'Russia claims US masterminded drone attack on Kremlin'; Biden et al., neocons, Zelensky have drawn US into a matter that is of no interest to the US & now we are near WW III; Biden flipped Russia to
China, ensured Putin moved on Ukraine in his presidency due to the games being played and look now, look where we are; can you imagine a nation flying drones over the White House or congress?
This is a very dangerous situation now. What are we to believe? We just read US has some form of special forces in Ukraine too? Why? It is becoming clear that this really is the US fighting Russia. I hope you readers understand that.
I lay this madness at the feet of Zelensky himself and the neocons in DC, these madmen who orchestrated the Iraq etc. war. This entire Russia-Ukraine matter should have not occurred.
I guess a key question to me is how could it have gotten so deep into Russia to get to the Kremlin? Is this a weakness it showed? MAny questions but for sure, crazy things are happening and the US government under Biden is atop it and pushing it. A unified China and Russia as Biden’s madmen have done, will present a disaster to the US and thus full nuclear war is now possible.
Lots of questions about this drone. How was it deployed in Russia? Who was behind it?
Yes, clearly the "neocons" and the fake Biden admin. are behind this, because they want war. They want to precipitate a nuclear war so they can institute their plan to destroy the USA as we know it.
Who is our enemy? The deep state, the US State Dept., the illegitimate Biden regime, are the enemies of the people, along with the legacy media who propagandize the people instead of informing them.
Otherwise, Americans would know that the traitors in DC have been supporting a corrupt nazi regime in Ukraine, that was installed by the coup in 2014 led by the Obama state dept.
GLNPs in food weren’t working fast enough so they conned 5.5 billion people into being directly injected with it. Still, apart from the wave of deaths and harm they’ll have to wait 3 to 5yrs for the full effect. In the meantime why not provoke a nuclear war to move things along? The pandemic wasn’t about containing the covid-19 coronavirus. It was about containing the human virus.