... BOOM >60% of Republicans volunteer for a Big Government Depop Program.

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I believe all of us with Substack know the truth of all efforts to stop Trump from being voted back into office are feeble attempts by inferior minds acting the only way they know how, and I'm sure there is not one of them who will be able to fix the next election so Trump does not get back in office. That is why they are doing what ever no matter how useless or criminal to keep him from being able to run. These people will be in prison or hung when the truth is revealed to the world and there will no way for them to lie their way out of their crimes anymore. Same here in Canada. I and many others are waiting with anticipation for their end.

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So the big Trump show is tomorrow.. Make sure everyone keeps a close tab on the news tomorrow.. Normally what happens is they use these events and they time them to news they do not want you to know about so pay attention to everything news wise except trump tomorrow..

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All I'm going to say is, VIOLENCE created nearly every nation on Earth, worth having. The rest, were bankers and dynastic families carving up the profits, they use to keep us bickering on here. Or Twatter, or Gab, or making "edgy" videos on Rumble for normies just now discovering their testicles atrophied 30 years ago.

You guys REALLY want an honest government? Then fuck up the evil ones.

Hail victory.

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It’s all distractions until they get the WHO an “Emergency Powers Agreement” so the WHO can track over global healthcare. It’s the only way to cover the Covid shot created health tragedy coming. Global coverup of cosmic proportions

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If one understood the temperament of a real New Yorker, then one could understand why Trump is who he is. Not many people understand the NY mentality and when you are young and inexperienced and forced to face the real world in a fast-paced reality with no time to rest...you learn to stand defensive quickly...especially in NY. Rich or not...it’s a hard life. You either sink or swim in a fast paced, shark pool where they’ll eat you alive if you don’t know your stuff hands down. From experience, It’s extremely competitive and cut-throat. Crude, Rude...call it what you want. You have many depending on you to make nanosecond decisions that can make or break a huge contract deal. You have to know the ins-and-out of the business from the ground up as well as listen, value and cherish the insight fed to you by trusted, subordinate specialists you count on and hired to weigh the benefits and consequences of tough decisions. It’s the outcome of those decisions that can make or break a business. (Imagine being secretly undermined by people you didn’t hire...i.e...Fauci/Birx, etc.!)

It is an extremely stressful, high-pressured and demanding position being a CEO or business owner, especially when it involves a lot of money, the fate of the business’s success, as well as the health, happiness and well-being of staff/ employees and their families. There’s a tremendous amount of responsibility riding on their shoulders and one must continually prove they can handle it, especially under constant heavy scrutiny and pressure.

Critics will ALWAYS be critics. One can call it egotistical or instead call it ambition. Call it what you want...rude, crude...etc. It’s only when one has walked the walk and talked the talk and understands the deep intricacies of triumphs and failures being immersed amongst the circling sharks will they understand why Trump is the way he is. Being brought up in rough and tough NY does force and teach one how to fight to survive. Trump is a fighter.

Trump has a deep sense of pride, ambition, a great sense of humor, and an ability to connect with people. He loves his country. He has a high expectation of others, especially in positions of authority. Know your stuff and prove you do or you’re out. It’s that simple. Would anyone want to have to work harder to cover and make up for dead weight? Is that fair?

Ask yourself some questions...

Would you rather have a seasoned pilot with loads of experience at the helm or someone who’s less experienced and checks the boxes?

Would you rather have someone who makes plans and follows through with them or someone who makes false promises?

Would you rather have someone who has the courage and ability to make tough, rash decisions or someone who has obvious cognitive and/or mental debilitating issues?

Would you rather have someone who loves your country or one who hates it?

Would you rather have someone owned with strings attached or someone free at will to act and do what’s best for the people and the fate of their country?

Whether you like Trump’s personality or not is unimportant. No one is perfect. It’s about his strength, ability and effectiveness to lead a nation with courage, integrity and a vision. He has drive and compassion to do good work for its people protecting them along the way upholding his duty to the Constitution. The United States was founded and built on strong religious beliefs and moral values. A system of law and order arose to protect those valued principles. When the system is challenged, as it is today, Congress needs to step in to enact its rightful authority.

Some may not like their boss’s personality, but if they’re effective and good at their job keeping the business booming and allowing you a paycheck to support your needs, then be content with that and 🤐.

It’s that simple!

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Good Russell brand

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What's wrong with you Dr. Alexander? Did you have to put a picture of President Trump in that

disgusting color? Don't you have any respect for President Trump? Apparently, NOT.

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I think brand is good at recognizing that such actions only present Trump as looking like a genuine anti establishment candidate . It sure looks like a ploy to help get Trump re elected . Rather I see it as the establishment pulling strings to play out a narrative

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The trailer for the next Bond film is out, featuring an updated, more “woke” ladies man fully imbued with the attributes our world needs in order to heal from the ravages of The Patriarchy.


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I think they all did to advance there careers one party makes a mess the other one will apologize for it and tell us it is what it is we have to deal with what we have at hand. Sorry Typical political mumbo jumbo

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