Lots of questions about this drone. How was it deployed in Russia? Who was behind it?

Yes, clearly the "neocons" and the fake Biden admin. are behind this, because they want war. They want to precipitate a nuclear war so they can institute their plan to destroy the USA as we know it.

Who is our enemy? The deep state, the US State Dept., the illegitimate Biden regime, are the enemies of the people, along with the legacy media who propagandize the people instead of informing them.

Otherwise, Americans would know that the traitors in DC have been supporting a corrupt nazi regime in Ukraine, that was installed by the coup in 2014 led by the Obama state dept.

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GLNPs in food weren’t working fast enough so they conned 5.5 billion people into being directly injected with it. Still, apart from the wave of deaths and harm they’ll have to wait 3 to 5yrs for the full effect. In the meantime why not provoke a nuclear war to move things along? The pandemic wasn’t about containing the covid-19 coronavirus. It was about containing the human virus.

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Biden has clearly lost his entire mind so it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine him being involved with the drone attack. I don't know what he's expecting to happen, but one things for sure, if he and Ukraine keep poking the bear (Putin) shits gonna get real, and fast.

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The clown show continues. They require psychiatric evaluations for gun buyers, police, doctors, and dozens of other purposes. But absolutely none for any government official. We have seen over the last 25 years, that they are mostly complete imbeciles, insane, or flat out retarded in some way. Yet, these are the arrogant bums that would destroy our planet to satisfy their greed, arrogance, lust for power and hatred or us and of themselves for living.

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Zelensky is literally just an actor playing a role. The masterminds are in DC. Ukraine wouldn't dare try to assassinate Putin without US backing to do so.

I wouldn't be shocked to learn that the goal is to have Putin reciprocate and take out President Pee-pants. That gives us a causus belli and clears the field for the Deep State to attach a more telegenic puppet to its strings for the 2024 campaign.

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Either Uk and Zelensky are out of control or Biden authorized this stupid dangerous attack

Get us out of this War!

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No one in the West is now in control. The War is being exploited by those who wish to see a nuclear armageddon。 However, Putin and his Core Team are fully in control and will deliver their response in coming days.

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Totally agree that this debacle should not have occurred and it is a Neo-con pushed event in conjunction with the military/industrial complex with its massively funded lobby. Zelensky is an idiot but a great stooge for the US and always was which is why the US placed him in office. It did this despite the influence of Nazi ideology and the vicious attacks on Russian citizenry in eastern Ukraine going back almost 10 yrs. Biden is responsible for supporting this but Trump was no innocent in its development. People need to understand the geo-political and economic importance of Ukraine for the US corporate interests. Major grain producer for one. More frightening though are the bio-weapons labs funded by the US in that country. We, the public, knew of at least 4 at the beginning of this war but now it seems there are many more. This is frightening. Why the heck is the US producing toxic microbes in a fascist country! This is not Biden but the core of the oligarchy of this country and its goals.

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Yes, a nuclear Armageddon is closer than ever. Not sure if Zelensky is in full control of events. For sure, Zelensky is not likely to enjoy his ill-gotten corruption. Targeting Putin has crossed the line...Zelensky will be targetted by the hypersonic missiles. Russia can track his movements.

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Who "invested" $5 Billion-with-a-B in the Euro-Maidan mob in 2013, that became "the most blatant coup in history", to get this party started ?


A coup soon followed by the "Odessa massacre", Kiev's war on resistance to the new government in Donbas, and Hunter Biden's Million$-a-year Burisma Gas Company "job".

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The purpose of the US is war. Simple. By any means necessary, outside it’s borders and inside it’s borders.

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Russia is a massive land area. The attack on the Crimea bridge, the killing of the Russian war blogger and other attacks were all done within Russia. Not difficult to attack the Kremlin from within Moscow itself. Russia is now in fury and will respond in coming days.

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If Biden was involved, what a mistake

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I am so sick of the supposed right still spinning and covering for the deep state,pay attention, listen,read between the lines.Zalensky was installed by the deep state,he's just the cover for their attack on Russia. NATO is the deep state as are those running American government they don't want Putin in power because he knows who they are and won't be part of their NWO.

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Of course is the US doing all this bullshit! With the help of the US and NATO and the EU but the US is in the front, bunch of communist motherfuckers!

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Yes your facts .

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